Chapter 37 - The chapter that took forever!

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 Shout out in this loooooooooooooooooong awaited chapter goes out to veve37, AlannaTheCreator, and isarosa41!


Chapter 37 - The chapter that took forever!


"Hey! Hey! Come on Pervy-Sage! Let's get started with the training!” Naruto said with lots of enthusiasm after we walked for a little bit in silence. After a while, I had decided that I was fine enough to walk myself, so I was a little bit behind them, but I could still hear them clearly.

"Don't get too fired up... We still need to gather information about Tsunade. There is no point in training before we do so." Ojisan told him.

"Gather information?" Naruto asked as they stopped by a fence. There must have been a tourist town because I could faintly hear chatter coming from the area below the fence.

"In this town."

"WOOW!” Naruto yelled before they started to walk away again.

"Hey! ... Wait up...! I'm still... back here...! Naruto!!!" I tried to yell out but it came out as a pathetic whine. Never in my life have I had ever been so exhausted just from walking.... Okay, maybe a few times during some missions in my past. *Cough little Zabuza cough* I sighed as I watched them walk away, not hearing my pitiful pleas. I walked up to the fence and leaned against it, taking a small break as I looked down at the scenery. I was right, it was a tourist town, and lucky for me, there were not many shinobis in the town, so it should be easy for me to find where Naruto and Ojisan go, or if that fails, just listen for Naruto’s yells when Ojisan does something to make him mad. I sighed again.

'I guess I am on my own for a little bit... Might as well make the most of it...'  I pulled out my simple leather wallet and smiled softly on how heavy it felt.  'I guess without Obasan around and not really living in a house really saves you money.'' 

'Oooh!!! I say you go down there and spend till we can spend no more!!!'  I sighed again (Lots of sighing) and put my wallet back into my pocket and closed the flap before I began my turtle pace to the town again, my hand never leaving the railing.  

"Do you know how annoying you are Suteki? Could you once be quite for a little bit, I want to enjoy myself too ya’ know." I muttered under my breath as I walked down a semi-steep hill.

'Sorry, but as my name goes, I am madness, and Madness is never quiet.... Hahaha Hahahahahaha!!!"  I placed a hand on my forehead as Suteki went thought what I think was her on hundred thousand laughing fit. To her, everything was funny, so she all ways laughed. As much as I hated it, but it seems that during the night is when she is strongest, so a few times, I catch myself softly laughing with her, welcoming the insanity and letting pervious reality slip thought my fingers for a few seconds. Nala was really my only saving grace at those times, snapping me to what is real and what is not, but now she is not here and my nights seem even longer than they ever have before. I shook my head, ridding those thoughts.  

"Come on, let's go. I'm tired of listening to you." Suteki 'humph' ed when I told her this, but she kept quite as I finally reached the town. I stood there for a little bit to take it all in. I was wrong, this was no tourist town, it was the tourist town. There where people and little shops everywhere with masks, food, games, or... uurggg *shiver* ones for older man who like younger woman.   'My guess is that Ojisan is in one of those. Pervy old toad sage.''  I turned away and started walking through the thick crowd, but that was lucky for me because they were all moving slowly that I didn't push myself to keep up with everyone’s pace.  Every now and again I would walk up to a food stand for game station and try it, but most of the time I just wandered, letting myself recover slowly, feeling better by the hour. I looked at the sky before trying to look thought the sea of people for a certain blonde. 'I should probably go find Naruto and Ojisan now; it is going to get late soon.'

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