My Story.

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Later that night I was sat in the Cullen's living room surrounded by them, and I was pretty happy until Bella put a really upsetting love film on for us all to watch.

I let the tears roll down my cheeks as I watched the first half, noticing that none of the others actually cried at all...

"Vampires can't cry." Edward informed me as he squeezed Bella's hand reassuringly.

Jasper was watching me with a pained expression as he sat with Alice on the sofa opposite and I wondered why he wasn't using his gift to stop me from feeling like this...

Renesmee had disappeared up to bed before the film started, and I felt really out of place in that room filled with couples... Alice had her head resting on Jaspers chest as she watched the TV while he stroked the back of her hand gently.

Edward and Bella were holding hands tightly and Everytime something sad happened on the television they would meet each others eyes and smile.

Emmett had one of his muscled arms around Rosalie as she rested her head on his shoulder, and even Carlisle and Esme were all loved up...

Suddenly it all became overwhelming and I watched as Jaspers jaw clenched and his spare hand balled into his fist as my heart felt like it broke in two. And without a word I stood up and ran from the room...

I had no idea where to go so I ended up outside in the darkness with tears streaming from my eyes as I tried to breathe deeply to calm myself down... Why couldn't I calm down??

Usually I would manage to compose myself once I'd relived the heartbreak I'd felt, but today I just couldn't.

"Georgie?" a familiar voice said quietly from behind me. Without turning around I just slumped to the floor as I carried on crying, "What's going on?"

At first I couldn't reply but when a pale hand with crescent-shaped marks touched my arm I felt slightly calmer, "He left me..." I sobbed.

Jasper pulled his hand away but sat down next to me, "Do you want me to get Alice?" he asked sadly.

I shook my head, "No..."

There was a loud sigh from Jasper as he touched my arm gently again, and I soon realised why when all my sadness evaporated, leaving a dull ache in my heart that I'd lived with for years... His gift was stronger when he had skin-to-skin contact.

"Thanks Jasper." I sighed as I looked down at my hands.

I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye, "Your emotions were getting unbearable... I couldn't not help." he informed me solemnly.

"Another reason you find it hard to be around me right?" I laughed dryly.

"Actually, contrary to popular belief, I find it quite easy to be around you when your not completely heartbroken..." he told me lightly.

My gaze drifted upwards till I met his sincere golden eyes, "How come?" I asked curiously.

Jasper smiled a kind smile, "Well firstly because I feel like I can be myself because you didn't judge me, and secondly because I don't actually want to kill you at all." he replied.

My own smile reappeared as I took in what he'd just said, "That's... Nice to know. But how come? I mean my bloods still there right?" I prompted, feeling slightly awkward.

"Yes, but it doesn't smell as strong as other humans... Like its far away." he mused, seemingly talking to himself.

I bit my lip gently, "I don't understand..."

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