Wake Up

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After what seemed like forever, the excruciating burning sensation began receding from my limbs. Eventually ceasing everywhere except for my throat, which burnt like an angry furnace...

"Everyone. Listen to their hearts." a voice murmured.

Now that I didn't have the roar of the flames inside me to contend with, I instantly tuned into my heartbeat... It seemed to echo another that worked slightly ahead of mine.

Eventually the leading heart stopped with a final thud, immediately followed by my own dull thud which left me feeling a little bit hollow inside...

"How long?"

My left hand suddenly felt empty as whatever had just been in it vanished, "Twenty three minutes and thirty one seconds for Georgie." a higher, melodic voice said.

Georgie... My name.

"What about Jay?"

At the mention of his name, my non-beating heart seemed to leap in my chest...

"I don't know... I can't see his future anymore."

My eyes flew open as I tried to register what I was hearing... Where was I? Who was with me? And more importantly, where was Jay??

"I thought you said we had twenty three minutes and however many seconds till she woke up Alice?" someone said, sounding slightly worried.

As soon as I thought about sitting up, I was already there before I could even finish thinking. Staring at the people before me...

"I did... The mention of his name must have triggered something." that melodic voice sang.

That voice belonged to a small, pixie-like woman who was now smiling softly at me... Alice.

"How are you feeling Georgie??" someone else asked quietly.


My eyes darted around the room as I took in the immense detail. Dust particles dancing in a ray of sunlight which streamed in through a window. Worn threads which stood to attention on the colourful patchwork quilt that was draped over the old sofa in the corner.

I could smell Lavender, honey and Lilac's. I could feel a smooth hand in mine. I could almost taste the air...

"I'm not sure..." I eventually replied, widening my eyes when I heard my voice.

I sounded nothing like me.

"It can be rather overwhelming at first sweetheart... But you'll get used to it quickly." Esme told me gently.

My gaze found its way to my hand which I now held another... Following the pale arm, up to the persons face made me stop dead. Jay.

"Jay." I whispered, as if saying it would make it any less unreal.

My true love lay on a lumpy bed that was identical to my own. Strands of his rich brown hair reflecting the light in shades of red... His eyes were still closed, and partially covered by his messy hair. But I could see his dark eyelashes which rested on his snow-white cheeks as if he was deeply asleep...

"Will he wake up soon?" I asked to no one in particular as I stared at our intertwined hands again.

"I don't know Georgie. His futures vanished..." Alice replied solemnly.

I nodded once as I tried to slowly cross my legs, not even taking my eyes off Jay when I ended up doing it in under half a second.

The very last thing I remember before falling into the abyss of nothingness was those green eyes... His eyes.

"You need to go hunting Georgie." Jasper reminded me suddenly, staying quiet as if he was afraid to startle me.

My throat burnt fiercely as I thought of what that would entail, feeling much like there was a white-hot poker burning it painfully...

"I don't want to leave him..." I whimpered, fighting an internal battle with myself.

I knew I needed to hunt. My throat was burning angrily and I could feel my sense of reason ebbing away at an alarming rate... But I didn't want to leave his side, fearing he would think I abandoned him when he needed me the most...

"I know..." Alice murmured as she tentatively placed a soothing hand on my back, "But it's for the best."

Knowing they were one hundred percent correct, I couldn't argue anymore and kissed Jay's hand gently before letting it go and standing up in one fluid motion...

"Good luck."

On hearing this voice, I whirled around and saw Lailah leant up against the white wall in the corner, giving me a sad look with those crimson eyes.

"Thanks..." I smiled briefly, feeling edgy now.

I had those eyes now, and so would Jay when he eventually woke up...

"Come on." Alice urged as she took my hand.

When we had jumped out of the second storey window and were finally alone, I decided to voice my main worry at this precise moment...

"Usually when you can't see someones future anymore it means they're going to die doesn't it?" I asked her, my voice thick with worry.

My best friend lowered her head as we ran, "Yes... But I don't think that's why I can't see Jay's." she assured me slowly.

Running at vampire speed was exhilarating... The wind on my sensitive skin. The perfect clarity in which I could see everything. And even the way my dead heart soared with the sheer freedom of this seemingly simple action... It was all perfect.

"You need to listen." Alice informed me with a sideways smile as we came to a stop.

Taking her advice I stood in the exact centre of the clearing, taking an unnecessary breath to clear my head of all thoughts and concentrate on listening...

A steady thumping noise assaulted my ears, causing my eyes to snap open and my body to respond before I could comprehend what I was doing... In a matter of seconds I was on top of my prey, forcing it back onto the ground when it began thrashing in my grip.

And then I drank.


"Are you feeling better now sweetheart?" Esme asked me when me and Alice arrived back.

I gave her a gentle smile and nodded, "Much better."

When we entered the room where I had been turned, I couldn't help but get a feeling of unease when I saw that Jay was still in the slumber of his transformation...

"Why isn't he waking up?" I questioned Carlisle who was stood near the window, "You injected him first so surely he should have woken up first..."

My adoptive father gently shook his head, "It doesn't always work that way Georgie... Everyone reacts to the venom differently. Some just take slightly longer than others." he replied, trying to reassure me.

With a slight nod I sat cross-legged on the hospital bed I'd been on before, taking my husbands pale hand in mine as I waited for him to wake up...


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