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Ban Heng trot all the way to Banhua's yard, interrupting the story that the female storyteller was doing. He took the tea that the maid had poured, drank a few mouthfuls before he said, "I have found out."

Ban Hua waved her hand to let unwanted people around them retire. Then she tapped the coffee table with both hands: "Who is it?"

"Count Zhongping's eldest son, Xie Chongjin. " Ban Heng drank a whole cup of tea before barely catching breath, "He is the 1st-Imperial-Scholar who passed the exam three years ago, but went to work outside the country. After Xi Qilin broke one of his eyes, he was transferred back to Capital City. He just arrived in Capital City yesterday. "

"Sister, what do you want me to check him for?" Ban Heng sat down on the chair, he suddenly looked at Ban Hua with a skeptical eye: "You don't think he looks good, do you?"

"Can you think of something normal in your mind?" Ban Hua hit Ban Heng's hand which was about to take a snack, "Your sister isn't in your heart, is that it?"

Ban Heng was at a loss.
Wasn't it the case?

Ban Hua felt that her hands were itchy, and almost slapped Ban Heng's silly face. But she couldn't help it anymore. Seeing him sweaty, she threw the handkerchief into his hand, "You say, how likely is it for Zhongping Bofu to rebel?

"Sister, do you think it is Zhongping Bofu's one? What can they use to rebel?" Ban-Heng's eyes widened. " I know you don't want to see this family, but this matter can not be put on them. Doing that will be an insult to the rebellion"

"Your words seem to make some sense." Ban Hua peeled the melon seeds, threw away the shell, and put the peeled seeds in the small silver bowl, "There are so many men in black in the world, and it may not be him."

"Maybe people in other places raised their flags to rebel. A hundred responses..." Ban Heng paused suddenly, "It's not quite right, how big is this power that will make the four powers raise their flags to rebel?"

"The new emperor succeeded to the throne, but his position is unstable, and the people's grievances are boiling," Yin-Shi said as she entered the yard, and sat across from the brother and sister, "The world of the Jiang family is not as secure as they thought."

Today the emperor is extravagant, and he is so happy that he even overlooked the Queen's family members for selling merchandise. There had been dissatisfaction among the people, but the North Hann and Chinese officials had suppressed those rumors. It can last for a while, can it still last a lifetime?

"Mother, do you think we should tell grandmother about the dream of a sister?" Ban Heng touched his head, and asked"Anyway, our brains are not good, so why don't we let grandma think of a solution?"We don't have good solutions

"No." Yin Shi immediately objected. "This matter can never be told to your grandmother."

"Why?" Ban Heng was puzzled, "If we don't hand it over to your grandmother, who will give her?"

"Your grandmother is not just your grandmother, but Jiang The eldest princess of the royal family. She is getting older, if you let her know that the Jiang family dynasty will be overthrown, will her old self accept it?" Yin Shi, "You go to your grandmother to greet her and accompany her more often. Other things are not something you should worry about."

Ban Heng nodded obediently, "I remember." Then, he poured the melon seeds from the silver bowl on the table into his mouth.

"Ban Heng!" Seeing that the melon seeds she peeled were gone, Ban Hua almost couldn't help but drop the dessert plate on Ban Heng's head. "You master, you grabbed my melon seeds."

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