To Befriend A Cullen...

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Chapter One-


I could hear my mothers shrill voice even over my favourite band that was blasting from my CD player.

With a sigh, I flicked the music off and swung my bedroom door open, "What?!" I yelled back.

"Your gonna be late!" was the only reply I received.

I rolled my eyes, grabbed my school bag and made my way downstairs... Today was my first day at a new school, and I was absolutely terrified to put it lightly.

"Better get going Georgie. It's already eight thirty." my mum informed me as she buttoned up my little sisters cardigan.

"Yeah, I'm goin'..." I muttered, dashing out of the door.

Once outside, I soon realised that it was actually quarter to nine... 'Dammit! I'm going to be late!' I screamed inwardly.

The school was only a few streets away, but I knew that walking at a normal pace would mean I would be late so with another sigh, I picked up the pace and ended up jogging all the way to school...

I arrived at the large, sprawling building just as the bell rang and quickly found the office, where a plump woman with rosy cheeks was stationed... "Hello, how can I help you?" she questioned as I approached.

"Uhm hi... I'm Georgina Davis. Today's my first day." I told her, my gaze dropping to the floor.

The woman rustled through some papers then made a triumphant noise, "Here's your timetable, and your first class is just down the hall that way." she informed me, pointing down the corridor.

I nodded my thanks and practically ran towards my first class, I could see through the small window that the room was packed full of students and swallowed nervously... I was never any good with people.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped into the room and blushed furiously when everybody fell silent and stared up at me.

"I'm Georgie..." I mumbled.

"Oh, hello Georgie. Take a seat please!" the teacher said with a slight smile.

The teacher was a middle aged man with short dark hair and thickly framed glasses. He seemed like the geeky type, but was so far my favourite due to not forcing me to stand up for much longer...

I took the only seat that was left in the classroom, which just so happened to be next to a tall pale guy, with bronze hair and black eyes.

"Hi..." I said quietly as the teacher began calling the register.


With a sigh I pulled out my English Literature book and set it on the table, "Georgina Davis?" the teacher called.

"Here sir." I replied, raising my hand.

The teacher gave me a nod and raised one of his eyebrows a bit, which kind of made him look like a deranged owl...

The pale guy next to me smirked slightly and looked at me from the corner of his eye, "Can I help you?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

He looked back at the desk and shook his head slightly, "Not at all... Im Edward Cullen by the way."

I opened my book and turned my head towards him, "Nice to meet you." was all I replied.

And that was that. I sat staring out of the window, listening to the teacher drone on about Shakespeare and stuff.... I had a feeling that it'd be a long day...


At lunch I sat by myself of course. I hadnt made any friends during first or second lesson, and was starting to think I'd just stay a loner for the two years I was attending...

"Have you heard about the Cullens?" a girl with bleached blonde hair sneered behind me.

"No..." the girl next to her whispered.

Guessing that they were probably just no good gossips, I decided to ignore whatever else they said and began picking my sandwich apart...

"Shh! There they are!"

At hearing this, I couldn't help but turn around to see who they were talking about. They were acting as if these Cullens were like celebrities or something...

The pale bronze-haired guy from English walked in, followed by seven other individuals... And each one was as breathtakingly stunning as the last.

The first individual that followed Edward was an average height brunette, whose demeanour was that of someone who detested the spotlight... Behind her was a slightly younger-looking girl with bronze ringlets that fell to her waist. She was the only one with a slight flush to her cheeks, the rest were all deathly pale...

The next individual that entered was a statuesque blonde who looked as of she belonged on a catwalk, not in a highschool. Behind her came a huge, muscular guy with dark hair and a giant grin on his face...

And finally, a tall blonde guy walked in holding hands with a very short dark-haired girl, who looked as of she was dancing rather than walking... They were all so different, yet so similar at the same time.

They all just stood there for a moment, completely motionless until Edward glanced over to the table I was sat at... I then noticed that the only available seats were at my table.

Suddenly, as if knowing exactly what Edward was thinking, they all began gliding towards my table in a strangely haunting manner... Not wanting to annoy the 'celebrities' of the school, I decided to take this opportunity to flee the cafeteria...

I didn't know who those people really were, but I had the strangest feeling I should stay far, far away from them...


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