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Nearly two weeks passed without much happening at all... Alice appeared in my room every morning to do my makeup for school, then she'd disappear and id join her and Jazz in the car a few minutes later.

The only thing that changed was their eyes which gradually got darker and darker, day by day until both of their eyes were coal black as we drove to school one day and Jasper seemed to be getting uncomfortable about being around me again...

"Remember Jazz, your stronger than you think." I reminded him as we got out of the car at school.

"Thanks Georgie..." was the only reply I received.

As I did every morning before I disappeared to English Literature I hugged them both tightly, ignoring the fact that Jasper didn't hug back as he tensed up and then I said I'd meet them at lunch.

After three hours of agonisingly slow lessons I sat down at our usual table, noticing that Jasper sat the other side of his wife rather than next to me and the rest of the Cullen's watched him nervously...

"So hows your day been so far guys?" I questioned, trying to lighten the mood.

Everyone just mumbled their answers quickly and quietly before going back to watching Jasper... And I had enough.

"Stop watching him like he's a wild animal!!" I growled as quietly as I could manage while still getting my annoyance across.

Jaspers black eyes met mine and he gave me a small smile as the others turned to look at me, "We're just trying to help--" Edward started, but I put up a hand while I glared at him.

"Treating him like he's a danger to everyone in the room isn't going to help him!" I reminded them coldly.


"But nothing Emmett!" I yelled at him, "He deserves to be treated like the rest of you."

A wave of calmness washed over me, but it didn't help much when they all went back to watching him closely...

Without another word I slammed my food down on the table before leaving the cafeteria... It wasn't fair!

What did Jasper ever do to deserve such treatment?! I mean sure, he's made some mistakes in the past... But haven't they all??

I know for a fact Edward and Emmett have! So they have no right to judge him!!

'AND I REALLY HOPE YOUR LISTENING MR EDWARD CULLEN!' I shouted in my head, knowing he'd hear me even if he didn't want to.

A boy with a handsome, but boyish face strolled up to stand right next to me, "Hey I'm Seth Clearwater." he introduced with a blinding white smile as he offered me his hand.

I gaped at him for a moment before shaking his hand, which seemed strangely warm. "I'm Georgie..."

Seth continued smiling and nodded, "Oh I know who you are... Renesmee's been talking about you almost constantly to Jake." he informed me lightly.

"Resnesmee's been... Who's Jake?"

The boy looked at me with big brown eyes that held a childish spark, "They... Haven't told you?" he smirked slightly.

I searched my head for what he could mean but came up with nothing so I just shook my head, "I have no idea what your talking about..."

Seth opened his mouth to tell me whatever it was that I should know, but was cut off by Edward bursting out of the cafeteria doors, looking serious...

"Don't Seth." was all he said before turning to me, "We'll tell you Georgie, just not here..."

My first instinct was to bug him until he told me, but the expression on his face made me stop.

"Alright." I nodded.

Edwards black eyes widened and he spun around to face the door he just came out of, just in time to watch a scene that would stay with me for the rest of my life...

Jasper was practically being dragged out of the door by Emmett, but he didn't try to fight it... The expression on his face was one of resignation. And that scared me more than anything...

"What happened??" I questioned everyone as Jasper was loaded into Emmett's Jeep, just to sit there and stare straight ahead.

No one answered me so I whirled on Alice, "What happened?" I repeated quietly, trying to move her away from the others slightly.

Alice's expression was one of sadness, "Victoria Madeley... She accidentally cut herself." she told me in a hushed tone.

"Was anyone hurt Alice??"

She shook her head slowly, "I saw him do it in a vision, so I warned Emmett and we got him out just in time..."

I let out a shaky breath as the Jeep with Jasper in pulled out of the car park, "That's okay then... Isn't it?" I smiled.

But my smile quickly vanished when Alice remained solemn, "He was so happy Georgie, he thought he could do it because you showed him how much stronger he is..." she said almost too fast for me to catch.

All remnants of happiness vanished from my face, "That's why he's so... Unresponsive." I realised in a whisper.

"He thinks that this proved it wrong. That this means he's weak Georgie... And Jasper doesn't like being weak." she finished with worry in her black eyes.

Edward placed a hand on his adoptive sisters shoulder, "We have to go." he announced with a tone that made me worry even more.

Alice nodded ever so slightly before her whole face went blank... So instead of watching her, I watched Edward as he saw all the things she was seeing of the future...

Edwards expression was one of remorse, "He's--"

"Giving up." I finished for him, knowing that just from his face.

I should have known by the look of complete resignation and lack of emotion on Jaspers face as he was carried away...

"I need to talk to him." I muttered as I turned away from them both.

Alice snapped out of her vision, and without saying a word got into her car. "Georgie, it's not safe for you to be around him at the moment..." Edward told me seriously.

At this I whirled to face him and pointed a finger at him forcefully, "Jaspers my friend Edward. Friends help friends when they need it, and right now Jasper needs it." I snapped.

Edward stated at me for a moment before turning away and getting into his Volvo, so without another moments hesitation I jumped into the car next to Alice and held on for dear life as we raced to get back to the Cullen household...

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