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The next day, the Great Moon Palace.

The Director of Dalisi made a grand salute to Emperor Yunqing.

"Your Majesty, Miss Shi has confessed."

"What did she say?"

Dalisi Director presented the statement of confession on his both hands, replied with a bow, "Miss Shi confessed she had hired assassins to murder Duke Jingting because of jealousy, it was to prevent Fule Junzhu's marriage to Count Cheng'an. The Prime Minister house is strict and will not allow such great unrighteousness, therefore Miss Shi had to secretly find a few bold ruffians to kill Fule Junzhu. It happened that after some time they still had not found an opportunity, so the target was changed to Duke Jingting. If it was successful, Fule Junzhu would have to observe a three-year mourning and would be unable to marry Count Cheng'an during the period."

"Oh?" Emperor Yunqing put down the memorial in his hand, his face deep in thought, "She hasn't said how she got in contact with Hui Wangfu people."

"Miss Shi said she had no idea they were from Hui Wangfu, she assumed they were just middlemen who could introduce killers."

Actually the Director also thought this was a bit far-fetched, it was obvious that Miss Shi was trying to put the whole blame on herself without dragging Shi family down.

He thought His Majesty would not believe such a clumsy explanation, but unexpectedly His Majesty did not reject it. He was let go after handing over the statement.

Leaving the Great Moon Palace, he could not help but thinking that the reason His Majesty did not pursue the matter further must be because he wanted to protect the Crown Prince.

In a few days, the conclusion of Duke Jingting case came to light, it was said that the cause of the attack was a woman's jealousy. After the incident, Count Cheng'an Rong Junpo's reputation had spread wide and far. A person who had made a boudouir girl jealous to the extend of committing murder must be extremely charming and accomplished to the maximum.

In an instant, Rong Xia's popularity in the Capital rose without end. If it was not because he was already engaged, probably he would have been buried under the mountain of flowers, handkerchiefs, candied fruits and so on.

It was said that after knowing about what his daughter had done, Shi Chonghai went to 'cry tears of blood begging for punishment' in front of His Majesty. Not stopping there, he also went to Ban family residence to 'confess his own sins like carrying brambles on his back'. This attitude bravely admitting his fault instead of shielding his daughter had won some scholars' praises.

That was not all, Shi Chonghai had even tried to resign for the reason of failing to educate his daughter, making him ashamed to hold the position of a Prime Minister. The Emperor was said to be moved by his sincerity, he openly stated that a  daughter's crime should not be blamed on the father, that the saying was 'a father's debt is for the son to repay' and not 'a son's debt is for the father to repay'. It concluded with Shi Chonghai being punished with a fine of 5,000 liang silver, half year of suspended pay, and that he was to personally host a banquet to apologise to Duke Jingting.

Shi Chonghai had no objection to this, he hosted that apology banquet the next day. Not only Ban Huai was invited as the honoured guest, many other prestigious guests were also there.

This instantly won him even more praises.

When Ban Huai arrived with his pair of son and daughter, there were already many people in the restaurant. The banquet was to be held on the first floor, but many people stayed in the main hall at the ground floor waiting for the show, wanting to see Ban family's reaction.

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