Chapter 38 - Good ways to stay sane, headbutt a tree. (>^.^')>

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 Shout out to warriorcats2013, Chazie245, dancingprincess622, tighter.

So I am sorry this has tooken longer then the two weeks I usually do, I have had a hard time writing this, but I am also going back at all the early chapters and editing them... especially chapter 8 that is now called A little truth here, okay, maybe a little half-truth. You might want to read it, just the five question part so you don't get messed up later. Also, I know, I know... This chapter says its chapter 38 when it really should be 36. What I did is when I was editing I changed the chapters that were halved (chapters 8 and 33) and maybe them into their own chapters, so that's why.

The priceless moment when you realize that the kitten you have had for five months is not a female... That happened today... To top it off, his currents name is still Cleopatra or Leo till I can find a better one... Either that or It.

So, no one has really guesses where the 'I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts. Du lu du. There they are sitting in a row. Du du du. Big ones. Small ones. Some as big as your head!'  Came from so I'm going to give you all a hint... watch this video. ----------------------------------->

... And for those that still don't get it... I don't think you really had a childhood.... or where buried under a rock...


Chapter 38 - Good ways to stay sane, head-butt a tree. (>^.^')>


Sensei Note: So we are going to prolong Naruto's training for a day, so this is going to be a day before Naruto finds out what way his chakra spins and two days before he beats the first level, okay?

Let me just say this. Bring a child to the room in the middle of the night is either not the brightest idea, or the best prank ever. I didn't stay in the room the whole night, maybe at around 3 a.m. I slipped back out and did some training, and didn't come back till late morning when I knew everyone would be just waking up, and it turned out that Rin had woken up also during the night, but because she was still so sleepy, she just walked over to where Naruto and Ojisan were and ended up sleeping right up against Ojisan, scaring the wits out of him when he woke up, and because Rin was sleep right next to him, he needed up waking her up and making her start screaming because he scared her. And before all of this Naruto had woken you to go to the washroom and hadn't seen her, so when he got back into the room he freaked because he saw Ojisan and her freaking out. You know what stopped all of this? Rin. She ended up beating the crap out of both go them and by the time I got back she had found some rope and had tided them up. So when I walked into the room I found Naruto and Jiraiya fully tied up on the floor covered in bruises and her standing onto of Ojisan’s back making sure that he was tied tightly. Where she had got the rope I have no friking idea.

"..." That of course was me when I saw what was going on, and then I did the most responsible thing to do... I fell to the floor laughing my ass off. And of course, me laughing made Naruto and Ojisan yell at me, which made me laugh even harder, because they looked so funny. This went on for a little bit before I finally calmed down (an hour later) and untied them. Needless to say, they were pretty pissed at me for laughing... Eh.... It not like they could really beat me up for it... unless Ojisan is really serious, then I would have no chance, but Naruto... pshhhh....

So after I had finally untied them and all, which took another couple of minute to do so. It would have tooken longer if I hadn’t given up on untying it and just sliced through them with a kunia. Let me just say this, Rin is a master knot tier, you should have seen the knots she had tied! And in the short amount of time she had too! Also, needless to say, the moment I untied Naruto, I had to sorta kinda maybe... beat him all most unconscious for charging at Rin.... And then I shook him awake again... ANYWAY!!! After all if that we all finally sat down on the ground, Naruto and Ojisan sitting in front of Rin and I who was sitting on my lap and I was brushing her hair, trying to get rid of all of her knots.

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