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Ban Hua heard Shi Jin had received 50 strokes and was not able to report for duty at the Palace for one or two months. But today he could run and ride a horse, so he should be well already? Ban Hua felt one of her good virtues was that she had always been magnanimous to pretty men.

"It is good that you are fine." Ban Hua coughed drily, "In that case..... Farewell."

This pretty man was nourishing to the eyes, but the person was too serious. She never knew what to say to him so the atmosphere was always awkward.

"Junzhu, wait a moment." Shi Jin walked up to Ban Hua and performed a deep salute, "That time at the Palace's gates, zaixia has offended Junzhu, please Junzhu forgive."

"Offended?" Ban Hua looked at Shi Jin in confusion, "When did you offend me?"

"Zaixia accidently tripped Junzhu off the horse and made Junzhu injured. These days zaixia always feels guilty, but haven't had the chance to apologise." Shi Jin saluted again, "Please Junzhu forgive zaixia."

Ban Hua's smile faded. On the day of Grandmother's assassination, someone had indeed tripped her off the horse, but she didn't pay attention to the person who did it.

"Why does Shi-daren say something like this. You are the commander of the inner courtyard guards, responsible for His Majesty's safety. It was my fault to ride a horse in the Palace, and tripping me off was part of your performing your duties, there isn't anything wrong in that?"

"Junzhu......" Shi Jin still wanted to explain, but someone appeared and interrupted him.

"Hua Hua," A carriage stopped in front of the Grand Princess residence. A jade-like hand lifted the curtain to reveal Rong Xia's handsome and flawless face, "How come you are here?"

Shi Jin turned to Rong Xia in shock. What did he call Fule Junzhu?

"I was checking Grandmother's mansion." Ban Hua looked at Rong Xia in confusion, "Why are you here?"

"I was at Yao-daren's residence, didn't expect to meet you here." The guard placed a stool in front of the carriage, Rong Xia stepped out and approached her, "It is a bit cloudy, it may rain. I'll take you home."

After Ban Hua nodded, Rong Xia seemed to just realised that Shi Jin was also there. His eyebrows raised, "Shi-daren is here too?"

"Yes, this lowly zaixia is also here." Shi Jin impassively watched the subtly more familiar interaction between Rong Xia and Ban Hua, "Heard Count Rong is now engaged? Zaixia has no chance to congratulate Master Count yet."

"Shi-daren doesn't have to be too courteous. You have been staying at home recuperating, it is expected not to have known." Rong Xia smiled, "Rong-mou doesn't care much about ceremonies, zaixia will feel uneasy if Shi-daren is too formal."

"Keh." The sound of Shi Jin's cough was somewhat cold, "Count Rong is a graceful gentleman, naturally is not bound to common convention."

"Shi-daren is not quite right at this point. Manner is the essence of a person. To observe what should be observed, to dispense with what should be dispensed."

Rong Xia smilingly looked at Ban Hua besides him who seemed to have no interest at their exchange. "Apologies, Shi-daren. I have to take my fiancee home."

Shi Jin's face remarkably changed to hear that, "What did you say?"

Rong Xia looked at him with question, "Shi-daren, what's wrong?"

Shi Jin forced a smile, "The fiancee that Count Rong mentioned....."

"Naturally is Fule Junzhu by zaixia's side." Rong Xia was apologetic, "My fault for not making it clear earlier. I have made Shi-daren laughed."

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