Chapter 18 - Kaiza

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Sorry about how late this chapter was, I was gone for almost three weeks, so I didn't have any time to write this up.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or any of the original characters, only the ones in my mind!

Note:  I decide instead on ' ' to mark her thoughts, it's just going to be in italics, okay? And if doesn't show, tell me and I'll change it back.


Chapter 18-




"Yeah, but it would be so much more fun if some people knew what 'manners' are." I said quietly under my breath, directed to both Sasuke and Naruto, who were both gorging themselves.

“I WANT SOME MORE!" I both yelled with their mouths still full of food and held up their bowls.

3...2...1... Right on cue, both Sasuke and Naruto then threw up on the floor from all the food they ate. Idiots.

"IF YOUR'RE GOING TO THROW UP THEN STOP EATING!" Sakura yelled at the two of them, but mostly at Naruto. Sasuke was to 'special' to be yelled at.

"No, I must eat." Sasuke said.

"Yeah, we have to, no matter what. Because we have to become stronger." Naruto finished as he too got off the floor. Kakashi nodded his head.

"Yup! Yup! But no need to throw up." I sighed and looked away from my team, too embarrassed to see them, I mean puking to get stronger?! I saw Inari looking at something, so I looked at the wall and saw a torn picture hanging there. I must have nudged Sakura with my shoulder because she too turned and looked at the picture on the wall. She then stood up and walked towards it to get a closer look.

"Hey, why do you have a torn picture on the wall?" She asked. "Inari-kun was staring at this during dinner. It looks like someone purposely removed the person that was in the picture." Tazuna,        Tsunmi and Inari all looked down sadly, like they were remembering old memories. I face palmed. Most people don't say anything when you see a torn up picture, but not you. You ask and get everyone sad, and I thought you were the smart one.

.... (Awkward silence.)

"It's my husband..." Tsunmi said quietly.

"And... The man called the hero of the city." Tazuna added on. Inari then stood up suddenly and walked to the door, like he didn't want to hear any of this.

"Inari, where are you going? Tsunmi asked him, but he didn't answer, just kept on walking. I watched him as he left, and felt sad for some reason. Inari slammed the door behind him when he left. 

"INARI!" She yelled she turned to Tazuna. "Father!! I have told you not to talk about that man in front of Inari!!" Tsunmi quickly left the room to go find her son.

"... What's wrong with Inari-kun?" Sakura asked worriedly.

"There seems to be some kind of explanation." Kakashi said to Tazuna. Tazuna looked down and the floor sadly.

"Inari had a father; not related by blood. They were very close... Like a real father and son... Inari would laugh a lot back then..." Tazuna stopped suddenly, his body shaking for a little bit "But...Inari has changed... Since the incident with his father..." I looked down at my bowl of rice. I could all ready figure out what was coming up, and not liking it on bit.

"The word 'courage' has been stolen from the people of this island and from Inari. Ever since that day... because of that incident..." Everyone looked at Tazuna in wonder, all but me, I kept my head down.

"That incident? What happened to Inari-kun?" Kakashi asked. Tazuna took off his glasses and wiped his eyes.

"Before I get to that, first I have to tell you about the man who was called a hero of this city."

"Hero?" I heard Naruto repeat. Of course that would be the one word that catches his attention. Tazuna went off into a story about Inari and a man that had saved him from drowning.

"His name was Kaiza, a fisherman who came here to follow his dreams. After that, Kaiza and Inari became very close. It may have been because Inari's real father died before he got to know him, but he and Kaiza were inseparable, like a real father and son. It was only a matter of time before Kaiza became part of the family. And Kaiza was also a man the city needed."

Tazuna continued on with his story about Kaiza, about how one day there was so much rain that the city's dam burst open, and how Kaiza was determined to tie it shut, no matter what. I couldn't help but smile softly. Honorable. That was Kaiza, and he had a love for his village and family so much he would risk his life. People like that nowadays are rare and hard to find, but they are the best to be around. I looked up at Tazuna with my faint smile, but it vanished with what he said next.

"Kaiza was called a hero, and Inari could not be prouder of his father, but then Gatou came to this city.”

"What exactly happened?" Kakashi asked. Tazuna's body was starting to shake again.

"In front of everyone, Kaiza was put to death by Gatou!!"


I know. I know. It's short, I was going to write more, but it just seemed like a good spot to end this chapter. Don't worry I am already working on the next on chapter so it will be up soon, okay?




And if you write a fanfic or any story, don't write a crappy short chapter like I just did....

Sensei out! 


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