Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

2 weeks later
Ash: enjoying his first class of the day and his second favorite class where he gets to make food
Teacher: looks at the clock Class dismissed and Sorry we went over.
Ash: thinks dang it I will have to run all the way there Class starts in 5 minutes
Dawn: So Ash we need to go over a few things for the project coming up in the month, So do you have time right now?
Ash: Sorry I don't But I can after that class.
Dawn: Alright, meet us where we were before and then we can all meet up.
Ash: Ok but I really need to go, There is a special guest today and I don't want to be late.
Dawn: Then get going.
Ash: Right runs there and texts Serina really quick
Serina: Looks like his class went over and he is running late so he will be late.
Gary: yep, at least he knows to come in quietly.
Serina: True, I just hope he is polite to the guest. It was the one who was in the master's 8.
Gary: yep, and I think it is the one who likes to call him a little kid.
Serina: I hope not but we will see.
They are having a special guest today
Ash: running late today
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika running also
Serina&Gary: interested in today's guest
Proposer Oak: telling who their guess is and she is the Unnova champion and a dragon trainer. Her name is Iris.
Iris: hello everyone. I am Iris and like he said I am the Unnova champion. Looks around and wonders where Ash and Pikachu are
Serina: He is running a little late.
Iris: As usual just like a little kid.
Ash hears that while coming in I am not a little kid
Iris: Yes, you are.
Ash: No, I am not, I'm the Champion.
Iris: No I am.
Ash: Yeah of Unnova, where me I am the strongest in the world.
Iris: Yeah but you're still a little kid. Says angrily
Ash: Well, you are too. a little angry
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika uses Thunderbolt to break them up
Ash: Ok Pikachu I will stop
Iris: Me too.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika A little annoyed he had to break them up
Serina: You know her?
Ash: Yep, I travel around Unnova with her.
Iris: yep, and he was a little kid back then also.
Ash: No I was not.
Iris: Yes you were.
Ash: Was not.
Iris: Where to
Sylveon: slv slv going what did I walk into and serpent them
Serina: Thanks Sylveon, I hope keeping them separate helps.
Sylveon: Slv slv nodes in agreement
Proposer Oak: I am sorry about that
Ash&Iris: Us too.
Class: It is ok.
Ash: *feels a little clammer after being apart from her*
Ash already distrait that not all companies will get along. Also, Unnova Pokémon are rare to Kanto.
Classmate: Do you have any to show?
Oshawott: osh osh *comes out his ball by himself*
Ash: *happy to see one of his old pals*
sees him and joins him
Iris: I remember him he does not like staying in his ball and would come out all the time.
Ash: Yep. And I caught many more.
Gary: What are the starters there?
Proposer Oak: Tep Pig the fire starter, Oshawott The water starter, and Snively The grass Starter.
Ash: I had one of all 3 but one evolved.
Proposer Oak: That is right calls them all out
Snivey&Pignight: comes out and sees him and runs over to him
Ash: Wow Clam down everyone I am happy to see you too.
Snivey&Pignight&Oswhatt: does that
Iris: Looks like they are happy to see him.
Serina: Yep.
Gary: Yep.
Iris: Hey Ash want to battle?
Ash: Yes, please. How about the 3 from the class?
Iris: Sure, it has been a while.
Ash: You are on.
Serina: I thought you had a Project group to go to?
Ash: That is right—sorry Iris.
Iris: Just like a little kid. And it is all right.
Ash: I am not a little kid runs off to join his group
Serina: What is that all about?
Iris: he never knows where to go and never knows.
Serina: He is different now.
Iris: He is?
Gary: he has. Once he came back from Unnova he has changed.
Iris: Well, I still think he is a little kid.
Serina: we all have different views.
Iris: Yep.
Gary: he tends to act like a little kid but he has matured a lot since that
Iris: I guess, Maybe I can hang out with you guys until he is done?
Serina&Gary: Sure.
3 hours later
Dawn: That is done for now and Thanks for coming Ash even though you were late.
Ash: You're welcome and sorry I had class so that is why I was late.
Dawn: It is ok you had a good reason.
Ash: Yep I promise to battle Iris,
Dawn: alright go have fun
Ash: I will goes to put his stuff away and goes to battle her after calling back Oshawott he managed to get out his ball but stayed in the room
After the battle
Iris: Ok you are the best at battles but you still act like a little kid.
Ash: Am not.
Iris: are to
Serina: Stop it, he has grown up and now looks at Ash and goes let's tell her
Ash: nodes yes
Iris: What to tell me?
Ash: do you promise to not tell anyone?
Iris: I promise
Ash: ok
Serina: Ash and I are dating.
Iris: I fired when he said to stop and you grew up and I support you guys.
Serina: That is good.
Iris: Yep I should go, I have to leave early tomorrow.
Ash: Alright, See yeah.
9 pm
Ash: I should get to bed I am tired.
Serina: Me to Sleep well kisses him on the cheek
Ash: You too kisses back Come on Pikachu.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika pika flows and gets into bed and falls asleep while waiting for his trainer to come back in
Ash: doing just that and hurrying because of Pikachu
Next day
7 Am
Ash: wakes up and sees a message seeing if they could meet up as a group before class? really? I was hoping to give Pikachu a bath, but I might be able to do that tonight. I gave myself a night off. Responds I can make it just give me a few minutes
Serina: wondering where he is off so early
Ash: heads there with Pikachu still asleep and he is half asleep
Dawn: knows he is half asleep and feels bad for doing this but they want to get this done as soon as she could and she is busy today and this was the only time she could Sorry Ash.
Ash: It is ok this is more important than yawns
Dawn: This was the only time I could do today, so I m sorry to you guys.
Ash&groupemate: It is ok
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika wondering where they are and so why so early
Ash: Good morning Pikachu, Sorry about all of this they needed me says yawning
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika gets it now and is wondering if his trainer is going to be ok
Ash: Pikachu I will be ok
20 minutes later
As: is hoping that they are almost down
Dawn: That is all see you in class.
Ash: See yeah. Still tired and a little more awake
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika trying to help keep him awake and works a little
Ash: has one last thing he could do but does not like it, but it is rare, and drinks it and now is wide awake
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika thinks if he did that he was in desperate need of waking up and is going to be an interesting morning
Serina: Are you ok Ash?
Ash: Yes and sorry about that this morning they needed me for the project so I paid the price of waking up early. Luckily I just have one class today so I can nap after.
Serina: That is good, and you should not battle today.
Ash: I am not I was going to give Pikachu a bath this morning, but things changed but I promise Pikachu one today.
Serina&Gary: Yep
Serina: I have a busy day so I won't have time until tomorrow.
Gary: Me too.
Ash: Ok so looks like I am on my own today. Ok
Serina: If I am back and you are not awake, I will wake you.
Ash: Alright.
after his class
Dawn: Are you ok Ash?
Ash: Started a little because he was not wide awake enough. Yeah just really tired.
Dawn: I feel bad for waking you so early. I know you do not like it.
Ash: It is ok, I understand that you only had time before class today. If it was the weekend, then I would mind. But lucky I do not have a busy day today so I can take it slow.
Dawn: Yes, on the weekends you do not mind if it is not super early.
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika *slaps him because that is one way, he stays awake*
Ash: yep, I should go before I fall asleep somewhere dangerous.
Dawn: Be safe and get some sleep you need it. Like Pikachu, I tell you to stay awake.
Ash: Yep, See yeah
Dawn: See yeah
Ash: makes it back and falls asleep as soon as he hit the bed
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika sees other Pokémon playing and goes to join them.
3 hours later
Ash: feels better and more awake and gets the stuff ready for the bath for Pikachu and their lunch then goes to find Pikachu
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika sees his trainer and says by to his friends and goes to him
Ash: Thanks for being so good Pikachu, you did not bug me while sleeping. You can have your bath now instead of waiting for tonight.
Pikachu: PIKA PIKA PIKA happy that he gets his bath early
Ash: smiles and goes to give him the bath he really loves and needed since he got busy and hadn't had the time till today
Pikachu: happy and he even gets to play in the bath today and having fun
Ash: does not mind getting wet and having a lot of fun as well.
after that
Ash: brushes his fur and is happy he did this Pikachu I am so happy we had alone time today. I missed this.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika says smiling me to
Ash: You hungry buddy?
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika Says yes and asks if he can have it
Ash: Of course gives him his food and starts to eat his
Pikachu: pika pika pika smiles and eats and finishes eating
Ash: also finishes I have to get some work done it won't take me long. Then after we can play. How does that sound?
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika Agrees and takes a nap until he is done
25 minutes later
Ash: Finally done. Ready to play Pikachu?
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika pika happy and goes to play
5 minutes later
Serina: *gets back and sees them playing and goes to drop her stuff off and joins them without Ash knowing*
Ash: *turns around and gets happy* Hi sweetie how was your day?
Serina: Busy but good, I see you are doing a lot better.
Ash: yep slept then homework then playing with Pikachu since I hadn't in a while.
Serina: That is great.
Ash: Yep.
9 pm
Serina: I think I might head to bed I am very tired. *Kisses Ash on the cheek*
Ash: Alright Good night sleep well *kisses her back*
Gary: Me to Good night
Ash: Good night
they all head to bed

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