Imperfectly Perfect

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"Your telling me all I can do cancel out having red eyes?" Jay scoffed, "That's a bit of a disappointing talent..."

I jumped up from my seat so I ended up right in front of him with a smile on my face, "No... You can cancel out almost anything. Other vampires gifts and your eye colour so far, but who knows what else!"

My husband seemed to think this over for a moment before his brow furrowed, "But surely I'd have been able to cancel out the whole thirst thing, and even being a vampire..." he decided.

"I don't think you can cancel out such prominent, permanent things like that... But even so! Your gift could be really really handy if you could project it." I told him encouragingly.

Bella slowly stood up, "So its kind of similar to my shield??" she summarised.

"Yes." Edward nodded, "But it's not just protection against mental attacks I don't think... I think it's physical too."

She seemed to accept this quickly without any other questions, "But it works in a similar way to mine? And would be projected in a similar way??"

Her husband nodded slowly, not sure what she was getting at, "I'd suspect it would be projected in the exact same way, yes..." Edward answered thoughtfully.

"Then I'd like to help him practice." Bella offered with a smile.


And so we spent every day after that practicing our gifts. Trying to hone them to perfection...

"Can we stop?" I pleaded with Lailah who was bugging me into trying out Alice's.

My best friend sighed dramatically and sat on the grass cross-legged, "I suppose we can relax for a little while... But your definitely not getting away with no more today!" she threatened, smirking a little as I sat down next to her.

"It's alright for you!" I huffed loudly as I lay back on the grass, "Your not the one who's got tonnes of gifts to contend with... And I'm pretty sure that maintaining them takes much more concentration!"

Lailah began laughing at my ranting as she lay next to me... We'd all come back to the field where the Cullen's had first brought me to play baseball all that time ago. And it was also the place id received the truth from the person who now lay next to me...

I turned my head to the side where I could see Bella gesturing wildly, attempting to get the idea of projecting even further over to my somewhat reluctant husband, while the other Cullen's either sat smirking at her or Jay's tired expression.

With my whole family around me I couldn't help but sigh contentedly... Could it get better than this?

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of this..." I admitted with a peaceful smile as I turned back to my friend.

Lailah's sort of orange eyes met mine with a confused look in them, "What??" she questioned, not understanding.

"This life... It seems like everything is absolutely perfect. I've got my best friends, I've got my family, and I've got the love of my life." I murmured, almost talking to myself.

My best friend nodded in agreement, but suddenly her eyes went wide as she stared just above me... She looked truly terrified.

"So nice to see you again my dear friends..." an eerie voice that I'd never wanted to hear again said.

The Volturi were here.

In seconds my family was grouped together defensively, all staring at the large group of black cloaks that had haunted my nightmares most nights after id first seen them...

"I see you kept this promise Carlisle." Aro mused with that creepy smile of his.

"Of course." my adoptive father said respectively, "So there is no reason for this to escalate any further Aro... We have done nothing wrong."

I was about to turn and tell Lailah to run while she could because she wasn't technically part of the coven in Aro's eyes, but she was already gone and Jay was beside me...

"No... But hers is one such gift I'm not going to let go so easily." he grinned as he stepped forwards.

Aro seemed to stop suddenly, eyes wide as he was quickly knocked over by an invisible force... Lailah.

"Robert." was all the ancient vampire said as he hurriedly stood and brushed himself off.

A older male with midnight black hair and crimson eyes stepped forwards, looking around until he noticed my friend become visible again and just about to step into Bella's and Jay's shields... But before she could get there she slumped to the floor, unconscious.

"Magnifico!" Aro exclaimed excitedly.

Caius approached my friend. I couldn't get to her as Jasper held my wrist, preventing me from moving... When Caius got to her he snarled at Lailah's limp form before picking her up roughly...

The disorientated Lailah was of course no match for the vampire. He threw her around like a rag doll, audibly breaking multiple ribs and limbs... Until finally he stopped, throwing her down at my feet.

And then i heard a heartbeat, but it was failing...

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