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(Alice's POV)

"Sweet dreams Georgie." I said quietly into the room where she lay, "I will help you find him..."

There was a conviction in my voice that shocked even me as I said those words, and I knew exactly why... Because if I was in her position I'd hunt Jasper to the ends of the earth just to be with him.

"Is she alright?" Jasper questioned me as soon as I closed the door to the room she was staying in.

I turned to see him leant up against the wall of the corridor, looking at me with love in his eyes. "As alright as she can be..." I sighed as I wrapped my arms around him, breathing in his scent.

"Are you okay?" he asked seriously as his strong arms enveloped me.

"Yes." I replied truthfully, "But there's something we need to do..."

Jasper let me go and followed me down into the living room where everyone but Rosalie and Emmett were still sat...

"His last names Robertson." Edward informed me as soon as he looked up.

All the others looked up at me, "What's the matter? We could hear her crying from in here." Esme said sadly.

"I think it's better if we wait till she's ready to tell you all..." Jasper suggested, squeezing my hand gently.

Edward met my eyes as he read my mind only to let his gaze drop to the floor when he realised what I was going to do, "Do you really think you should interfere Alice?" he questioned me seriously.

"I'm not going to sit back and watch my friend live without her soulmate Edward." I told him forcefully.

A wave of calmness from Jazz washed over me as everyone in the room caught the gist of what had happened, "I just think we should wait..." Edward murmured.

At this I let out a sigh, "You know as well as I do that it's impossible to live properly without your mate... Like when you left Bella. Both of you almost stopped functioning." I reminded them.

"But she's still functioning Alice." Bella interrupted.

I nodded slowly, "I'm really surprised she's held on this long..." I admitted.

"Her emotions were unbearable..." Jasper told everyone, "Everytime she relives what happened she just gets worse, but I think she's still holding out relatively alright because she's not like us... But it hurts just as badly."

I watched as Edward read my husbands mind and winced as he experienced a snapshot of what Jasper felt of Georgie's emotions.

"Alright. I'll help." Edward offered as he stood up.

In the end all of us ended up at the dining room table as i surfed the Internet for information on Jay Robertson, and while Carlisle called in a few favours with some well-connected friends of his...

"That's him." Edward said quickly from across the room as I clicked on a Facebook profile with a picture of a guy.

In his picture he was smiling a nice crooked smile, showing off a set of perfect white teeth. He had fluffy brown hair which fell into his eyes slightly but when I looked at his eyes I frowned... They were a really nice bright green colour, but they weren't happy.

"A smile that doesn't reach his eyes..." Esme sighed sadly from beside me.

I quickly clicked off the picture of the boy and scrolled down his profile, clicking onto the about bit..

"New Zealand?!" I exclaimed as I saw that was where he lived now.

Carlisle tapped something into his mobile phone only for it to ring a second later, "Got it!" a voice announced on the other side of the phone.

"Go ahead." Carlisle murmured as he picked up a pen.

The voice recited a number for my adoptive father and after a quick goodbye they both hung up, "This is his mobile number..." Carlisle told me as he passed me the piece of paper.

"Okay." I smiled as I pulled out my own mobile.

In a second I had the number typed in and was about to press ring when a hand fell on my shoulder, "Your a great friend for doing this Alice, but don't tell her." was all Edward said before speeding away with Bella.

Jasper gave me a small smile as I pressed the call button... The phone was answered after three rings, "Hello?" a male voice answered.

It was him...

I suppressed the urge to yell at him for leaving Georgie and spoke, "Hi, is this Jay?"

There was shuffling on the other end of the line, "Yeah, who's this?" he questioned in a confused tone.

"My names Alice Cullen." I told him.

"Do I know you?"

Jasper came to sit beside me, "No, but I'm a friend of Georgie's..." I said quietly.

"Georgie Davis?" he asked shakily.


There was silence all round as Jay tried to process this, "Is she there?" he finally replied.

"No, she's asleep."

Jasper took a hold of my spare hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze, "So why are you calling?" Jay questioned me, sounding depressed.

"Look... I don't know why you left and moved to New Zealand when you did, but I do know that Georgie needs you." I let him know with a sincere tone.

"She doesn't--"

"And I know for a fact that you need her..." I interrupted.

Jay sighed deeply over the phone, "I know." he breathed as his voice broke.

They really couldn't live without each other...

"And I know she'd really like to see you again." I told him, "So if your smart you'll take me up on the offer I'm about to give you."

There was more shuffling, "Go on." was the only reply I received.

"My father can organise a private jet to fly you over to England free of charge." I proposed.


I laughed softly, "Yes, but only if you can leave in two weeks."

Jay was silent for a long moment, "Name the time and place and I'll be there..." he vowed seriously.


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