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Xizhou, a bitterly cold place in Yingchao, is windy and sandy, and the sun is strong. It is so cold in the morning and evening that there is a chill in your bones, but it is so hot that you want to take off your clothes at noon.

A few years ago, the people in Xizhou were still hungry and poorly clothed. Since the establishment of the new dynasty and Emperor Cheng'an ascended the throne, their life has gradually become better. At least they can eat enough. The local officials are also very honest and dishonest. It is said that they were all taken to the capital and beheaded.

In the hearts of the common people, even if someone said that His Majesty the Emperor is superhuman, they would believe it ignorantly.

In the fourth year of Cheng'an, it was said that the capital wanted to select some women to enter the palace as female officials. The number of places was very limited and the requirements were strict. When the news reached Xizhou, it was many days late, but even so, many people were moved.

That is the imperial palace, if it can be selected, it will be a matter of honoring the ancestors.

Ordinary people didn't even have the chance to hear the news. They only saw some girls from non-members or scholars' families frequently running to the county magistrate's house.

In Xizhou's prefecture, Xie Qilin circled a few women who knew everything and had a clean family background, and said to the servants around him: "Just follow this list and post it."

"My lord, the young lady of the Zhang family is well educated and sensible, and she is quick-witted, why didn't she be chosen?" The servant took advantage of Zhang Yuan's family, so he inevitably had to ask a few questions.

"In the harem... there is no need for court ladies who are well-educated and smart," Xie Qilin said calmly, "Go down."

"Yes." Seeing that his expression was not very good, the servants did not dare to ask any more questions, and walked out obediently holding the list.

After the list was posted, the selected girls were both apprehensive and happy. They were happy that they finally had the opportunity to go to Beijing, and even served as errands in the palace. What they worried about was that the capital was high and the roads were far away, and they didn't know what the future would hold.

The posting list was surrounded by people watching the excitement. Some people said that the girl from this family was ordinary-looking, so why was she selected? The other said, that girl has a dull personality, how can she be qualified to serve His Majesty and Empress?

Standing in the corner, Shi Feixian listened to the people's conjecture and yearning for the harem, with a slightly sarcastic smile on his face. Do these people think that if they enter the palace and become a court lady, they will be able to rise to the top and make the whole family honorable?

Are there still few court ladies who died silently in the harem?

"What are you looking at?" A woman wearing the same sarong as her came out and whispered in her ear, "Don't think about running away, there have been people like you who were sent away before. The woman who came ran away and was finally found outside without a piece of good meat all over her body, and the wolves ate all of it."

Shi Feixian smiled bitterly: "Don't worry, I won't have such thoughts."

"You are also a smart person, you must not be stupid," the woman nodded, "Oh, it's a pity that the new emperor did not amnesty the world after he ascended the throne, otherwise people like you would be exempted from guilt."

Hearing this, the smile on Shi Feixian's face became even more bitter. She looked away and turned to see a man in an official robe riding a horse in the distance.

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