Chapter 14 - Zabuza's dead now, right?

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Note: I don't own Naruto, but I do own Harmony!!!

Harmony: …

Me: Not a word out of you about that, okay.

Harmony: Fine.


Me: What....

Naruto: Do you like ramen?

Me: ... 

---------- Recap:-----------

 "Hehehe. Wearing those headbands and acting like ninjas. A real ninja is someone who has survived numerous brushes with death." The water clone said. "Only when you're good enough to be listed into my handbook can you start calling yourself ninjas. You are not ninjas!'

When Zabuza's clone finished speaking, he ran up and kicked Naruto so hard that he went flying and his headband came off.



Chapter 14:

 Zabuza's dead now, right?


I watched as Naruto hit the ground.

"Naruto!" I tried to yell out, but it only came out as a pained whisper.

"Just brats." The real Zabuza said, still hold Kakashi captive in the sphere of water.

"Take Tazuna and run!! You have no chance of beating him!! As long as he's keeping me trapped in this prison he can't move! The water clone cannot go very far from his real body. Just run away now!" Kakashi yelled at us from inside the water prison. Believe me, if I wasn't in this much pain, and fighting to stay conscience, I would have made a sarcastic remark back at him on how I was still here, and that I could still battle him. My head snapped back to Naruto as I heard him roll over on the ground, and my I add, that along almost made me loss my concentration and staying awake. I saw Naruto looking terrified as he looked at the water clone, knowing that he could die if it attacked him. Naruto than quickly got up, most likely to obey Kakashi, when he winced and looked down on his bandaged hand. He stared at his hand for a couple of seconds later than look up at Zabuza and his headband, which was now under his foot. He slowly stood up from his crouched position and faced Zabuza with a determined look on his face. 'What in the hell are you doing Naruto?' I asked in my mind.

 All of a sudden Naruto took off in a mad sprint towards widened. 'He would really go up against Zabuza? Would he?!'

"No! Don't!" Kakashi yelled out.

"Naruto! Stop!" I managed to yell out as the same time as Sakura yelled out "Naruto what are you thinking?!'

"Bah... Idiot!" Zabuza said as he saw Naruto near. I didn't know what happen next. One moment Naruto was running towards Zabuza, and the next he was lying beside me in the dirt.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING ATTACKING HIM ALL BY YOURSELF?! WE GENIN HAVE NO CHANCE AGAINST HIM!"  Sakura yelled at him as he layed on the ground. Naruto once again started to stand up after Sakura yelled at him, surprising all of us. As Naruto has getting up I managed to get myself into a sitting position.

"Gu." Naruto said in pain. I could now see that he was holding his headband again, and that blood was dripping off of his mouth. 'That fool, going through all of that only to get a headband. I have to admit it is kinda stupid, but it also makes me proud, seeing that he would go through all of that just so he can be respected.'

"Hey, you eye-browless freak. But this in your handbook. 'The man who will one day become Hokage." Naruto paused in what he was saying to stand up straight and put on his headband. “The leaf village ninja Naruto Uzumaki!" 'And don't you ever stop believing that you can reach your dream Naruto.' I said in my mind, even though I wanted to say it out loud, I knew this was not that time.

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