Theyre all real...

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Back at the Cullen's house everyone was sat in the living room, including three individuals I hadn't met properly before...

There was Seth, who had spoken to me at school earlier, a larger more muscled guy who was apparently called Jacob, and a girl with cropped black hair, who looked like she hated being there.

"He's coming home!" Alice squealed happily as she hugged me tightly, "Thank you so much!!"

I just smiled to myself and hugged her back, "That's what friends are for." was all I said as I blushed.

After Alice had finished hugging me Carlisle made his way over to me, "Georgie, we would all like you to know that we consider you part of our family now... You've only been with us for such a short amount of time, but you've done so much for us." he told me with a fatherly kindness in his voice that I'd never heard before.

You see, I'd never actually had a father... He had left my mother just after I was born, and Lola was actually my half sister...

Without thinking about it I launched myself at him and hugged his waist tightly, "Thank you dad..." I whispered as tears sprung to my eyes.

Carlisle hesitated for a moment before carefully hugging me back, patting my back soothingly.

Next Esme stepped forwards, "I can't thank you enough for persuading my son to come back..." she said with relief clear on her face.

I hugged her tightly too, smiling at her motherly warmness and love as I buried my head in her shoulder and her slender arms wrapped around me...

"Jaspers back." Edward announced amidst the thanking.

Both me and Alice looked at each other with a giant grin, then without warning Alice vanished to go find him.

"So who are you guys??" I questioned Seth and his friends to waste time till Alice and Jazz got back.

Without answering me Jacob looked over at Edward, "None of you have told her yet?" he enquired with an eyebrow raised.

"She only recently found out about our existence Jacob, we didn't want to overwhelm her." he murmured as an excuse.

I gave Edward a skeptical look, "When have I ever been overwhelmed Eddie?"

His expression became annoyed as I used that dreaded nickname, and Seth and Jacob began laughing...

"So, tell me." I demanded as I looked back to them.

Jacob stood up, followed closely by Seth and the girl who's name was Leah.

"It's probably better if we show you." Jake decided with a smirk.

Edward shook his head, "I really don't think that's a good idea..." he muttered.

"They can show me if they want." I shot back as Alice and Jasper walked in.

Jaspers eyes were that light golden colour again, and he just generally looked a hundred percent better than he had done...

"Jasper, could you use your gift so she doesn't get too freaked out?" Alice asked her husband sweetly.

"Of course." he nodded, smiling a little.

The three of them all walked out into the dark back garden and I stood up on the decking, watching them with the Cullen's stood behind me...

My whole mood became completely calm as Jasper stood next to me, "Go ahead." he encouraged them, signalling that I was calm.

"What are--"

Suddenly there was a loud ripping sound and in the place of those three were three massive wolves...

Jaspers power slowly inched away as they tried to gage my response, but I had none and when his calmness went away completely I just stood there staring at them.

"Are you alright??" Alice questioned me quietly.

"They're all real..." was all I could manage.

Everyone looked to Jasper, "Is she scared?" Esme asked seriously.

Jazz remained silent for a second before shaking his head, "No... I don't--"

"She's not scared." Edward announced, "She's just getting over the fact that all of its real..."

A few minutes went by and I managed to snap out of my trance, "Everything we're told as kids is real... All the monsters we end up fearing irrationally." I summarised quietly to myself.

"You fear us for a reason, but not consciously. But they won't hurt you intentionally... And neither will we." Jasper assured me calmly.

I took a tentative step forwards but stopped, "Can I...?"

All of the vampires nodded in encouragement so I walked towards the massive wolves until I was in front of the one I knew was Seth...

"Hey Seth." I greeted quietly.

The wolf made a low rumbling sound that wasn't threatening in the least and lowered his head.

I slowly reached out a hand and gently buried it in the thick fur at the scruff of his neck... It surprised me how soft it was, but I didn't comment as the wolf leant into my touch...

"Time to call your mum Georgie!" Alice called from the house.

"Oh my gosh!! She'll be so worried!"

With one last scratch of Seth's fur I smiled and walked away, "Yes she will be if you don't call!" Alice urged, and i knew she was right as she'd seen the future.

"Thanks for reminding me." I muttered sarcastically as I pulled out my phone and watched the wolves retreat into the forest.

"Tell her your sleeping at mine tonight and tomorrow! She'll let you." Alice grinned.

I rolled my eyes, "Alright..."

My mother answered after two rings, "Thank god Georgie! I was so worried!" she had gushed.

"I'm fine mum..." I mumbled as my cheeks went bright red, but thanks to Jasper that didn't last long.

"Where are you honey?" my mother pressed.

Alice looked at me expectantly, "I'm at Alice's... Can I stay at hers this weekend?" I asked, dreading the response.

There was a moments silence before my mum answered, "Sure honey, see you soon. Love you!" she replied.

"Love you too mum." and then I hung up.

I looked up to Alice who was practically jumping up and down, then I noticed Jasper had his hand in hers and was no doubt calming her...

"Whats got you so excited?" I questioned her with suspicion.

Edward smirked slightly but Alice just shook her head, "I'm just glad your staying again!" was her reply.

Why did I get the feeling I was missing something??


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