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"You have read a lot of poetry and books, and you have the world in your heart, why don't you dare to speak up and accept advice? If you do well, you can leave your name in history." Banhua's fingertips were as tender as green onions. She raised her chin slightly, looking very arrogant, almost All officials felt annoyed at being slighted.

"A military general gains a good reputation by defending the borders against foreign enemies, and civil servants are naturally able to stabilize the country and shed their blood for the common people." Ban Hua's eyes twitched slightly, with a noble air, "Why do you all come to embarrass me, a weak woman? "

"If our remonstrance is useful, we wouldn't bother the princess today..."

"Aren't you still standing here?" Banhua lowered his eyelids, and lowered his head to take the fine porcelain official kiln teacup on the table, "If everyone It is useless for adults to remonstrate deadly, but the little girl will go to the palace to see His Majesty no matter what."

This is almost not clear, you go to die first, how do you know that remonstrance is useless if you are not dead?

"What a princess of Fule," an official said angrily, "It is because there are too many people like you who eat vegetarian food, that ruined my great cause, and made the people of the world hungry and clothed..."

" Is this gentleman surnamed Wang? I remember you saying that the Ban family is ridiculous and useless, and they are moths in the court," Ban Hua chuckled, "Master Wang is so strong and upright, how can you ask someone like me to help you? Wouldn't it be your reputation?"

As soon as these words came out, the furious officials immediately opened their mouths wide but were speechless like a deflated frog. He did say this in front of several colleagues, but he never said these words in a crowded place. How did Princess Fuller know?

Could it be that a colleague deliberately passed what he said to Princess Fuller in order to please the Ban family?

"Master Wang, don't be afraid," Ban Hua glanced at these people, and these officials avoided Ban Hua's sight uncomfortably, not daring to look directly into her eyes, "You are not the first person to speak ill of me, It's not the last one either. I don't blame you if you're lonely if you don't have anyone to comment on in your life."

Banhua was talking about you, not you.
Mr. Wang saw that the faces of his colleagues were also uncomfortable, and his embarrassment eased a little. At least he was not the only one who made this kind of mistake.

Among these few people, only the champion of the new division stood in front of Banhua neither humble nor overbearing, and did not avoid her sight. He never said anything bad about Banhua, even after Xie Qilin eloped with others, he even argued with others because of Banhua.

It's just that he wasn't the champion at that time, and no one cared what he said.
"Forgive me for not being able to help you adults, please go back."

Other officials wanted to say more, but the new champion saluted: "I'm sorry to bother you, please leave." Is this a person who understands the rules?"

After these people left, Ban Heng snorted coldly, "Leave them alone, they are full of benevolence and morality, criticizing the world, but at this juncture, they dare not offend His Majesty, but let you go, really I don't want any face."

"Since you know they are such people, why are you so angry?" Ban Hua chuckled, his tone full of sarcasm, "When they were gossiping about me, why did they think that Today you will be in front of me, and you won't even be able to lift your head."

"This tells us a truth, do you know what it is?"

"You can't speak ill of people behind their backs?"

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