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Ban Hua was lively and playful but everyone knew of her distinct character that she never easily spoke ill of other women. Anyone she disliked, she would just say they were incompatible, further than that would not be casually spoken.

What she said on Shi Feixian's face today was likely to be true.

"You, don't you speak nonsense." Shi Feixian's voice was sharp, "Ban Hua, don't force me."

"Miss Shi is really interesting. Last year Xie Second Gongzi fell and damaged one of his eyes on the way back from giving you a poetry book. In a few days, rumours started that it was me, this husband-curse, who had harmed him." Ban Hua spread her hands. "Xie Qilin and I had broken off for two years, what husband-curse was it, what husband of mine was he. You say, is that logical?"

Shi Feixian was so angry that her body trembled, she stiffly said, "Nonsense. I don't know anything about whatever poetry book."

"Don't you understand that Heaven knows, you know, and Xie Second Gongzi who gave you the book also knows." Ban Hua laughed lightly, "Right. Has Xie Second Gongzi told you, the handwritten poetry book he gave you was originally from my Ban family house?"

Shi Feixian was stunned, didn't know what to say.

"Junzhu," Xie Qilin came out of the forest. He glanced at Shi Feixian, then saluted the Second Prince and Ban Hua, "The past is behind, please Junzhu not bring it up again."

"What thing are you. Why should my sister listen to you?" Ban Heng rolled his eyes, "What a big face, three masks can't cover it."

Ban Hua laughed, "Today is a great day. A secluded bamboo forest can also be this lively."

"Xie Qilin, was your eye ruined because you fell after sending a poetry book to Miss Shi?" Jiang Luo was a man, even if he was about to get married but he still didn't want to hear the woman he liked had a dubious relationship with another man.

Xie Qilin arched his hand to Jiang Luo as a salutation, "Your Highness, it is time to return to the Palace."

He was not here to argue with Jiang Luo over a woman, he came for a justice for his sister. He looked at Shi Feixian besides Jiang Luo very calmly, as if she had been a stranger.

"What's the rush, it's not the auspicious time yet." Jiang Luo said impatiently, "Tell me first, did you give Miss Shi a book of poetry?"

Shi Feixian's eyes at Xie Qilin were pleading, her face pale.

Xie Qilin averted his sight, slowly said, "No."

Jiang Luo sighed in relief, turned to Ban Hua, "Why are you smearing Miss Shi's reputation?"

"Your Highness, how do I – a woman, smear Miss Shi's reputation?" Ban Hua sighed, "You – this groom, who is meeting her in a forest, is the one who is smearing her reputation. Miss Shi who is as clean as the bright moon in the sky, yet she is secretly meeting her close friend's husband. You say, isn't this the logic?"

Shi Feixian gnashed her teeth in hatred at Ban Hua's words, but she knew that the more she spoke, the more Ban Hua could gain a handle over herself. She didn't understand how Ban Hua knew about the poetry book, it was something between Xie Qilin and herself only.

Did any of their servants fail to keep their mouth shut?

What Ban Hua said made many people laughed. Correct, the beautiful Miss Shi, who was so outstanding, so rule-abiding, had today been tangling with a man who was about to be married, moreso the bride was her good sister.


"Shut up!" Ban Hua's smile vanished, mockingly looked at Xie Qilin, "I feel sick at the sight of you, don't talk to me."

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