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(Alice's POV)

Me and my family had been forced to leave school early due to Jasper getting too thirsty... He really needed to hunt more than he had been.

"Alice, the others would like a word." Carlisle informed me, giving me a soft smile.


I skipped down to the living room, and as soon as I entered the room I realised that this was about something serious...

Edward and Bella were sat on the sofa, Emmett was leant up against the wall and Rose was staring at me intently... The only one who looked relatively normal was my Jasper, who was stood beside me now with his hands clasped behind his back.

"We need to talk." Edward said as his gaze dropped to the floor.

I was about to ask what about when I was plunged into a vision... In the vision I could see my family looking pretty much as they did now, yet more annoyed. And one name prevailed in that vision... Georgie.

"About Georgie?" I asked, completely confused.

Bella nodded slightly and Edward shifted uncomfortably... I could tell no one wanted to speak, so I let them all decide how they were going to do this.

Jasper wrapped his arms around my waist, "Are they as uncomfortable talking about this as they look?" I questioned Jasper.

He chuckled and was about to answer, when suddenly Rosalie slammed her fist on the table and everyone looked up at her...

"Whenever humans get involved with us, it always ends badly Alice. Are you really that selfish?!" she almost growled.

I was slightly taken aback, and remained silent until Jasper hugged my waist tighter, "She's important! Me and her have to be friends!" I protested.

I'd seen the fact we had to be friends in a vision, but the vision kept cutting off whenever I got to the reason why...

"Rosalie actually has a point Alice... She can't possibly be so important that she's going to change much." Edward interjected coldly.

I closed my eyes tightly, "All I know is that me and her have to be friends, and it has to happen like this." was my tired reply.

Jazz gave me a reassuring squeeze and I opened my eyes again... The others were staring at me in disbelief, and Rosalie looked as if she was about to have a fit...

"You really are selfish." Rose scoffed as she swept from the room.

I knew that when I invited Georgie to sit with us that it would cause problems with my family. But I never thought that they'd all decide not to trust me...

Emmett quickly followed his wife, offering me a tired smile as he left the room. I managed to smile back and then he was gone.

"Just be sure you know exactly what your doing..." Edward mumbled as he and Bella left the room, leaving me and Jasper alone.

I let out a deep sigh and turned around to face my husband, "Why don't they trust me?"

Jasper rubbed small circles on my back, "I'm not sure darlin'... I think they just worry about this girl. I mean, being friends with a vampire can have some serious consequences..." he replied.

"I know... But we have to be friends." I wrapped my arms around Jazz's neck, "That's all I know... I can't see anything else Jasper." I told him truthfully.

"Shhh... It's okay." he soothed.

I buried my head in his chest and breathed in his intoxicating scent... A wave of calmness washed over my entire being as we just stood there, embracing one another.

"I'll always trust you Alice. No matter what." Jasper told me quietly.

A contented sigh escaped my lips and I let myself look up into his eyes, "I love you Jasper..." I murmured with a slight smile.

"I love you too."

And then our lips met... Everywhere he touched went up in flames, and I felt as if I would never be physically capable of letting go of him.

Suddenly my favourite song started playing and I pulled away, much to Jaspers disappointment... With a teasing smile I turned away from him and pulled my mobile phone from my pocket.

"It's Georgie!" I exclaimed.

My husband chuckled, "Answer it then." he said with a smile.

I quickly swiped across the screen and put the phone to my ear, "Hello?"

There was a slightly shuffling noise on the other end of the line, "Oh hey Alice... You told me to call?" she muttered, obviously embarrassed.

"Yeah! I'd like to know if we could maybe have a sleepover at your house or something?" I Suggested innocently.

"Oh... Hang on."

Around a minute went by before the phone was clumsily picked up again, "Yeah sure! How does Friday night sound?" she replied.

"It sounds great! See you then!" I grinned.

Georgie made a kind of unsure noise before sighing, "See you Alice." and then she hung up.

This was going to be so fun!!!


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