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(Georgie's POV)


By the time Friday night rolled around, I was acting like the queen was coming to stay! I'd cleaned my room up to the tidiest it had ever been and stocked it with movies and food.

I didn't know why I was so bothered, but I think it might've had something to do with me feeling like nothing was good enough for the Cullens...

"I think your friends here!" my mother called from downstairs.

I ran down the stairs so fast I almost fell down them, and when I got downstairs I peeked out of the window... A canary yellow Porsche was parked right outside my house, and I watched with my mouth hanging open as Alice quickly got out of the drivers side... A Porsche?!?

She pulled a few bags out of the car next and after double locking her porsche, she began approaching my house gracefully, and I quickly closed the curtain.

A knock sounded at the door and in a second I pulled it open to reveal a grinning Alice, "Hey." I said awkwardly.

"Hi Georgie!" she greeted as she gave me a tight one-arm hug. I invited her in and was about to smuggle her upstairs but she stopped me, "I need to meet your family!" she grinned, putting her bags down near the stairs.

I was really hoping she wouldn't want to, but nodded anyway...

"Mum, this is Alice Cullen..." I mumbled as me and Alice walked into the kitchen where my mum was feeding Lola, my little sister.

My mother took one look at Alice and practically dropped the stuff she was holding, "I... Hello." was all she said, sounding embarrassed.

Alice just smiled kindly, "Hello, it's so nice to meet you!" she told her enthusiastically.

Suddenly my little sister hopped down from the chair she was on, "Herro Awice." she almost whispered, looking at the floor.

Alice got down on her knees so she was the same height as Lola, "Hello. What's your name?" she asked quietly.


"And how old are you Lola?" she questioned nicely.


Alice smiled at my little sister, "Can I have a hug Lola?"

I was completely convinced that Lola would shake her head and run back to my mum, but instead she looked up at Alice and after a moment went and hugged her...

"Thank you for a very nice hug." Alice beamed.

Lola's eyes lit up and she grinned, "Your welcome!" she chimed.

Alice slowly stood up and gave my mum and sister a small wave before grabbing my hand and dragging me back towards the stairs...

"Let's go!" she suggested happily.

"Errr okay..." I agreed as I led her up the stairs and into my room.

Alice scanned my room as I stood awkwardly near the door. She looked so out of place in my average room, like a shiny ruby amongst grey stones...

"I like it!" she informed me with a smile as she set down her bags.

I nodded slightly as I stepped around her and sat on my bed, "So--"

"Can I give you a makeover?!" Alice asked enthusiastically.

I never wore makeup or anything usually, but nodded all the same... And after just over an hour of Alice telling me not to look, to sit still and her grinning at me like I was a masterpiece, I was ready...

"Close your eyes!" she ordered excitedly. I obeyed straight away and squeezed my eyes shut... I was helped into a standing position and turned around, "You can open them now!"

I had to suppress a gasp as I took in my reflection... My green eyes stood out beautifully, my pale skin was absolutely flawless and my brown hair was falling down my back in pretty waves...

"What do you think?" Alice asked me as she grinned.

My mouth that had been hanging open closed and I turned to look at her, "It's..."

She raised an eyebrow in question, "It's??" she coaxed.

"It's amazing!!! Thank you Alice!" I yelled as I hugged her tightly.

Alice giggled, "I knew you'd like it!" she said as she hugged me back.

When I stepped away from her I couldn't stop staring at myself in awe, "I wish you could do my make up for me everyday!" I told her truthfully.

I'd never been a makeup person but I looked absolutely amazing thanks to this mysterious pixie-like girl.

"We'll see." Alice replied with a smirk as we sat down on my bed opposite my TV.

I couldn't understand what she'd meant by that, but I decided to let it go so we could do something else...

"Wanna watch a movie?" I enquired.

Alice beamed at me, "Why not!"

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