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"Your Highness," Chang-momo stood at the Grand Princess Dening' side with a hesitant expression, "Why didn't you tell the Marquis?"

"The grudges should stop at my generation." The Grand Princess looked at the dim candle flame in the room, she took the pill handed by Chang-momo, "I have wronged Fuma. I didn't teach him to mature, I didn't teach him literary or martial skills. I shouldn't teach him hatred either."

T/N – She meant by 'him' here is their son Ban Huai (the current Marquis Jingting). The Fuma is her dead husband (the old Duke Jingting). Fuma means an emperor's son-in-law.

"Your Highness," The room was heated so Chang-momo didn't need a hand-warmer, but her heart was shivering through and through, "The Marquis will understand, he never blames you."

"He is a good child." The Grand Princess Dening smiled. At that moment she wasn't the royal grand princess, she was just an ordinary mother. "Half my life was dedicated to the Imperial Family. The only joy I had was when I was with Fuma, and with my child."

"Your Highness," Chang-momo fell on her knees in front of the Grand Princess, her voice trembled, "You have to take good care of your health. The Marquis and the Lady are very filial, Junzhu and the Shizi have grown up, you still have to see them getting married and have children, you....."

"A'chang." The Grand Princess interrupted Chang-momo, smilingly asked, "You say, who resembles me the most among the younger generation?"

Chang-momo grabbed the Grand Princess' hand, the rims of her eyes reddened, "The Lady is beautiful and intelligent, she has some of Your Highness' spirit."

T/N – Chang-momo means by the Lady is Yin-shi, the daughter-in-law chosen by the Grand Princess herself.

"No." The Grand Princess slowly shook her head, "The one who resembles me the most in Ban family is Hua Hua."

Chang-momo startled, in her opinion Junzhu looked more like Fuma, how could she resemble the Grand Princess?

Cold wind howled outside, but there was not a single breeze inside the room.

"When bengong was young, bengong was the best looking one among Imperial Father's children. For this reason, Imperial Father was biased towards me." The Grand Princess smoothed her luxurious robe, "Expensive clothes sumptuous meals, gold silver and jade, incomparable favours. Other gongzhu's hated bengong very much, they even resorted to cheap tricks. Bengong enjoyed the most to watch them racking their brains for schemes, but noone was able to touch bengong."

"The previous emperor was bengong's brother from the same mother, but he was not very liked by Imperial Father. Imperial Father once said he was chosen to be the Crown Prince because he worried the other princes wouldn't treat bengong well." The Grand Princess closed her eyes, reminiscing her youth. "That time, everyone in the Great Ye was courteous to bengong."

The arrogance of the youths, the noble and the powerful. After marrying her Fuma, she was still the most honoured princess of the dynasty. The protective imperial father had passed away, but the one on the throne was her brother of the same mother.

T/N – The arrogance of the youths 鲜衣怒马,  describes spirited young people at the ages when they run unbridled like wild horses.

Her brother was able to sit securely on the throne due to her Fuma's military power which had supported him to stabilise the officials. Unfortunately, it was still the good bow is discarded when birds in the sky are shot clean. In the end the brother was like as any other emperors, he killed the donkey after the grinding is done.

It was lucky that he still remembered their brother and sister relationship so the tricks played on the battlefield didn't take Fuma's life away.

The brother thought it was spotless, but he forgot that if you don't wish anyone to know what you've done, then don't do it.

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