Chapter 4: Encounter V2

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As soon as Mina released all my achievements and the rising stocks of my company, I kept getting interviews for two days straight, this is my third day of the interview.

"Mom~ it's Friday, have you already picked the clothes you wear?" Seungmin asked while he was looking at my closet.

"I haven't" I replied as we stand infront of my closet for too long.

"How about this, this and this" he said while he continuously point at the clothes.

I tried it out and it amaze me because he has great taste.

"Why did you choose these clothes though?" I asked him.

"I saw uncle Jay's reaction and he gave a wow factor when you wear that, also it is a very expensive brand so you might impress your whole class" he told me.

"You should also wear this heels, it's unique and a little bit comfy" he said and he gave me a white 4 inches heels.

"Who's child are you?" I asked.

"Eyy~ of course I'm your son mom" he told me and took a photo at the mirror.

"I should just confiscate your phone" I warned him.

"You would not see anything in my phone though. You will only see everything about you" He defended.

"This clothes really does match my skin tone" I said as I turn around.

"You have an interview again today mom?" He asked.

"Yeah~" I replied.

"You should also visit a salon mom~ you always go to interviews without makeup and everything but to complete the wow factor, consider going to a makeup salon" he suggested.

"Do you know that having a natural beauty is better than applying makeup?" I asked him.

"Of course mom~ many men were lining up because you are naturally beautiful but I don't like any of them" he told me.

"Should I wear makeup for the class reunion then?" I asked him again.

"You really should" he was serious.

"I'm considering to look for a school. I'm just worried that you might not understand the lessons" I told him and sat down.

"It's okay mom~ I can easily learn it. Uncle Jay said you were the most intelligent person in your year. I'm your son anyway so I'm confident that I can cope up to them" he replied which made me feel less burdened.

"I will look for a school for you then" I told him and I prepared for the interview.

When we go down, Jay was already here. His eyes were focused on me.

"See I told you, this time it feels like you're in slow motion in his mind" Seungmin whispered to me and we walk towards him.

"I'm stuck with you again uncle" Seungmin said and he drag his feet to him.

"You should be happy that I am here" Jay said

"I know you will ditch me again later for your class reunion" he murmured.

"I will head out to the interview, take care of him Jay" I said and he nodded.

I head to the site and greeted them.

"Miss Kim Avy?" they asked.

"That's right! It's me" I smiled.

"Are you wearing makeup?" the interviewer asked as she looked closer.

"I am not" I smiled widely.

"Really? Why do you look so beautiful?" she asked and it kept me off guard.

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