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As soon as Jasper pulled up in front of my house I was out of the car and halfway up the drive before a hand caught my wrist...

"Please tell me we can still be friends Georgie?" Alice pleaded as she met my eyes, looking upset.

Jasper was leant up against the car as she watched our interaction, and I knew for a fact that he could make me agree to be her friend still by manipulating my emotions, but he didn't...

Taking my silence as a bad sign Alice released my wrist and I just walked away, up to my front door.

"Georgie..." she said, her voice pleading.

But I didn't answer. I just walked into my house and shut the door, leaving both of the best friends I'd ever had stood, staring after me.

Was I still friends with them?? I couldn't answer that after what they'd just told me...

"Your back!" my mother stated as soon as she saw me by the front door.

I didn't reply but as soon as she saw my face she instantly knew something was wrong... Mothers instinct I guess.

"Hey mum..." I said quietly.

My mother didn't reply, but instead her slender arms wrapped around me and she rubbed my back soothingly.

"What's wrong honey?" she asked me with concern in her voice.

I couldn't exactly tell her the whole truth about them being vampires, or me eventually becoming one of them which would mean leaving her and my little sister behind...

So I just told her as much as I could, "Me and Alice just had a bit of a disagreement..." I admitted as I buried my head in her shoulder.

"Well, that's too bad honey... But I'm sure you'll work out your differences." she assured me as she pulled away.

There was no use telling her that it was only me who had to work out my differences, but I had a right to be angry at Alice didn't I??

"Thanks mum." I sighed, "I think I'm gonna go relax in my room for a while..."

My mother nodded with a gentle smile, "Take your time honey." she encouraged as I slowly disappeared upstairs.

When I was in my room I threw my bags on the floor before falling into bed and shutting my eyes tightly...


When I woke up it was dark and way too warm, so I guessed I'd slept through until nighttime and quickly got changed into my pyjamas to cool myself off...

It didn't help much so I opened my window a tiny bit and turned away from it to the bags I'd thrown on the floor earlier, rooting through it till I'd found my phone.

When I turned back to the window it was wide open and to put it lightly I absolutely panicked! Suddenly a wave of calmness washed over me as I slowly looked behind me to see Alice and Jasper stood right next to me...

But I didn't react in fear due to Jaspers calm, "What the hell?" i said quietly.

Alice made a face, "Is that language really needed Georgie?" she questioned me with an eyebrow raised.

"It is when two psychopaths appear in your room..." I muttered as I threw myself down onto my bed.

Jasper chuckled softly, "We didn't appear, we used the window." he informed me in a matter-of-factly tone.

I just glared at him while Alice came to sit in front of me on my bed, "So you didn't answer my question earlier..." she reminded me quietly.

"Alice... I can't answer becau--"

"Yes you can Georgie!" she told me, as if she was stating a fact.

Jasper placed a hand on his wife's shoulder, "Maybe we should give her more time..." he suggested, studying me.

When Alice didn't budge at all and just carried on looking at me with pleading gold eyes, I let out a heavy sigh...

"Alright Alice... We're still friends." I decided, happy with my choice.

I couldn't throw away our friendship just because I didn't want to be one of them... I mean, it wasn't her fault I was destined to be a bloodsucking monster.

"Thank you!" she squealed as she pulled me into a tight hug.

Jasper smiled and even started laughing when I was struggling to breathe due to his wife's stranglehold around my neck!

"Alice..." Jasper chuckled.

I took in as much oxygen as I could, "Alice... Can't... Breathe."

At this she let me go and had an apologetic smile on her face, "Sorry."

I shook my head as I tried to stop gasping for air, "Sometimes we forget our own strength." Jasper told me, making excuses.

"Fair enough..." I laughed. And I believed him!

"If you want to get some sleep before school we can go now?" Alice offered as she eyed my alarm clock.

I looked over and saw that it was 05:16... I hadn't realised it was quite that late!!

"I fell asleep as soon as I got in, so I'm not really tired..." I admitted sheepishly, "But I am hungry."

Alice got up and danced over to my door, "What d'you want?" she grinned.

My eyes widened, "You can't just walk downstairs Alice! What if my mum hears you!" I hissed, shaking my head.

Jasper smirked as she rolled her eyes, "What do you want to eat?" she pressed.

Having no choice but to decide I quickly answered, "There should be some leftover sandwiches in the fridge..." I told her, knowing my mum should have made some as it was Sunday.

We always had sandwiches for tea on Sundays...

"Okay!" she said. And then she was gone.

With my eyes still the size of dinner plates I looked up at Jasper who was fiddling with one of my many dream catchers... "What if my mum hears her?!" I questioned him, worry thick in my voice.

Jasper turned around with a slightly amused look on his face, "You underestimate us a lot dont you?" he smirked.

"And you all enjoy irritating me a lot dont you?" I shot back darkly.

One of his eyebrows raised slightly as Alice appeared through the door again, grinning like a maniac as she held up the food she'd retrieved like it was a trophy she was very proud of.

"Here you go!" she smiled as she placed the sandwiches on the bed in front of me.

My mouth hung open, "I didn't hear you at all..." I admitted disbelievingly.

"I told you that you underestimate us." Jasper repeated, in an 'I Told You So' tone.

I glared up at him as I picked up a sandwich, "You still up for me doing your makeup before school everyday?"Alice suddenly asked, sounding excited.

My eyes met hers, "Seriously?!" I mumbled around my food.

Alice made a face, "Don't talk with your mouth full Georgie." she chastised gently, "And yes, seriously!"

I rolled my eyes before nodding enthusiastically, "Yes please!" I smiled once I'd finished off a bite.

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