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The Grand Princess watched the son who was running over to her. Her face was as rosy as a sixteen years old young girl, and her smile had bloomed to be more and more tender.

"Marching on and on, far away from you. A thousand miles apart, we at the opposite ends of the sky...... Longing for you makes one grow old, months and years far behind me..... But let's not speak of this, please make sure you are eating well....."

Ban Huai finally made it to her. The Grand Princess put her hand in his, murmured, "Please make sure you are..... eating well."

It was as if she had suddenly came back to life, her pair of eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky.

"Shuiqing, ah," She smiled at her son, "Our Hua Hua has found a handsome young man, I'll tell your Father when I go back."

"En." Ban Huai choked back a sob.

The Grand Princess's hand suddenly fell down weakly, the pair of bright eyes slowly closed. She fell asleep smiling, and never to wake up again.

Ban Huai's opened mouth kept twitching and twitching, but no sound came out. There was no tear, he looked like a fish that had jumped out of water, that was desperately gasping without a sight of salvation.

"Her Highness the Grand Princess Dening....... has passed."

"Master Marquis." Yin-shi took Ban Huai into her arms and lightly patted his back, one pat after another. Ban Huai finally could cry with voice, he cried like a baby swallow that had lost it's mother. Each sob was more desperate than the previous, each cry was like bleeding.

Ban Hua sat stunned on the floor, kept murmuring to herself as if she had lost her mind. Rong Xia grabbed her tightly clenched fists and pried her fingers open one by one. The palms were drenched with blood as the nails had pierced into the flesh, skin and flesh had meshed together to form a shocking sight to the viewer.

"I am the useless one......"

Rong Xia could now hear what she said, he took her icy cold palms and said in a firm tone, "Noone blames you, it is not your fault." He turned to an imperial doctor who were kneeling outside, "Junzhu's hands are injured."

Emperor Yunqing regained his mind, he beckoned the imperial doctor to enter, "Be careful, don't hurt Junzhu."

The imperial doctor had witnessed the life and death scene of Ban family, his heart was mixed with all kinds of emotions. At Emperor Yunqing's order, he regained his senses, "Yes." As he saw who was holding Fule Junzhu's hands, he glanced with surprise at Rong Xia but lowered his head again to start treating the wounds on Ban Hua's palms.

"Your Majesty," When Ban Hua's palms had been treated, Rong Xia walked to the front of Emperor Yunqing and knelt down. "Weichen had ruined Junzhu's reputation in public, weichen is willing to marry Junzhu to save her reputation."

Emperor Yunqing and the Empress were startled. They suddenly recalled that Ban Hua had entered the Great Hall on Rong Xia's back, and he had also called himself her husband in front of the Grand Princess. It was all done in emergency and shouldn't be taken for real, but there were indeed a lot of imperial doctors, palace maids and eunuchs around today, it really wasn't good for Ban Hua's reputation if leaked outside.

"Junpo, zhen knows you are a gentleman, and you don't want to ruin a lady's reputation, but......" Emperor Yunqing looked at Ban family who were immersed in grief, "Marriage is a big matter, you don't have to force yourself."

He knew Rong Xia was greatly admired by young ladies of the Capital. It was not difficult for such young man to marry a lady with both looks and talents, and distinguished family background. He was afraid that a girl like Ban Hua wasn't Rong Xia's choice.

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