Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

7 Am
Ash: The first one awake and gets ready and has a little time to eat and train a little since he is in a great mood mostly because of yesterday.
Serina: up 30 minutes later and sees he is already out and decides to join him after eating breakfast.
Gary: been up for a few minutes and ready and been watching them Wow Ash is full of energy today. He must have had a great time yesterday and when he is happy he is fired up. says while eating on the go and heading to his class that happens to be next door to Ash's and Serina's class
Serina: Yeah I think yesterday he just needed that break, just look how happy he is today. He was the first one up today.
Gary: Wow, That is so unlike him he usually has a hard time waking up.
Serina: Yeah I think that something good has happened over the weekend.
Ash: It is because Bonnie turns 10 tomorrow and she gets to start her journey and I am happy for her. She has been wanting to battle me for a while but she was too young.
Serina: I totally forgot, I think she told me she wants Fennekin as her starter like me.
Braixen: Brai brain brai happy to hear that
Gary: Who is she?
Ash&Serina: she traveled with us when we were in Kalos.
Gary: Makes sense why Ash is so happy today.
Ash: I hope we can go see them.
Serina: It would be nice to explore Kalos again.
Gary: I would like to see it.
after the first class
Ash: I will be right back will you watch Pikachu quickly?
Serina: Yes.
Ash: Thanks goes off to do a thing quick
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika understands and stays with her because what he is doing he wants a pricey like a normal person wants.
Ash: comes back Thank you.
Serina: You're welcome we should head to class.
Ash: Right, heads there with a big smile on his face
Serina: also has a smile on her face
After the second class
Ash: I can't believe that we are going to Kalos tomorrow to visit Professor Sycamore and learn about Mega elevation some more.
Serina: me neither and he did say a trainer was starting her journey tomorrow as well. I am guessing it is Bonnie.
Gary: I can't wait either I want to explore the area.
Ash: It is very pretty and at night he will give us time and maybe we can hang out with Clemont and Bonnie as well.
Serina: Yeah, are there any Pokémon you want to see Gary?
Gary: Yes, Greninja I want to see that one.
Ash: Maybe we will run into mine.
Gary: You have one?
Ash: Yep and there is a special bond we have between us. 
Serina: Are you going to do what I think?
Ash: Maybe, if he shows up It would be good to do so. But it takes a lot of me.
Serina: Yep at least you don't get knocked out like when you first started.
Ash: Yep and the name Bonnie came up with is a cool name.
Serina: Ash greninja.
Gary: What's that?
Serina: You might get to see what happens.
Gary: Ok.
Ash: Yep I hope he shows up knowing Bonnie she would not stop bugging me about it.
Serina: Yep.
Gary: Wow I can't wait to meet her. Are you going to bring along any Pokémon besides your Kalos team?
Ash: Yes I have been thinking about Lucario he can Mega evolve and I want to show him in person.
Serina: I hope we don't run into Miette I heard they are holding a Master class performance while we are there and the winner will try to get my title.
Ash: They will have to try hard I have been practicing and teaching others. I believe in you.
Serna: Thanks and I hope there won't be anyone to interview you. I still remember that day you were not having it.
Ash: Me too and you're welcome, I don't like big crowds much, and I was tired and frustrated at the same time because I was not getting the space I needed, and with the help that day or I would lose and regret it.
Serina: Yeah and I hope to see my mom again I miss her.
Ash: Have you told her we are together?
Serina: Yes and she supports us as long I don't forget contested and with you and battles.
Gary: Yep that is good and you haven't forgotten them you practice every day and teach others about them and you are working on trying to get a contest at the end of the year?
Serina: Yep I have to talk to the person in charge of the program and if we get a yes I will do it.
Ash: I am glad you did and I know what clothes I have chosen I want to wear already.
Serina: The ones from Kalos?
Ash: Yes those are my favorite.
Serina: I knew it, and you look Handsome in it.
Ash: smiles
Serina: Yep smiles back
Next day
Clemont: Is making his sister's favorite for breakfast for her 10th birthday and food for the Pokémon I got everything ready for her birthday and Dennie will officially be hers but she still can choose a starter as well. And Ash and Serina are coming today and Greninja has been around and I have a feeling he will show up today. Also, I want to be there when she gets her Pokémon so I am going to be there. Also, I have a feeling Ash wants to battle me aging. Also, she wants to be a gym leader like me. She is always wanting to help me many times. So I might do that now she is old enough. But she will have to finish school first. talks to himself
Bonnie: *wakes up Happy* Happy birthday to me. and Dennie Is officially mine but not quite yet not until I get my Pokeballs. I can't wait to help my brother with his gym. The only thing that would make this day great is if Ash and Serina were here. I already know what Pokémon I want, I want Fennekin like Serina. I look up to her as a sister and I have fun with her. says while getting ready for the day and then brushes Dennine
Dennine: Den Den Den enjoying the brushing
Clemont: Happy birthday Bonnie I made your favorite food.
Bonnie: Yay sits down and eats Too bad Ash and Serina are not here for today.
Clemont: Yeah hiding something from her since the professor told him that they will have guests today from Kanto
Bonnie: Can I help you in the gym today? After I get my Pokémon.
Clemont: Yes you are fastened by battles like Ash. Also Dennie is now officially yours now. you took great care of it when I caught it for you when we first started traveling with Ash.
Bonnie: Yep I wanted to prove I can be a great trainer as Ash one day.
Clemont: Yeah but one thing I need you to promise me to keep up your schoolwork. That means there won't be times you can't help me but I can manage.
Bonnie: I know I am willing to do anything to be a helper in your gym.
Clemont: We should go get your Pokémon he should be there, thinks the students will be there as well
Bonnie: Yay grabs her bag that her dad got her for her journey and runs out with Dennine Hurry bother.
Clemont: Slow down Bonnie, I know it is exiting but when we get to the lab we need to walk in. He might be busy.
Bonnie: Ok, What is going one that he will be busy?
Clemont: Working, rember his job is way more then giving out new Pokémon.
Bonnie: Right. 
with the professors and the class
Professor Sycamore: teaching them about Mega elevation
Gary: interested
Professor Sycamore: all needs a Key stone but there is one Person who created a very strong bound with there Pokémon. shows the class his stone
Gary: Oh?
Ash: Yep fells greninja is close He is close.
Class: How do you know?
Ash: I have a felling he is.
Professor Sycamore: Yep Ash he is close He is right behind you and Serina.
Ash: That explains why it is very strong felling. turns around and hugs him
Professor Sycamore: smiles
Serina: That was sneaky but that it is like that he is a ninja.
Gary&class: What is that bond you where talking about with them?
Professor Sycamore: explains the whole story
Ash: Yep.
Gary what is that name Bonnie calls him?
Bonnie&Serina: Ash greninja says at the same time without noticing it
Ash&Serina: Heard her voice and looks that door Bonnie Happy Birthday
Bonnie: Thanks, hugs them
Ash&Serina: hugs back
Clemont: This was all the professes Idea.
Professor Sycamore: Yep I knew you wanted to see them aging So I talked to Professor Oak and we arrange this whole thing. 
Bonnie: For real?
Clemont: For real.
Professor Oak: Yep and I brought one more Pokémon. Ash have your mega elevation gear with you?
Ash: Yes. pulls it out and puts it on
Professor Oak: tosses the ball to him
Ash: Lucario I chose you.
Lucario: comes out of the ball happy
Ash: also happy
Class: Wait Ash can do special things with 2 Pokémon?
Professor Sycamore: Yep. One is a bond that is very strong, and one is Mega elevation.
Class: That is so cool.
Professor Sycamore: Bonnie Ready to chose your starter?
Bonnie: Yes.
Serina: brings out Braixen
Ash: Pikachu, Lucario, greninja, Let's watch.
 Pikachu, Lucario, greninja: nodes in agreement
Professor Sycamore: It is time to chose between these 3 starters, Chespin The grass starter, Fennekin The fire starter, and Froakie The water starter.
Bonnie: I already know who to chose walks over to Fennekin and interduces herself
Fennekin: Fen fen smiles and hops up into her arms
Professor Sycamore: Good choice.
Bonnie: Thanks, One day I want to be like Serina.
Serina: If you work hard you can be like me but on your own path. Like you want to run your own gym one day.
Bonnie: Yep and be a great trainer like Ash and maybe find someone as cool as Ash looks at them like she knows they are a couple
Ash: gets a little nervous
Serina: same
Gary: Should we move on? Knowing that they are nervous and does not want to say in the front of the class.
Ash&Serina: silently said thanks you got us out of a tough spot
Gary: nodes in agreement as you're welcome
Professor Sycamore: Here is your pokedex and pokeballs and one extra because I think a Critten Pokémon is officially yours now.
Bonnie: Thank you, Dennine ready?
Dennine: den den runs over and gets in his new home right away
Bonnie: welcome to the team Dennine lets him out
 Fennekin: Fen Fen Fen happy
Class: Ash can you show us Mega Loucardo, please?
Ash: Sure.
Serina&Clemont: thinks phew they are not asking for Ash greninja because he seamed a little tired then normal today.
Professor Sycamore: Let's Head outside.
Ash: Yes good Idea. 
Bonnie: Your lab has been messed up a bunch.
Clemont: Bonnie.
Bonnie: It is the truth Team rocket had messed or destroyed a few times.
Ash: true.
Class: Team rocket?
Gary&Serina&Ash&Bonnie&Clemont: They are bad guys to catch Pokémon.
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika pika pika pika pika pika pika pika.
Braixen: brai brai brai.
Dennine: Den den.
lucardo&Greennija: Also agrees
Class: you had to deal with them?
Ash: Yes ever seance I left for my Journey.
class: ok, heads outside
Gary&Serina&Ash&Bonnie&Clemont: same
Ash: Serina will you battle me? I need a strong person.
Serina: How about Bonnie? She has been wanting to battle you for a long time.
Ash: Ok Bonnie how about that idea?
Bonnie: alright.
Clemont: Wait if he has plans to mega evolve his Pokémon you will need a strong Pokémon and you can barrow one of mine.
Bonnie: alright.
Ash: and after if you want I can battle  Fennekin angst Pikachu.
Bonnie: Sounds like a deal.
Ash: Alright lets do this. 
Clemont: Take great care of Luxray my stornest Pokémon.
Bonnie: I will.
during the battle
Ash: I can fell it what about you Lucario?
Lucario: nodes in agreement.
Greninja: same because he can also fell it.
Ash: The bond between us, Mega evolve.
Lucario: fells it and does it.
Ash: Aura Sphere.
Lucario: uses it and nocks out Luxray.
Class: Wow That was so cool.
Lucario: de transform.
Class: why did he do that?
Professor Sycamore: when a battle is over they don't need it anymore and they turn back to normal.
Ash: Yep, Bonnie ready for Fennekin  and Pikachu?
Bonnie Yes thanks Bother for letting me barrow one of your Pokémon.
Clemont: Your welcome I had a felling he would do that so I kept it even.
Ash: that makes  since she is starting out you want her to have a chance.
Clemont: yep.
Bonnie: Fennekin I chose you.
Fennekin: Fen fen fen ready to battle.
Ash: Pikachu I chose you.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika ready to battle but not to hard to give her a chance.
Clemont: battle begin.
Bonnie: Fennekin use Ember.
Fennekin: fen fen uses it.
Ash: Pikachu doge and use Thunder bolt.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika does just that.
Bonnie: Fennekin Doge and use Flame thrower.
Fennekin: fen fen does that and hits him.
Ash: Pikachu use Iron tail.
Pikachu pika pika pika pika does that.
Bonnie: Fennekin, Doge and use ember.
Fennekin: fen fen does that and misses Pikachu.
Ash: Pikachu use quick attract but not to hard.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika does that and not to hard and lightly hits Fennekin.
Bonnie: Fennekin use ember.
Fennekin: fen fen fen uses it and knocks Pikachu off balance.
Clemont: This battle is over.
Ash: I understand I don't mind. Bonnie that was great for your first battle oficaly
Bonnie: I also understand. Thanks Ash, you thought me well by watching you battle many times.
Ash: blushes Thanks I heard I make a big inpack on a lot of trainers. 
Class: confused Why did you do that?
Clemont: They both know there straits and we don't want them to get hurt. And the agreement at the end is a sign of good sporment ship
Class: That makes snice.
Ash&Bonnie: Yep.
Bonnie: Ash Thank you for going a little easy on me snice it was my first battle.
Ash: you're welcome I wanted to keep it fair snice my team is very strong.
Bonnie: Yep and I got to battle the Champion.
Ash: yep.
Professor Oak: That is all I have all planed for the day. Also tomorrow There is going to be a master class showcase against the winner of that gets to compete against the queen.
Class: Who is the queen?
Serina: Me.
Class: We did not know that.
Serina: Yep so I won't be joining you guys until after lunch.
 Professor Oak: Yep and I am guessing Ash will watch?
Ash: Of course so I will be with her.
Bonnie&Clemont: and us.
Clemont: I heard Minette is in masters.
Serina: Of course, I hope she does not win.
Ash: Me to, she drives me crazy.
Serina&Clemont&Bonnie&Gary: We know.
Serina: not as bad as me.
Ash: True.
Serina: yep.
Class: What happened?
Ash&Serina: We don't want to talk about it.
Class: ok.
Greninja: nodes in agreement.
Bonnie: Ash tomorrow could you show the bond between you and Greninja?
Ash: Maybe depends on how I fell. If nothing happens that makes me angry or stressed out then yes.
Greninja: ninja ninja agrees with him because there bond affects him as well.
Bonnie&Clemont: We can help, I have a felling you want to. 
Ash: True.
Professor Oak: why don't you 4 catch up.
Bonnie&Clemont&Ash&Serina: That is what we where planning.
Professor Oak: I had a felling. Have fun you 4 tomorrow meet up here after lunch.
Clemont: Got it.
Bonnie&Clemont&Ash&Serina: goes off to hang out for the rest of the day

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