Chapter 9: School

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"Seungmin-ahh~ come down and eat" I called for him.

"Coming mom" he replied.

"I already packed your things, you don't trust me do you?" I told him while I was cooking the pancakes, eggs, hotdogs, fried rice and some apples. I told miss Lu that I will be the one cooking for today.

"You might have forgotten something so I checked it twice" he told me.

"Eyy~ I packed everything" I told him and he came to the dining table.

"Yey! I love the foods you cook the most mom" he cheered.

I put the food on his plate and we ate together.

"By the way Seungmin~ are you comfortable with the people here?" I asked him.

"I think so, they're nice" he replied.

"Because I asked Aunt Mhary to come on Friday" I told him which made his eyes widen.

"Not aunt Mhary~ she's so strict mom" he whined.

"I already booked her a flight" I told him and laugh silently. He was looking at me with his sharp eyes.

After we are done eating, I drove him to his school and find his classroom.

"Don't forget to call me if anything goes wrong okay?" I hold his shoulders.

"Okay mom. My phone is always hanging on my neck, don't worry" he said.

I kissed his forehead and he went inside. The other mother's were looking at me with so much admiration.

"Is she the one who always in the TV?" she whispered.

"I think so" the other one said.

"A--Are you perhaps Kim Avy?" a brave mother asked.

"Hellooo~" I greeted them and bowed but they immediately prevent me from doing it so.

"I read most of your books, this is the perfect opportunity to ask for your autograph but sadly I didn't bring it with me" she said.

"That's okay, I'll always be here" I replied.

"Is that your sibling? Nephew? Orr---" someone asked but I cut him off.

"He's my son and I hope no one will put it on public because it will ruin his personal privacy. I just want him to walk around at ease" I advice him and bowed to them one last time to leave. They are much older than me so I should respect them.

I went to cause chaos in my father's company.


"Mr. Jeon, I'm here as my father's representative" Heeseung started.

"Oh~ Mr. Lee, you truly are handsome" he complimented.

"Thank you for the flattery, I'm just here to deliver the amount for the student's needs." Heeseung told him.

"Are you available to walk around the campus young Mr. Lee?" He asked.

"I will walk around myself sir, thank you for the hospitality" Heeseung replied.

He walk around the campus, it was wide and it really is a school for class A rich people. They have a soccer field, tennis court, and a lot of sport fields.

"This is still a primary school and it has a lot of advantages" Heeseung told his secretary.

"You can bring your child here in the future sir" he told him.

"I'm still young and I have no intention of marrying yet. Now you're telling me to have a child Chan?" He looked at him with his killer eyes.

"I did not mean to offend you but there comes a time when you do have kids" Chan told him as he was so totally done with him.

They were walking along the classrooms and the kids were patiently hearing the lectures.

"Oh! Uncle Ethan!" a child shouted as he pointed at the window.

Heeseung heard it and look at his direction.

"He's studying here?" he asked.

"It's that kid again" Chan told him.

"Teacher! Can I excuse myself out?!" the kid excitedly said and the teacher told him to be back as soon as possible.

"You are seriously stalking me mister" the kid said and Ethan kneeled to match the kid's height.

"It must be you who is stalking me" Ethan told him and they were both smiling from ear to ear.

"You should go back to class, rich kid" Ethan told him as he brush the kid's shoulder.

Seungmin nods and went back to his classroom. They both wave at each other and Ethan left to go back to the company.


He went back to the car and put his earphones as usual. He also closed his eyes along the way so that he wouldn't hear anything about the cars.

When they arrived infront of his father's company, he walk directly in. Many people bowed for him as a sign of respect and hierarchy.

"Sir, Director Song is waiting for you in your office" the woman in the front desk notified him and Chan came rushing to him.

"Who is director Song?" Ethan asked.

"Oh~ the director who create big time hits nationally and internationally" Chan told him.

"He's famous?" Ethan asked him again.

"You don't know director Song? He directed the movies 'All is Well,' 'Thousand Miles Apart,' and a lot of dramas who always hit the top charts" Chan advised him and immediately look for a picture in the internet.

"I've been in the US for 3 years, survived 1 year and always consult a therapist until now. Do you think I have a time to watch some movies or dramas?" He told him and Chan was flustered, he just slowly put his phone back to his pocket.

"I'm sorry Sir" he said keeping his head down.

"That's okay," Ethan replied with a smile.

They were on the way to his office and as soon as he opened his door, he smiled.

"Good day, Director. What a pleasant surprise" he greeted and the director immediately bring out his hand.

"Good day sir!" the director replied.

"Let's go straight to business director. What do you want from me?" Ethan asked as he sat down and lean back.

"Chan, coffee please or tea" Heeseung ordered.

"No need for that, I will keep it short because you might be busy" Director Song replied to him.

Heeseung was waiting for him to talk.

"I was hoping to get a permission to let us film our upcoming drama here in your building?" He directly asked.

"From a famous director, of course I would give you a permission to film here. Just send me your filming schedules so that I will be aware of it" he replied.

"Really?" the director asked.

"Of course! This will be an advantage in our part, it's more like lowkey promoting the company" Heeseung replied and the director was very happy for the immediate response of the young business man.


AN: Does anyone care to share their thoughts?

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