Chapter 48 - The Future One Wants. The Future One Gets.

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AHHHH!!! IT'S BEEN OVER A MONTH SINCE I LAST UPDATED!!!! *falls to floor in bow* I AM SO SORRY!!!!!

Chapter shout out! This chapter goes out to alliepie56, WerewolfLover199, SummerGalz, blackstarlove19, anne16ron, HiddenXxXShadows ,CarloTehWriter, DarkSpiritt, JeremyOcaya, CasseyZwiefelhofer, thecutestanime, and meyend!!! YEAH!! LOTS OF PEOPLE!!!  .... There's an apple in the bunch.... suspicious... :D You know who you are if you are reading this, Apple.

Soooo close to 50 chapters!!!! AND OVER 300 PAGES!!! That has to have broken some sort of record!

Fair warning, in this chapter and the next I am slightly going away from both manga and anime

You guys should know by know who I do and do not own... I mean, it has been 48 chapters *squeals in background*

And the pic on the side is for all the harry potter fans out there... I hope I just blew your minds.


Chapter 48 - The future one wants. The future one gets.


-----Kakashi's Pov... Enter evil smile here >:) ------------

I stared at the door that harmony had just closed before looking at Jiriya, silently asking him what in the hell just happened?!  He saw the look I gave him and looked back at the door, his face reflecting curiosity... And admusment?

"I guess that even she can be pushy when she wants to be." He said, saying it like he was talking about someone else.  

~~~~ Flash back ~~~~~~~

 "Gai." Harmony sighed as Gai, who was dragging Tsunade-sama to the door, got close to her. "Tell Lee that I wish him all the best and I will come and visit him tomorrow, okay?" She told him with a smile, making him nodded frantically before practically dragging Obasan out of the room, letting the door swing shut behind thee. I watched her as her smile that I use to see all the time faded the moment the door closed, she even hopped down, and couldn't stumbled a little, then unsteadily walking over to one of the chairs that was beside me bed, her hand on her forehead and her eyes unfocused.

"Harmony, are you okay?" I asked her when she sat down, reaching out slightly out of worry, but freezing when she glared, sending hate filled kunia's at me though her amber eyes. I bit back a sigh of disappointment as I slowly retracted my hand when she looked down again, away from me like I wasn't even worth looking at.

"I'm okay. Something like this has been happening a lot for the past month, but it's no big deal, it be over in a min-" She stopped mid-word and yawned, shocking me. For all the years that I had ever known her she never yawned. You have to sleep to yawn. "I am... Really... Okay... I'm just... A litt-YANW!-tle... tired." With each word she said she seemed to drift off, fighting to keep her eyes open until after she finished talking she fell asleep, breathing silently.

"Looks like she really wore herself out worrying." Jiraiya said when he too noticed Harmony was fast asleep. "Good thing too. Stubborn girl. Hasn't given herself enough time to heal.... Physically and mentally."

"What do you mean?" I asked him, still looking at Harmony.

"He means that Harmony is an idiot to not have fallen asleep and making me knock her out." Harmony said with her head bent over, her hair obscuring her face, only, that voice didn't fell like it belonged to Harmony, even though it was the same. Jiraiya simply leaned back in his chair and looked over at his niece.

"Oh, so you are able to do that as well. If I don't say myself, you have perfect timing, Kyko-chan." Harmony finally lifted her head and looked at him with a scowl.

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