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"Your here..." I gasped as I regarded my old friend from a distance.

Lailah's red hair fell down to her waist in slight waves, framing her perfectly flawless porcelain face beautifully. She stood with an air of confidence I've only ever found in vampires, her dark purple dress complimenting her as if it was designed specifically for her to wear...

"You really think I'd miss your wedding?" she smirked as she approached.

I gave her a look, indicating that she did in fact miss the actual wedding...

"Okay okay. Your wedding day then." she corrected quickly, stopping in front of me.

My heart ached as I remembered thinking she wasn't coming, "I really didn't think you'd turn up Lai... Where we're you?" I frowned, upset with her.

"I had to take care of some things..." she admitted. When I lowered my gaze to the floor she crouched down so I had to look at her, "But I promised to come."

Noticing my sadness disippate I then followed her movements as she stood in one fluid motion, "Yes. You did..." I sighed, agreeing.

"And I always keep my promises."

At this my eyes met her crimson ones, wishing she'd told me what she was when we'd first met but understanding why she didn't...

"Thank you." I whispered as I hugged her fiercely.

Lailah tensed up for a long moment before eventually relaxing and hugging me back, "What for?" she asked quietly.

"For being such a great friend..." was my reply.


"Aren't you gonna come say hi to the others??" I questioned my friend as we sat on the steps that lead up to the Cullen's front door.

"Nah..." Lailah sighed, "I don't think they'd want me there."

Shaking my head multiple times as I tried to think of a reason for her to stay, I couldn't help getting upset again, "I want you there..." I admitted sadly, pleading to her with my eyes.

Lailah studied me for a long moment before signing again, "I don't--"

Suddenly there was a massive crash from inside the Cullen household, making me jump and Lailah turned invisible almost as a reflex...

"What was that?" I whispered, hoping my friend was still beside me.

Lailah appeared quickly and stood up, "I don't know... Come here." she urged, holding out a pale hand.

I took it and watched in amazement as I began to gradually disappear... First my hand that was in hers, then my arm and stared with wide eyes as the rest of my body slowly ceased to be seen...

"Wow..." I gasped as I noticed Lailah was invisible too.

She carefully lead me around the side of the large house, stopping just short of the main garden so we could see what was going on...

Standing in the centre of the Cullen's massive garden was a group of people I'd hoped to have never seen again...

"Who are they?" Lailah said almost silently beside my ear.

"The Volturi."

All of the vampires that had still been at my wedding were crowded around the group of black cloaks, some looking defiant while others looked terrified...

"Hello Aro." Carlisle greeted grimly, knowing there was no pleasant reason for this visit.

His crimson eyes immediately snapped to my adoptive father, "Hello my dear friend..." Aro smiled creepily.

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