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"Do you like our recently acquired gift Georgie?" Aro asked me, voice full of malice.

I just stared down at my friend, trying to get my head around what had just happened...

"What did you do to her??" Carlisle demanded.

Caius crossed his arms, "Roberts gift turns vampires back into humans, and make them far easier to kill." he sneered.

Lailah's heartbeat began getting even fainter, and as soon as Jasper released my wrist I rushed over, falling to my knees next to her broken form...

"What can I do?!" I pleaded, "She'll be dead before we can get the venom in!"

My friends pale hand gripped mine as she looked at me with sad blue eyes, "There's nothing you can do... Just protect your family." she murmured hoarsely.

"Don't talk like that Lai... Your going to come home with us. You'll be alright." I tried to assure her, tears of venom forming in my eyes.

"You know as well as I do..." she started, wincing at the pain that her broken bones were causing, "...that's not going to happen."

Holding her hand tightly in mine I turned to my family, "Do something! Someone!" I shouted, voice breaking slightly.

Lailah lightly touched my shoulder to get my attention, "Don't blame them..." she ordered me quietly.

"You've got to be alright..." I sobbed almost hysterically, "Lailah, you can't die."

Ignoring me she took a deep, shaky breath, "Do you remember that time you were determined to make everyone in school like you?" was her question.


My friend coughed and a little trail of blood trickled past her lips, "And do you remember how I told you to always be yourself and to always do what feels right??" she croaked.

"Of course I do..." I whispered as I rubbed soothing circles on the back of her hand with my thumb.

Her pale blue eyes met mine, "Well be yourself and do what feels right... Before its too late."

After staring at me for a long moment, Lailah's lips turned up into a content smile as she exhaled one final time... The light leaving those eyes for good.

And I'll never forget the sound of my best friends soul leaving her body for the rest of my existence. The sound of her soul leaving the cares of the world behind for the last time...

'Be yourself and do what feels right... Before its too late.' Those words echoed around my head as I just sat there.

I didn't scream. I didn't shout. Nor did I even start sobbing as I sat beside my dead friend, holding her hand in mine...

"Are you alright Georgie?" Jay asked me quietly, voice thick with sadness and worry.

Lailah had made such an impression in my new family, making friends with all of them in some way... And she would be missed.

The world would definitely be a darker place without her.

"No." was the only reply I could give.

There was a moment of silence before Aro let out an irritating, high pitched, maniacal laugh... Then I understood.

Placing Lailah's hand at her side I stood up slowly, my back to my family.

"Why?" I seethed, my hands balled into fists by my sides as I glared at Aro.

"She was expendable. All of you are expendable... Except for you." the evil vampire replied smugly, eyes resting on me.

"My family is not expendable!"

Taking deep, unnecessary breaths I summoned all of my power, "Robert." Caius said, backing away.

The one called Robert stepped forwards, attempted to turn me and my family back into humans but failed...

"It's not working!" he panicked.

Aro's lips curled up in another sly smile, "How interesting.... So now we know what Jay's gift is." he nodded thoughtfully.

"Leave." I growled suddenly, glaring at him.

He merely smiled even wider, "And why would I do that??"

There was a moment of eerie silence which coated everything like a thick blanket, which was promptly cut off by Aro approaching me... But before he could get into Jay's shield, he stopped.

"You will leave." I ordered them.

A few members at the back of the Volturi group vanished into the trees, leaving only the three leaders after a minute...

"Marcus, Caius and Aro." I addressed in a commanding voice, "You will leave. Now."

Their faces went blank and they began retreating, slowly at first but eventually so fast, that they were just a blur as they sped into the trees.

"How did you do that??" Jasper demanded.

My mind felt like it was about to explode, so without answering I slumped to the floor...

In a second Jay was beside me, "Are you alright?" he murmured.

"Lailah's dead..."


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