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"Junzhu, xiaguan is still not clear of something, please Junzhu explain."

"Liu-daren please just say it." Ban Hua nodded slightly, "I will tell everything I know."

"Xiaguan heard that Junzhu was trained by General Ban for many years, and that includes the areas of riding, shooting and weaponry. Does Junzhu know if this stab wound was caused by a knife or a sword." From the beginning Liu-daren never considered Ban Hua as the culprit. Not only Ban family and Zhao family were not in a bad relationship, but also with Ban family identity and status there was no benefit for them in murdering Zhao Jia. Would they kill Zhao Jia for fun to cast bad luck to the Second Prince's wedding?

Even if it was to jinx the wedding, it wouldn't be this silly.

He took out two pieces of paper, one piece was the drawing of various weapons Dalisi was considering, the other one was the front and back of a man's upper body with the position and shape of the wound drawn on it.

Ban Hua took the papers and carefully compared the various weapons with the wound. She shook her head slowly, "Without seeing the actual wound, I dare not be completely sure. I will be frank, I did learn a lot from Grandfather but it was all on paper. If I make a mistake, please Liu-daren don't laugh."

Liu-daren's impression of Ban Hua became even better. Who smeared Fule Junzhu's name, wasn't she a very good young girl?

"Junzhu please just say it, xiaguan is listening with respect." Liu-daren expectantly looked at Ban Hua.

Ban Hua asked several more questions, such as the trajectory of blood spatter, the colour of the skin around the wound, whether the wound protruded and so on. In the end Ban Hua shook her head, "Liu-daren, I am afraid it's none of these weapons."

Liu-daren was instantly moved, "Wonder what is Junzhu's opinion?"

Ban Hua had a servant bring paper and brush, she drew a picture, "I think it is similar to this kind of weapon used by foreigners."

Liu-daren took the paper, the drawing was crooked and skewed, it was unclear whether it was a knife, a sword, or a hard whip. He tactfully asked, "What would be the name of this?"

"Name?" Ban Hua looked at Liu-daren perplexly, "It's the sort of knife that Aipo tribe commonly use, there is no name. Didn't that Aipo prince insist on staying in Daye, ask him and you should be able to find out."

Liu-daren was enlightened, he rose and saluted deeply to Ban Hua, "Many thanks Junzhu for clearing up the confusion, xiaguan will take leave now."

Ban Hua hurriedly said, "This is only my guess, it may not be accurate. If it is wrong, you can't blame me."

Liu-daren saw her face was like saying 'I help you, but don't drag me in'. He solemnly said, "Please Junzhu don't worry."

"It's good then." One of the principles Grandmother taught her was not to easily burden self with responsibilities, Ban Hua always kept that in mind. As this official surnamed Liu was so sensible, Ban Hua asked further, "What is your name?"

"Replying to Junzhu, xiaguan surnamed Liu named Banshan, with courtesy name Qingfeng." Liu-daren bowed respectfully to Ban Hua.

Ban Hua nodded, "Noted, you can go and get busy."

Someone in his early thirties who was already a Vice Director of Dalisi with upstanding speech and action. Such a person would fare well regardless of the change of dynasty in the future.

Liu Banshan didn't understand why Fule Junzhu looked at him with a pleased and appreciative look, but remembering this was a Count's fiancee, a future Furen, he bowed respectfully before retreating.

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