Chapter 4

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Chapter shout out! LyannaPetrova, BeeBoo95, Number1DeathNoteFan, YellowWithATwist, and kawaii_kaity!

I don't own Naruto.

*video is from the song that was previously featured in this chapter


"W-What?!" that's all I could manage to say after staring at him for around a minute in shock. I blinked a few times before I held my head in my hands, shaking it back and forth. "No! That's not possible! None of this is possible! It couldn't have been thirteen years! I don't believe you!" I looked up, glaring.

"This is just some sick trick isn't it?! Where's my squad?! They put you up to this, to get back at me for some reason! Didn't they?! That's why I woke up on the side of the road!" I abruptly turned around, making my way for the door.

"Wait! Harmony, I know you don't want to believe it, but it's true. And you know your team wouldn't do something like this to you as a joke or prank," Gramps called, making me stop.

"Then where are they?" I asked in a small voice. "Why haven't I seen them yet?"

"That day, on your last mission... Only three of the five of you came back from it alive..." I could hear the sorrow in his voice, but I didn't want to face the truth, adamant to deny it.

"That's a lie! The had to have made it out alive!" I shut my eyes, trying to remember what had happened. When I had been walking it had slowly came back to me. I remember foggily seeing the Iwa-shinobis fighting against someone, and then seeing two figures run towards Rin and I, before it all went blank.

"Kakashi and Obito... They were they when Rin and I had been captured... They had defeated the two! There was no one else, they had to have made it out alive!"

"The man that they were fighting made the cave he was stationed in collapse. Kakashi was injured and nearly didn't make it out, had it not been for Obito. He saved Rin and Kakashi, but it was a steep price." I covered my mouth, trying to hold back the tears that I could feel were beginning to gather. "Kakashi told me that Obito's last words were for him to save Rin because they were getting ambushed and that Kakashi didn't have to worry, he was going to stay by your side so you wouldn't be lonely, as a teammate should."

"But the rest- everyone else is okay now... Right?!" I couldn't help but ask, tears streaming down my face. I didn't know how I was still standing after I heard of Obito's death, but I fell to the ground when Gramps still didn't look at me. "No. NO! You told me everyone else made it back!"

"They did. But a year later Rin and Kakashi went on a mission in the Hidden Mist, they got ambushed as well, and Rin was killed in the battle. A little while later Minato was made the fourth Hokage, but during Kushina's labour, the Kyuubi was freed. He saved the village, but both he and Kushina were killed, along with many others."

"They... They're all dead..." I whispered, kneeling on the ground. I looked up at Gramps. "Wait. What about Kakashi? And their child?! What happened to Minato-sensei's and Kushina's child?!"

"Kakashi is fine. After the Kyuubi's attack he was promoted to ANBU captain, but after a while he decided it wasn't right or him, so now he is a jounin." A tiny bit of relief washed over me.

'Fang's okay.'

"And their child?

"He's name is Naruto Uzumaki, eleven years old. They sacrificed themselves to save him, but unfortunately, he is the new jinchūriki, even if he does not know of it himself. He was never told who his parents are, or what happened that night."

"So, he's all alone, but doesn't know why." I couldn't help but glare at that, still on the ground. Gramps nodded.

"Unfortunately. But he has his parents strength, and their personalities as well." I closed my eyes and steadied myself, slowly standing up, wiping the tears from my face.

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