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Three days later, the four convicted assassins in Duke Jingting case were sentenced to death by beheading, while Shi Feixian was still detained in Dalisi prison.

The Crown Princess have been crying and begging to the Crown Prince that her eyes were all swollen. She kept reiterating it could not have been her sister's doing. Shi family was loyal and devoted to the Crown Prince, it was impossible for them to hook up with Hui-wang's former subordinates, and it was even more impossible to use lowly thugs to murder Duke Jingting, someone must have set them up.

The Crown Prince's heart was softened by her crying, he went to the Great Moon Palace to plead for mercy on behalf of Shi family.

"Crown Prince," Emperor Yunqing was disappointed. "You are our Daye's crown prince, the future emperor. You are not Shi family's son-in-law."

The Crown Prince was slow, but he could still see that Emperor Yunqing's reaction was not positive. He hurriedly apologised, "Fuhuang, erchen has no other intention apart that the case is suspicious, it needs to be examined carefully. Please Imperial Father reconsider."

* fuhuang 父皇 = Imperial Father. * erchen 儿臣 = This Son

"How are you so sure that it was not an intentional oversight by Shi family?" Emperor Yunqing was expressionless. "Maybe the street thugs were hired on purpose, so in case of failure, they could say someone was framing them because it's impossible that Shi family couldn't afford real assassins?"

"But don't you forget, even with these lowly thugs, if Duke Jingting didn't happen to be turning around that time, the murder would have been successful." Emperor Yunqing tossed out the vermillion brush in his hand and cursed angrily, "The Grand Princess has lost her life to save zhen, and now they want to harm Aunt's only son. Did they ever take zhen seriously?"

Seeing how angry the Emperor was, the Crown Prince swept his robe and dropped down in a kneel, "Please Fuhuang calm the anger, erchen has no such intention."

"Calm the anger?" Emperor Yunqing got even angrier that he was to see the top of Crown Prince's head. "You want zhen not to be angry? That is your Grand Aunt's only son. Instead of caring for them, you are pleading for Shi family. Aren't you doing your Grand Aunt a dishonour?"

"Fuhuang," The Crown Prince knocked his head on the floor, he was panicking, "Erchen has nothing against Duke Jingting. In erchen's eyes, Duke Jingting is half family member, erchen is not that heartless. Please Fuhuang understands."

"You are the heir to the throne, but you listen to a rear courtyard woman. How can zhen be assured to trust you with the country?" Emperor Yunqing waved his hand in dismay, "Go back and think carefully, should you or should you not have come to plead for Shi family today."

The Crown Princess retreated in fear, he dared not bring up Shi family anymore.

On the contrary, Emperor Yunqing became even more disappointed. Had the Crown Prince persisted to argue for Shi family, he would have had more respect. Turning tail and running away by just a few rebukes, how could someone without courage rule a country?

But when he thought of the reckless and hot-headed second son, Emperor Yunqing became even more upset. The Crown Prince was wishy-washy, but the second son was literally brainless. If the country was to be handed to the second son, it would turn upside down soon or later.

In his past, he had suffered so much due to his father favouring the shu sons. After ascended, he had managed to curb off all the ambitions of his own shu sons, but tragically both of his di sons were worthless.

T/N – Shu = children not born from the legitimate wife. Di are children of the legitimate wife, in this case the Empress.

Emperor Yunqing felt his body shook and his sight darkened, he leaned on the imperial desk to conceal it.

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