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When Yan-furen stepped pass the gate, she didn't notice the unusual expression on the faces of the servants, she only felt it was a little too quiet. It was when they ushered her into the main hall of Jingting residence that she felt something was wrong.

The three words 'Fuxi Hall' on the plaque hang in the main hall was written by the previous emperor himself, it was also stamped with his personal seal. It was said that although the Grand Princess didn't live here with her son, but the main hall was left open as a sign of respect for the mother. And now that she was led to the main hall, could it be......

T/N – Fuxi Hall = Hall of Good Fortune and Joy.

Yan-furen's palms started to tremble, slightly damp with sweat. Once inside, she saw an old woman sitting on the main seat of the hall.

The old woman was wearing phoenix print purple gold palace robe with eastern pearls phoenix hairpin on her hair. Sitting straight at the elevated seat, her face was without expression but the air of authority was abundant.

Yan-furen shocked mind was flooded with the memory of twenty years ago when she was still the wife of a lowly fifth-rank official. She was presented in front of the Grand Princess, that time she didn't even dare to raise her head.

It had been twenty years, and yet the fear and trepidation still rushed back.

"Chenfu pay respect to the Grand Princess." Yan-furen's forehead was misty with sweat but she dared not lifted her head, let alone wiped it.

* chenfu 臣妇 = This Official's Wife.

"Ka!" The sound of teacup being knocked over.

Drip, drip.

She could hear tea water dripping to the floor, cold wind blew from the door behind her. The main hall was so cold that Yan-furen couldn't help shivering.

"Wei-shi," The Grand Princess' lazy voice was chilling, "Are you here today to make amends to bengong's granddaughter?"

T/N – It seems Yan-furen's maiden surname was Wei, so she could also be called Wei-shi (which literally means 'that one from Wei clan')

"Your Highness, chenfu ....." The image of the sick son on the bed gave her the courage to raise her head, but the moment she met the Grand Princess' eyes, her throat felt stuffed with a ball of cotton that no words came out.

"Yan family is said to have strict education, who expects Yan family to produce a lecher son who eyes unmarried young ladies in boudoir. Bengong can see the reputation of this son of yours is false."

* 沽名钓誉 = using disreputable means to obtain fame or praises.

The Grand Princess abruptly stood up and fiercely smashed her teacup next to Yan-shi's feet, "How do you educate your son to be this ridiculous. It is fine if he is ridiculous, but do not drag other people's innocent daughter!"

Yan-shi's body shook, she was close to fall on her knees in front of the Grand Princess.

"Utterly shameless, licentious and lusty."

The icy needles in the Grand Princess' words pierced Yan-furen's heart to the bones. Her body swayed and finally failed to stop her wobbly knees to bend, she fell in a kneel in front of the Grand Princess.

"Your Highness, chenfu is incompetent, chenfu have failed to educate my son. But chenfu only have these two sons, they are chenfu's life, chenfu also have no choice!"

"Your Highness is also a mother, that time when you pleaded Madam Marchioness to marry the Marquis, wasn't it also due to deep motherly love?" Yan-furen sobbed as she spoke, "Chenfu is also a mother, chenfu can only beg the Grand Princess for blessings."

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