Chapter 24

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Ash: sleeps until it was time to wake up and gets ready and gets Pikachu his food and eats himself before Pikachu wakes up
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika wakes up and a little surprised that he is up before he is and eats
Ash: Good moring Pikachu. pets him and when he is done he brushes him
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika finishes and happy noises while he is brushing him
Ash: I know what team I want to do for the coronation this year and of course you buddy. My strongest Pokémon. But I will have to be careful of not doing the Ash Greenninja thing. It takes a lot out of me, but I know how to control it. But I checked with him and the bond between us is not Mega elevation so I could use both in one battle. I can't wait. But I know they will be asking later today because they told me they were going to call me later today. I can't wait. I need to talk to Professor Kuki about Lycronc if he can send it to me, and I got Greenninja at the lab waiting for me. We will be going there for the last time tomorrow. And I am so excited.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika says nice choices and I love it when we have this alone time, I have a felling we won't for a little while
Ash: Pikachu I will try to find time for just us. I love the alone time.
Pikachu: pika pika pika says, me to
Ash: looks at the time Time to go Pikachu we agreed to meet up with Dawn before class so we can run though the project together today. They were so nice that they gave us an extra day because I was sick and was out most of the day.
Pikachu: pika pika pika flows
Dawn: You're on time Ash, Which is a rare and everyone else is not yet.
Ash: Yep It is time for world coronation. Since I am champion I have to wait. It doesn't mean I have to stop practicing I want to be stronger.
Dawn: Yep. You are a Pokémon master.
Ash: Yep, and I am strong.
Groupmates: Sorry we are late we woke up a little late.
Dawn: it is ok we still have plenty of time to run though it before class.
Ash: Right and I am sorry for yesterday, I had a cold that knocked me out for most of the day.
Groupmates: It is ok, we wanted you better.
Dawn: Right.
Ash: should we practice?
Groupmates: Yes
they do that and heads to class and when it is there team they go
Groupmates&Ash&Dawn: Takes there turn
Teacher: That was wonderful, even you Ash you caught up so fast.
Ash: Yep, I am hard worker.
Teacher: I can tell You never gave up.
Ash: Yep.
Teacher: Next week we will be making one last dessert. Class dismiss
Ash: Alright, I need to get going.
Dawn: Alright Good luck thinks he does not know I am going to be there with Serina and her are teaming up for competitions
Serina: at class early and sees 5 Pokeballs and wondering who those are for Who are those for?
Professor Oak: It is the team Ash chose for the coronation. I had 2 sent to me. It is his strongest Pokémon.
Serina: Do you know who they are?
Professor Oak: I know 2 Lycronc and Greenninja the other 3 I don't know.
Ash: standing right behind her without her knowing
Serina: I hope he can show me later.
Professor Oak: Me to. I am couriers who the others are.
Dawn: Ready to go this Serina *as nodding to not say anything about Ash*
Serina: Yes I am ready.
Dawn: Then we should get to our places.
Serina: Right turns around and sees Ash and smiles Ash How long have you been there?
Ash: The whole-time you guys were talking.
Serina: you're sneaky did you know that?
Ash: Yes but I love doing it. Also, thanks Dawn for not spoiling the seek up for me.
Dawn: You're welcome. I knew you wanted to do that.
Ash: Yep.
Serina: Who are your other 5 Pokémon you chose?
Ash: I chose, Charizard, Lucario, Ganger, Lycanroc, Greenninja.
Seriana: Are you thinking about doing that bond thing?
Ash: Yes he exiled it to them and it is ok for me to do it.
Dawn: Bond thing?
Ash: Right you don't know the bond of me and Greenninja.
Dawn: I don't.
Gary: me neither.
Ash: I will show you later today, but Serina when it comes would you battle me?
Serina: Sure it brings out you're full power in battle.
Ash: Right. May I grab the Pokémon now?
Professor Oak: Sure, just make sure you have them stay in the balls until after class.
Ash: Right.
Dawn: Why?
Ash: I have a few who gets a little exited.
Gary: Esipicaly Charizard.
Ash: Yep you seen him use flamethrower on me.
Gary: Yeah.
Dawn&Serina: he really does that?
Ash: Yes ever since he was a Chameleon.
Gary: Yeah he wouldn't listen to you at all and now he does.
Ash: Yep. The flame thrower is a common thang.
Gary: Yep, but at least he does not do it during battles to you.
Ash: Yep, at least he knows when and not when to do it.
Serina: Sounds like it.
Dawn: Yep.
Ash: Yep, I love that part of his personality. I had rescued him from an evil and a trainer who thought he was weak. And he joined my team. Then one day in Johto I left him at a camp to train and now he is extraordinarily strong.
Gary: Yep.
Dawn&Serina: he really does that?
Ash: Yes ever since he was a Chameleon.
Gary: Yeah he wouldn't listen to you at all and now he does.
Ash: Yep. The flame thrower is a common thang.
Gary: Yep, but at least he does not do it during battles to you.
Ash: Yep, at least he knows when and not when to do it.
Serina: Sounds like it.
Dawn: Yep.
Ash: Yep, I love that part of his personality. I had rescued him from an evil and a trainer who thought he was weak. And he joined my team. Then one day in Johto I left him at a camp to train and now he is extraordinarily strong.
Gary: Yep
After the class
Ash: I can show you guys now if you want?
Dawn: Alright.
Ash: Here we go calls out his Pokémon
Lycaronc&Charzard&Lucario&Gange&Greenninja: makes happy noises while Greenninja stands there nodding
Charizard: Roar roar lets out a lout one
Gary: He is happy to see you for sure.
Ash: Yep, feels his phone ring Sorry I have to take this then I can show you.
Dawn: Alright.
Ash: steps aside to answer it
Lycronc: ruff ruff happy to see a new face and starts rubbing on Dawn
Dawn: Who is this Pokémon?
Serina: It is his Lycronc and it is a dusk form.
Dawn: I thought it had an Mid-day form and a night form only?
Gary: that is interesting. But we will have to ask Ash how it got that form.
Dawn: Alright.
Charizard: Roar Roar ready to battle and happy
Serina: I hope Ash come back Lycronc and Charizard is ready to battle and starting to have trouble staying still.
Gary: Looks like it, but Ash Had to take this for being champion and rules and scale battles.
Dawn: Right.
Ash: comes back Sorry about that guys.
Charizard: sets a flamethrower on him
Ash: fells it I am guessing you want to battle first?
Charizard: roar roar nodes in agreement
Gary: How about Charizard and Blastoise?
Ash: Yes you took the words right out of me.
Gary: Alright Let's do this.
Serina: Like you guys did in Johto league. I have been wanting to see it.
Gary&Ash: Alright.
Ash: You can go first
Gary: alright commands him to do something and starts the battle
Ash: does the same
Dawn: Wow Charizard is strong. It must had a lot of training.
Serina: Sounds like it.
Gary: That was fun Ash Good battle.
Ash: Yep it was fun.
Dawn: Why is your Lycanroc not Mid-day or night form? I have been wondering why ever since it showed his friendly side.
Ash: It is a long story.
Dawn: Will you please tell me?
Ash: Sure. Tells the story is I was in a grand trial with him and Rowlet. Then during the battle, He bit Rowlet, and he knocked him out. He was afraid I would scowl him, but I could see in his eyes he wanted to keep battling, So I let him finish the battle and I think I did made the right choice. I won my second trial, and I was proud he did, and I got the crystal. Then that night he could not sleep and left the room. couldn't sleep because it still felt guilty for biting Rowlet, so it opened the door and left the house. Then it encountered Tapu Lele during its own training, who defeated it when Rockruff challenged the Tapu. me and Pikachu found it injured and attempted to help it, but Rockruff disappeared into the bushes after it angrily bit Ash's arm and recalled its regretful experience. The next day, when Rockruff was walking on a rugged path of a mountain, it was frightened by a flying Fearow, causing it to lose balance and fell into a rushing river. Olivia's Midday Lycanroc and Gladion's Midnight Lycanroc brought the fainted Rockruff in front of Tapu Lele, who recognized and healed Rockruff by using the two Lycanroc's and Ash's energies when they tried to protect Rockruff. As Rockruff recovered from fainting, it licked Ash as he regained consciousness. Then it caught a glimpse of the sunset and its pupils turned green since it was attracted by the green flash. While howling at the sunset with the two Lycanroc, its body shined with a luminous green light, and it evolved into Dusk Lycanroc. I saw it all and that is how He turned into dusk form.
Lycanroc: ruff ruff rubs on him happily
Ash: smiles and laughs
Dawn: That is how he got his form.
Ash: right.
Dawn: Also, what is a rock type Z move look like?
Ash: I can show if you want?
Dawn: Sure.
Ash: Lycanroc, Ready to do this?
Ash: alright Pikachu will you help me?
Ash: Lycanroc, Ready to do this?
Ash: alright Pikachu will you help me?
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika nodes in agreement
Ash: then let's do this.
they battle
Ash: I think it is time Lycronc
Lycronc: nodes in agreement
Ash: does the moves Use Splintered Stormshards
Lycanroc: ruff ruff uses the move
Dawn: wow that is cool.
Serina: yep.
Ash: That was great battle thanks Pikachu.
Pikachu: pika pika pika.
Dawn: That was cool.
Ash: I have enough energy left Serina Want to do Braixen and Greenninja? I want to show Dawn the bond between me and him.
Dawn: Hun? What do you mean by that?
Serina: You sure you want to go through with it?
Ash: I am sure at least I don't have anything else to do today.
Serina: Alright.
Ash: When something happens pay close attention to him.
Dawn: Alright, When do I need to pay attention?
Ash: You will hear when I say the words.
Dawn: Alright.
Serina: Ready Ash?
Ash: Yes, and they said I could use it in the battles but just once.
Dawn&Serina: That is a good thing.
Ash: Yep they do know it happens and not mega elevation.
Serina: Yep.
Ash&Serina: Starts battling
Ash: Greenninja do you fell it?
Greenninja: ninja ninja nodes in agreement
Ash: alright let's do this.
Greenninja: agrees

Ash: Stronger, and even stronger HERE WE GO! starts bonding with him
Greenninja: ninja ninja bonds with him
Dawn: thinks that is so cool
Serina: Braixen use flame thrower
Braixen: brai brai does that and hits him
Ash: fells the pain as well now use cut.
AshGreenninja: ninja ninja does that and knocks them out
Serina: That was fun.
Ash: bond septets and sits down to catch his breath Yep I agree
Greenninja: ninja ninja same
Dawn: So when he gets hit Ash gets hit?
Ash: Yep stands up a little tired
Dawn: I see why you don't do it often.
Ash: Yep.
Dawn: how did you guys get to that point?
Serina: It is a long story we can tell you later.
Ash: Yeah I really don't have the energy tonight.
Dawn: Alright. And take it easy I have to go.
Ash&Serina&Gary: Alright see you tomorrow.
Dawn: See yeah.
Gary: I have to get going.
Ash: See yeah.
Serina: see yeah.
Gary: thinks I am going to be careful tomorrow I heard Pual is going to be around and I know how he acts and I should see if Dawn is free and be willing to help and runs up to dawn
Dawn: Gary what is up?
Gary: I might need your help tomorrow. I heard that Paul is going to be around and you know how he acts around Pual.
Dawn: I am willing to help. If someone does not hold him back he will lose it.
Gary: yep, So will you let me know if you can?
Dawn: Yes, I will let you know. I will have to do my homework tonight so I can. I don't want Ash to lass out like he did most of the time in sinno
Gary: Right well see yeah.
Dawn: See yeah I will let you know goes back and sees that she can and lets him know
Gary: back and gets the message and smiles just meet up with me after class
Dawn: messages back All right
Gary: falls asleep
Dawn: same
Serina: same
Ash: been fast asleep for 5 minutes

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