A woman's weapon - Part 1 - Aberama x Reader

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Now, I know Aberama gets engaged to Polly in the show; but, well, not in my world. I can't help but love Aiden Gillen's bad guy characters, so we get him instead 😊 Hope you enjoy.

"So, if you can't do it, do you know someone that can..........?" Tommy asked, as he looked over the top of his glasses at Aberama. The head of the Shelby family business pulling a piece of loose tobacco from his mouth, as he waited for a reply.

Tommy had been a little taken aback when Aberama had said that he didn't think that he was right for the current job that he wanted doing. The Romany assassin had never said anything like that before, so it seemed strange that he would start now. But Tommy's real concern was getting the job done. One way or another, the issue needed to be dealt with, and if the Romany couldn't do it then perhaps there might be someone that could, and it would be even better if Aberama knew who he could get him in contact with. The slight smile that was pulling at the corners of the assassin's lips, was certainly suggesting so.

"I...........I might know of someone. She won't.................."

"She...............?" Tommy interrupted. The ex-sapper quite surprised that Aberama would be suggesting a woman for such a thing.

"Aye. She's a traveller too, doesn't often come to these parts; but I might know where she could be found............."

"And why would I want to use a woman for this............?" Tommy interrupted again, as he sat back in his chair.

"Cos you want this done discreetly. You want it done quietly, and (Y/n) is the best at that, that you are gonna get. She a smart un, you call her in, and the police will think that the man did nothing more than die in his sleep." The older Gold explained. Aberama watching as Tommy mussed for a moment. His finger dipping in and out of the dark liquor in the glass, which he held.

(Y/n)...........it had been too many years since the Romany assassin had seen the woman that many of the travellers would look to if they were sick. She, her mother, and her mother's mother had been brewing potions, creating concoctions and helping the sick, since before anyone could remember. Her family not only there when children were born; but also, there to offer comfort, at a person's end. It was even said that an ancestor had been hung for witchcraft by the puritans. But whatever the truth, healer or witch, she was the only one that could do what Tommy wanted.

Aberama had first met her when Bonnie was born. (Y/n) had been barely a woman herself, but she had most certainly caught his eye as soon as she and her mother had come to help with the birth of his only son. (Y/n) assisting, as her mother had taken charge. Aberama unable to stop himself from watching, as the beauty had run back and forth for hot water and clean linens. The young woman the first to congratulate him, as she opened the door so that he could see his boy.

After that, he had he had taken it upon himself to enquire about her. His interest in latest line of medicine women more than just business. The Romany told that even though she was as good as her mother, as all her forebears, at the art of healing, (Y/n) had an interesting ability with poisons. The girl easily able to extract the toxins from plants and fungi that anyone could come across on a daily basis. Yet she seemed to know, as if on instinct, the right amounts to cause anything from a slight stomach cramp to paralysis and even death, in anything that lived and breathed. The assassin sure that the ability that she had, must have come from her ancestor. Aberama not surprised that the woman had been persecuted as a witch if she had been as good as (Y/n). That, or if she had been as beautiful, then he believed that she must have refused the advantages of some important man, to find herself at the end of a noose.

Aberama had to admit that when his wife had passed, he had become more interested in (Y/n); well, more than he already had been. Even making up maladies so that he could call on her for a remedy. Sometime purchasing a poison just so that he could watch her work. But years had passed since he had laid eyes on her last. Though he knew that she still cared for their people. That one could still purchase one of her special potions. The assassin also hearing that she not only sold them but used them herself. Branching out into his particular sphere of expertise. Though of course, they both dealt death in very different ways.

"So, you know where you can find this woman............?" Tommy finally asked, as he turned his attention back to Aberama.

"Like I said, I believe I could find her. She and some others are well known to camp out near a small village at this time of the year. I think that I could get a message to her to come and help. Her particular skills won't come cheap; but she'll be worth every penny." Aberama said, hoping that not only had (Y/n) and the others not changed their plans; but also, that the head of the Shelby family firm would overlook the fact that he was recommending a woman that Tommy didn't know, for this important job.

"Alright. Send for her. If she's as good as you say, then I'm more than happy to pay." Tommy agreed, as he took another cigarette from the case on his desk. His glasses being pushed back up his nose, as her turned his eyes back to the paperwork on his desk. Aberama nodding, a smile pulling at his lips, as he made his way out of the office. 

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