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It was very pleasant to see one's beloved on an early morning under the rising sun which gradually banished the morning fog away, provided the beloved person didn't happen to be together with one's hated person.

Shi Feixian had never realised how much she hated Ban Hua. The two of them should have only minimum interaction, but why was Ban Hua kept approaching Master Rong?

Master Rong was in mourning for 3 years for his mother, then another 3 years for his father, and finally his only brother also passed away in illness, leaving him alone in the huge Count Cheng'an residence.

His Majesty valued his talents and pitied him for losing his whole family at a young age so the title wasn't demoted, he was allowed to keep the Count title.

Shi Feixian felt heartache for Count Cheng'an. He was always graceful and unaffected, spoke in a learned manner that made the listeners felt like being embraced by spring breeze, but how could he be not sad after all the tragic things, Master Rong's smiles..... must be just a cover.

She often thought, how wonderful it would be to live with Master Rong.

However the current scenery wasn't that wonderful. She gazed without expression at the pair of man and woman on horse-back not far away. The distance between them remained at half-horse length, but it had made Shi Feixian felt uneasy.

"Stop." She lifted the curtain and stepped down supported by her maid. She didn't believe Master Rong wouldn't see her standing here.

A beauty in the haze would look even lovelier. Seeing the delicate and fragile Shi Feixian over there, Ban Hua couldn't help but stopping her horse to admire the beauty a bit longer.

Rong Xia laughed, "Junzhu, why do you suddenly stop?"

"I am enjoying the view," Ban Hua blinked, "The fluttering gracefulness of a celestial being."

Rong Xia followed her gaze and saw Shi Feixian under a tree. She was wearing a light green dress and a plain silver cloak, she looked a kind of unsurpassed beauty.

"What beautiful view in such a thick fog?" Rong Xia withdrew his gaze, lightly laughed, "Junzhu is jesting with this Rong person?"

Ban Hua looked at Rong Xia with surprise, he really didn't have Shi Feixian in his eyes?

But the man in front of her was smiling so gently that even the most fussy woman on earth wouldn't be able to find anything wrong, she laughed, "Master is very interesting."

So in Rong Xia's eyes, the Shi Feixian that had made Second Prince head over heels was no different from white fog. This was very interesting, too interesting.

As they were talking, Shi Feixian and her maids had walked over, "Count Rong, Ban-junzhu, what a coincidence."

Ban Hua felt the way Shi Feixian looked at her wasn't 'what a coincidence' but more like 'what is this nuisance doing here'. She was not the kind of person who cared about these things, so she just nodded lightly without a word.

It's useless to say anything in such situation. She had no interest in feigning sisterly love with another woman in front of a beautiful man, she better used the time to peek at the beautiful man. Good looking men were always worth a few more glances.

"Miss Shi." Rong Xia greeted Shi Feixian from his horse, "I wonder where is Miss Shi going to?"

Shi Feixian bowed to return his greeting, "Today my older brother is accompanying me to pray. I didn't expect to meet Master here." She paused, her eyes swept over Ban Hua, "Master Count and Junzhu are going out?"

Ban Hua turned to Rong Xia, "Master Rong, we will not disturb you and Miss Shi conversing. We'll take our leave first."

"I just happened to meet Ban-junzhu," Rong Xia patted the horse he was riding, "Miss Shi, farewell."

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