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Chapter 28

Rumours never failed to follow the spirit of 'the more the merrier', the more exaggerated the better it was. The original rumour was "Fule Junzhu and the Second Prince had an argument in front of the Great Moon Palace", but as it went on it had turned into "The Second Prince was boorish towards Fule Junzhu in front of His Majesty, broke her arm and made His Majesty furious."


Rumours had also spread when the Second Prince snatched Fule Junzhu's prey at the hunting ground but it was not taken seriously, young people often had bad tempers and it was not uncommon for them to quarrel. However this time a prince being physically offensive and injured a Junzhu wasn't something that could be blamed on a young man's hot blood.

Daye Dynasty was more liberal for men and women, but it still upheld a gentleman's code of conduct. What's the difference between a royal prince assaulted a Junzhu and a rough ordinary man on the street bullying a weak girl?

And doing this two days before the Grand Princess' birthday, was the Second Prince not giving face to the Grand Princess?

When the news reached Count Zhongping's residence, Xie Wanyu was both happy and worried. Could it be that the Second Prince did it for her because her relationship with Ban Hua wasn't good? But when she remembered that he was gossiped and got confined by His Majesty, she became worried that he suffered for it.

"Sister1," Xie Qilin saw her restless appearance when he walked into the courtyard, understood she was worrying on behalf of the Second Prince, "Don't you worry, Second Prince is His Majesty and the Empress' son, noone in the Palace dares to mistreat him."

"Second Brother," Xie Wanyu was sitting at the side of an Eight Immortals table, she laughed with some embarrassment, "The Second Prince will really be fine?"

"So it is true that when a girl has to be married off when she is of age. You aren't married yet, but you are already concerned about your future husband." Xie Qilin's face was tinged with some unresolved melancholy, his smile wasn't as bright as before, "Don't worry, however much the Emperor cares about Ban Hua, she is still an outsider. His own son is naturally more important."

"En." Xie Wanyu studied Xie Qilin's expressions, he didn't seem to change much when mentioning Ban Hua, she inwardly breathed a sigh of relief, "Brother, what do you think of the girl Mother told you about a few days ago?"

Her second brother once eloped with a woman from red-light district, and with his one eye injured, it had become difficult to find a bride from similar status families. After looking around, their mother had settled on the daughter of a fourth-rank lower official. This family had no name to speak of, but they were unlikely to cause trouble and the girl had a gentle temperament, she would be able to take good care of her second brother.

At the mention of his marriage, Xie Qilin touched the mask on his face and said indifferently, "I have become like this, why should I drag others down."

"Second Brother, why are you talking like that." Xie Wanyu was angry and anxious, "There are so many good girls in the world wanting to marry you, how are you saying such distressing words?"

Xie Qilin was still apathetic, "It's fine if there is still anyone who wants to marry me."

Xie Wanyu felt her heart burst with pain, her perfect and dazzling second brother had turned into a dispirited deep well. The Heaven really had no eye, a deadbeat like Ban Heng was living fine, for what reason her brother had to go through all these?

"It's all that cheap Ban Hua who brought you bad luck, it wouldn't have happened if not because of her," Xie Wanyu cursed, "I am sure she won't be able to get married for the rest of her life."

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