Chapter 18: An Apology

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"You know her mom?" Seungmin asked.

"Hmm yeah~ she's... He's just someone I know years passed" I told him.

"Would you mind putting the tarts inside and you can start eating it if you want, they're from your dad" I winked at him and he immediately catch up with the sudden conversation like this.

"I guess you married Jay?" she asked me.

"Bold of you to come into my house after swooping my boyfriend away" I told her.

"I don't mean to take him away from you in the first place. He was the problem between us" She replied.

"No... He was not the problem. You knew that he was drunk and was looking for me but you took the opportunity to kiss him. You also know that he already is taken in the first place" I told her.

"I don't know who let you in here but please get out" I told her and I never looked back.

"I thought you might be interested in these documents, I want to renew my image to you and that I support you more than your relatives." She told me and place the envelop on the swing. Now she left.

I thought so hard and was just looking at the envelop on the swing. I sighed and looked at the sky with the thought of "should I trust her?" I was so exhausted and just took it without looking.

When I went back to the house, Seungmin was a little mad while he was waiting with Jay. On the other hand, Jay looked the other way because he can't do anything with Seungmin's tantrums.

"we did not bond for today mom" Seungmin said while he was tightly holding my hand.

"What do you want to do today Min-ahh?" I asked looking at him.

"I guess I should be going now too" Jay said and we said our farewells with Seungmin hugging him and we did kiss each other's cheeks.

"See you tomorrow Avy" Jay said waving his hand while his car is already here.

"Don't meet my mom often uncle Jay... You're taking too much of her time" Seungmin said with his ears fuming but Jay and I just laughed at him.

"Let's go inside now, my dear" I said while holding each other's hand.

"Mom~ What do you think about the nice uncle?" he asked me with his eyes wider as if he was curious about my answer.

"Who? Jay?" I asked and his face suddenly turned sour, which is so cuteeeee that it made me pinch his cheeks so hard.

"I really don't know whether you like Jay or not. Sometimes you two are so warm with each other and other times like you two are always bickering" I told him with a wide smile.

"Uncle Jay is good but Uncle Heesing is also great" he commented which made my face suddenly turned upset.

Is there blood ties that strong? Seungmin is so attached with him and admires him the best. We shouldn't have come back here, it is clearly a bad decision I made.

"Mom~ I'm sorry... I will keep my distance at him, I don't want to upset you" he said dropping his head.

"Nonsense~ I will not stop you because of me. If you find him nice then I will just support you and not to take away the decisions you made yourself" I told him while snuggling him.

"By the way Seungmin... Aunt Dae sent me a sample of the wedding invitations and the clothes some of the kids to wear. You're the ring bearer so what do you think about it? You have a taste in fashion so I thought I will ask for your opinion to help your Aunt Dae" I told him and he too was curious so I gave him a tablet.

"Woww~ Aunt Dae has a great taste in fashion Mom~ their wedding theme is green, not to mention that even the interior designs fits the two of them perfectly" he was judging everything without bias which makes him so professional.

"I don't really know if you're my son or not. You are so stern when you judge me and you praise your aunt Dae" I said dropping my head and when he noticed it, he immediately hugged me.

"But you are the best woman in my life Mom" he said smiling widely at me

I look at him suspiciously and then we finally laugh again "I am very strict to you mom because your clothes are mostly too plain and boring that's why you're not attracting more men other than uncle Jay" he said which made my expression turn shock and it hurt my pride.

"You want me to seduce a lot of men? I will feel so ashamed if I do that and not to mention that I am keeping myself low profile because I am preventing myself from attracting obnoxious men" I told him while holding my chest.

"Bu---" I stopped him from talking further and carried him in my arms and walk to the direction of his room.

"You really are pressuring me to find you a father right?" I said while I look at him.

"I am not pressuring you Mom... I just want you to be happy" he replied.

"But I am already happy because I have you with me" I said hugging him like I am a leech.

He sighed "I love you mom~ however~" he said while he was studying my expression.

"However?" I asked while I was disappointed.

"I will eventually leave you one day... and I want you to have someone by your side while both of you grow old with freckles and gray hair" he replied.

I scoffed and said "That is 4 or 5 decades in the future" I said while laughing and pet his head.

He looked at me with madness and now I know he is sulking. I poke his cheeks repeatedly and now he is annoyed.

"You know it hurts me when you get mad at me" I said while pouting while I widened my eyes.

He sighed heavily and he force himself to hug me.

"Mom... Sing me a lullaby for me tonight to make it quits" he said and I just kissed his cheeks.

"Okay~ I will sing you a song then tomorrow I will be the one to drop and pick you up" I said while I raised my other hand.

"I love you always and forever Mom~" he said then hold tightly on me.

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