Chapter 17

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Week later
8 Am

Ash: wakes up and notices he woke up late and had to rush off to class that starts in 30 minutes
Pikachu: pika pika pika with him running late
Gary: There he goes running late again.
Serina: Yep, but at least he is a deterrent to his classes.
Gary: True, That is a sign he grew up.
Serina: Yep and ops he left his phone behind I will keep it safe and yeah.
Gary: You probably see him before I do.
Serina: Yeah.
With Ash
Dawn: wondering where Ash is. Because she cannot start without him
Ash: made it just in time sorry, I accidentally slept a little later than normal.
Dawn: It is ok you made it on time. That is what I care about and getting good grades.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika agrees
Ash: we should start?
Dawn: Yes.
with Serina and Gary
Serina: I know Ash is late but I hope is not late to class today, there is a surprise he has for us. All I know is Ash would need his Z ring and he forgot that also and the other crystals. Grabs it for him
Gary: I can grab it for him.
Serina: I will grab it I think he does not mind as long we do not lose the z crystals. What are those?
Gary: We will have to find out later. Ash will know the answer.
Serina: true, we should get going.
Gary: Right heads there
Serina: heads there as well
With Ash

Teacher: All of you did wonderful and done early so class dismiss early.
Ash: Alright but I should get going so I am on time.
Dawn: Alright have fun.
Ash: I will I need to get to class early so I can meet up with my friends. They have a few things of mine I forgot this morning. Runs there since he is in a good mood today
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika also running and in a good mood when his trainer is in a good mood
Serina: I hope he gets here soon.
Gary: Me too here they come or at least Pikachu.
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika pika : happy to see them and tells them he will be here in a minute
Serina: Ok as she understood him
Gary: How can you understand Pokémon?
Serina: It is a class I am doing this semester and Ash has been helping me. He learned how in Aloha. I want to go there one day.
Gray: Me too I never been That I can remember. I want to one day.
Ash: It is cool and all my friends from there are all nice.
a little startled when he said that out of a sudden Your sneaky.
Ash: Sorry about that.
Serina&Gary: It is ok.
Serina: Here is the stuff you forgot this morning.
Ash: Thanks a bunch you helped me a lot. I needed the Z ring and crystals to help with the class today.
Serina: You're welcome.
Ash: puts them on and realizes he forgot his hat as well
Gary: here you go tosses him his hat
Ash: Thanks, I cannot believe I forgot that this morning. I wear them every day because I like them.
Seria&Gary: we figured, we should head in.
Ash: puts on his hat and smiles Right heads in
Professor Oak: I will make sure I tell Ash that as said by
Ash: Who was that?
Professor Oak: You will find out in a bit, but you have them right?
Ash: Yes and I am willing to show you guys one outside because it is that powerful. Even I only can do a few because It is type.
Professor Oak: Right, do you want to put them up here?
Ash: Sure, does that just make sure no one else besides you
Professor Oak: I understand, they are presses to you.
Ash: yep.
class starts
Professor Oak: teaches them as much as he could about the Z rings and Z crystals
Classmate: Which ones does he have?
Ash Want to answer them?
Ash: alright, The crystals I have are Normalium Z, Electrium Z, Grassium Z, Rockium Z, Solganium Z, Lycanium Z, Steelium Z, Firium Z, and.
Classmate: Can you show us the Lycanium Z?
Ash: I can't it is only made for one of my Alona Pokémon. But I can show you the one I can use with Pikachu.
Classmate: Can it be the Pikashunium Z you show us?
Ash: Later, it is one I can use outside because it is powerful.
Classmate: Ok but can we go now?
Professor Oak: We can end a few minutes early so he can show us.
Ash: Alright.
Professor Oak: teaches until the time he said
Ash: That means it is time right?
Professor Oak: Yes, but before we do I have an announcement. So next week we are going to Aloha to learn more about them and ultra beasts.
Serina&Gary&Class: What are ultra beasts?
Ash: It is hard to explain. You might get to see one.
Professor Oak: Yep, why do not you meet me outside I will be a minute. Ash, could I talk to you for a minute?
Ash: Yes
So, I was talking to Professor Kukui before you came in and ask if you were interested in doing a Battle Royal while you are there? And, Professor Burnet had been talking to Lusamine and if there is an ultra-beast happens to pop up while we are there, they said you could be an ultra-Guardian again.
Ash: Of course, to the battle and Yes to the ultra-guardian. And I cannot wait to see my Pokémon that stayed there again.
Professor Oak: That is what I thought. Now go join them and show them the Z move.
Ash: All right. Runs out there
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika had been waring up
Classmate: Can you show us the Z move?
Ash: Pikachu, you ready?
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika says he is ready
Ash: Here we go Pikachu He tosses Pikachu his hat and crossed his arms
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika Jumps up and catches in on his head
Ash&Pikachu: Then A high five and a tail slap
Ash: does the moves to help get the power to him Much bigger than a thunderbolt 10,0000 million thunderbolt, yeah this is much much bigger at super full power, Pikachu use 10,000 volt thunderbolt
Pikachu: gets surrounded with lighting
Ash: Alright here we go at full power
Pikachu: Pikachuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hits a bunch of rocks
Class: in shock on the outcount and speechless
Ash: Pikachu, That was amazing, just like the final battle in Aloha.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika smiles and makes happy sounds
Class: That was amazing. Can you show us another one?
Ash: Sorry I can't. I cannot use more than one per day.
Class: We understand.
Ash: yep, and good.
Serina: That is why I said to stand back that move was powerful.
Ash: Yep, good call.
Class: goes their own ways
Ash: That was good to do that aging Pikachu.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika smiles and fells his stomach grow
Ash: looks like you are hungry, and I am to. We did not get a chance to eat this moring.
Serina: Who's fault is for accidentally sleeping too late?
Ash: mine, I did not mean to. Also, I forgot other stuff like my hat and keys and the Z ring, but you helped me.
Serina: That is what I am here for.
Ash: I know, and I love you
Serna: I love you too. We should get you some food.
Gary: I must do something so I will meet up with later.
Ash&Serina: Ok see yeah.
Gary: See yeah
Few hours late
Serina&Ash: been doing their homework together
Ash: I can't wait to see my friends and Pokémon again.
Serina: you have a team there already?
Ash: yep and I only can use the other Z moves I can use on them.
Serina: That is good you are excited. I really hope I can see another Z moves you have.
Ash: I can show a few but not all of them.
A week later
Ash: Gets up early not too excited for that but remembers he is going to Aloha and Has no balls exapted Pikachu's and grabs his Z crystals and z ring and waits for Serina and Gary to be up* Pikachu You ready to see our old friends again?
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika makes happy noises
Ash: It is almost time I hope they wake up soon. I am just waiting for them.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika *Goes to wake them first Serina and then Gary
Serina: Hi Pikachu I am up just let me get ready.
Gary: Ok Pikachu I am up just let me get ready.
Ash: sees Pikachu So did it work?
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika Yep.
Serina&Gary: thinks Wow Ash is excited it is a rare he is up before us
Ash: Good morning guys
Serina&Gary: Good morning, you are up early
Ash: Yep we are heading to one of my favorite regions.
Serina: I beat I saw how happy you were doing the move.
Ash: I love doing it.
They all head to Aloha
Ash: We are finally here Pikachu
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika pika happy noise
Professor Oak: we will be going to the Pokémon school first since we have a lot of time to kill before tonight. Also Ash I talk to him and he is ok with you staying with him and your Pokémon.
Ash: Yay and I can't wait to see them and my Pokémon.
Classmate: Is that why you did not bring any?
Ash: Yes, That is why.
Serina: I want to meet them.
Gary: Me too
Ash: Also a reason my backpack is so empty is because I have a Pokémon who loves to sleep in it.
Serina&Gary&Class: Who?
Ash: you will have to wait to see.
Serina&Gary&Class: heads there
they get to the school.

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