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Shi Feixian's brush slipped, an ugly extra branch appeared on the plum blossom sprig. She put the brush down, took the handkerchief from the maid to wipe her hands and blankly said, "It is our small gathering today, why do you bring up someone else."

"Yes, yes, who cares about that. Nothing to do with us." A noble miss whose family was attached to Shi clan laughed to smooth out the situation, "There is two cups of tea time left, if your painting isn't completed by then, don't worry that you won't get punished!"

T/N – It is 两盏茶 = 2 cups of tea. A cup of tea is the length of time the cup is served, tasted, and drunk, so basically the time for the tea to cool down, which is 15 minutes in summer and 10 minutes in winter.

"Aiyo, who took my brush?"

"Where is my paint?"

The noble misses clamoured as if they were actually worried of punishment if they could not finish painting on time.

A woman in the corner imperceptibly rolled her eyes. Shi Feixian acted as if she was beyond it all, but she must have been inwardly hating it to death. Who didn't know that she had eyes for Count Cheng'an?

No matter how beautiful like fairies, or how talented above everyone you think you are, if the person doesn't like you, then he doesn't like you, can you force him to marry? It's different if it was someone else, but this is Count Cheng'an. Is he someone you can twist on your little fingers?

"Miss Yao, what are you painting?" A miss leaned forward to take a look, somewhat puzzled she asked, "A cockfight? Why do you draw this?" Most curious was, the chicken's fur was in a mess, as if it had been defeated in the fight.

"Just for fun," Yao Ling's pair of almond eyes were innocent, "Don't you think this is interesting?"

Her companion shook her head in bewilderment, she had no word for this strange aesthetic taste of Yao Ling's.

Yao Ling was one of the youngest among them. Her father was the Minister of Revenue Yao Peiji, so noone dared to sniff at her even though she grew up outside and had only recently returned to the Capital. Moreover Yao Peiji was excellent at paintings, and Yao Ling inherited his style. At only 14 years old she had started to gain some fame.

"Flowers and plants are all dead things. Whatever spiritual qualities they are said to have are made up by vulgar people." Yao Ling added a few feathers drifting to the ground, the drifting feathers made the chicken looked more lively. "I like to draw living thing, especially living people."

"Fine, fine. You are full of reasons, I can't talk over you."

Yao Ling laughed and did not speak any more.

Shi Feixian inclined her head to glance at Yao Ling, her eyelids were lowered to hide the shadow in her eyes. For some reasons she could never liked this Yao young miss. She was a di daughter of Yao family, but she spoke and acted like a wild girl from countryside. If it was not because Shi Feixian's father still needed Yao Peiji's support, she wouldn't bear to be with this kind of person.

The turmoil in her heart had inevitably affected her painting, the plum blossom she drew was somewhat gloomy.

Li Xiaoru was closer to Shi Feixian, she slightly turned to the side and secretly splashed inks on her own completed plum blossom painting. After the painting didn't look as good anymore, she quietly sighed in relief.


A fat sparrow suddenly dropped from the trees. When all of the noble misses were still stumped in shock, two guards ran out from the forest and picked up the sparrow on the ground.

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