Chapter 9

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'The basic rule of the shinobi is to able to hide yourself in the surrounding,' I thought to myself as I crouched on a branch halfway up on a fair side tree, making sure to keep my hair out of the sun. The downside to having such vibrate hair is that it stands out against the foliage. A little bit to my left I heard a rustle of leave. Looking over I could easily spot Sasuke through the branches, and just below him hiding in the bushes was the tiniest pink of pink hair. Fan girls are one of the few things I truly do not like, but I guess I will have to endure having one on a team, if I'm on this team for very long. That or teach her how to properly hide herself, as well as simple hand-to-hand taijutsu.

'We may all be in the same area, but it does not look like the other two are thinking about working together,' I noticed how both of them had their eyes trained on Kakashi, instead of trying to collaborate on a plan. Rolling my eyes, I silently jumped to the branch just above Sasuke's. He flinched when I did so, but didn't acknowledge I was there, so I sat down and gently tapped him on the back of the head.

"Oi, Sasuke, you do know that the only chance we, as genins, have to take those bells from a joinin, is for use to work as a team," I whispered to him when I finally caught his attention. But all he did was glare at me and rub the back of his head.

"I don't care if you really are a chunin or now. Stay out of my way, you ginger-baka."

'Oh hell no! That little jerk did not just say that! He needs some manners drilled into his smug brain!" I was just about to jump down a teach him a lesson, but then I got distracted by the sight of Naruto, my genius sensei's son standing in the middle of the open field yelling at the top of his lungs for Kakashi for to fight him.

"Umm... You're a bit off, aren't you?" Kakashi questioned as Naruto began to yell at him.

"The only thing a bit off is your hair cut!" I watched as Kakashi reach for something as he continued to talk. "Shinobi fighting lesson number one, taijutsu. I'll teach you about it."

'What is he reaching for. He doesn't need to use a weapon on these three. And if Naruto pulled one on him, Kakashi could easily deflect all of Naruto's attack with the metal plates on the back of his gloves...'

"What the fuck is that?!?!?!" I nearly yelled when I saw pulled out an orange book with an age restriction on the back. 'Did he turn into some sort of pervert or something?!'

I couldn't help my opinion of Kakashi fall drastically as I saw him 'teach' Naruto taijutsu, ending with Kakashi sticking his fingers up Naruto's ass as he yelled "Konohagkure ancient taijutsu supreme technique 'A thousand years of Pain!!'." And sending Naruto flying into the pond close by. Around the same time, I put my palm over my eyes from the sheer stupidity of what was going on, and just relied on my hearing. Which didn't stop me from knowing how stupid things were at that moment.

By the point that Naruto punched his own shadow clone, which Kakashi substituted with, I had heard enough and jumped out the tree and made my way closer to the tree where I knew Kakashi would set a trap for Naruto. I got there in time to have a prime view of Naruto bouncing up and down, feet tied to a tree, upside-down, failing like a fish. Not even Obito had fallen for that trick.

"Think before using a jutsu. Or it will be used against you." Kakashi said as he picked the bell up from the ground. "Also, shinobi should see through all types of deception. Idiot."

"I know all that stuff!" Naruto shouted back, but Kakashi responded in a tone that oozed 'I am better than you, and I know it'. Which was also the tone that I associated with solely him for a majority of our friendship with Obito. It actually set me at ease seeing that part of him again, because lately I've felt like I was seeing someone I didn't know.

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