Angel of the trenches - Part 6 - Tommy x Alfie x Reader

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After her little party trick the night of the party, (Y/n) had found herself surrounded by men, all asking her questions, slapping her on the back, as they complimented the shot that she had taken; all wanting to know what else she could do. The former corporal happy to answer all their questions, as Tommy and John had made sure that Arthur was treated for his wounds. Happy to feel the sense of camaraderie that she had been missing, since she had been forced to return to England after receiving her injuries. The next day, she had been sat in front of Tommy, John and the injured Arthur. Just as when she was lying in the hospital bed, surrounded by all the big brass, she had felt as though she was about to be court martialed. About to be told that she was going to shipped off to face a firing squad. But then Tommy had smiled, as Arthur had made his way over to her and offered her a cap, placing his hand on her shoulder and nodding respectfully, before making his way back over to his brothers. The former sergeant major informing her that he wanted her to work with him from now on. That he wanted her to do more than just help out in the betting shop. And that, well, that was why she currently found herself on the train, soon to be arriving in London.

"Remember what I said. Don't let Alfie goad ya. Just let me do the talkin........" Tommy said, as the capital of the country loomed into view. (Y/n) nodding, as she looked out over the great, grey city.

Tommy had told her about this Alfie Solomons. The Jewish gangster from Camden Town. That she should watch him, not trust him. That he was bound to say something about her, when they met; but not to take it to heart. She was there for him, not for Alfie. The former corporal liking the idea that Tommy and the other Shelby boys seemed to trust her enough, to allow her to do more than just do bits of jobs around the shop.

"I'll do my best, Sarge. Can't make any promises though............." (Y/n) chuckled, as she and Tommy got to their feet. Tommy shaking his head, as the train pulled into the Waterloo train station. The head of the family firm remembering how headstrong "George" had been when they were in France. How the younger man had more than known his mind. Tommy not doubting that as a good soldier, (Y/n) would try her best to do as he had said. But he also had a feeling that bringing (Y/n) and Alfie together, would be like trying to mix oil and water.


London was bigger than she had thought, and darker too. When she had got to Birmingham, she had been taken aback enough by what she had seen, but this........ Coming from a small country town, growing up, (Y/n) had never had the need to go anywhere near a city. She had thought that she would never get to even see the next town that was some miles away, never mind a city; but then the war had come. The war had taken her to France. It had opened her eyes to many things. Shown her how big the rest of the world was, that there was life beyond her small town; yet London was still something to behold. (Y/n) taking in everything that she could, as Tommy drove them through the streets, until they finally pulled up outside the "bakery"; the pair climbing out of the car and making their way inside the building, to be met by a man that Tommy introduced as Ollie. The dark-haired man looking her up and down, before gesturing for them to follow him. The trio stopping as they got to the door of an office. Ollie knocking, before opening the door as they heard a yell.

"Thomas............." A cheery voice came, the man behind the desk throwing open his arms in greeting, as Tommy entered the room. (Y/n) winking at the tall, slender Ollie, before joining her former sergeant.

"Hello, Alfie." Tommy replied in his usual tone, as he took a seat, before pulling a silver case out from his jacket pocket and taking a cigarette out of it.

"And whom might this be.......?" Alfie asked as he turned his attention to the person standing behind Tommy. Looking over the top of half-moon glasses that were perched on his nose.

"This is a business associate of mine............."

"A business associate? But this is a lady, Thomas. What sort of business is it that you and she share..........?" Alfie continued with a suggestive look between Tommy and the woman. Tommy holding out his arm to stop (Y/n) from moving forward. No one needing to be a genius to know what the Jewish gangster was insinuating. The female soldier not caring who this man thought he was; for no one, but no one, made out that she was any man's whore. Even Thomas Shelby's whore.

"(Y/n) here is an old friend. We fought together in the trenches.........." Tommy explained, as he let his hand move over (Y/n)'s for a moment, in a reassuring gesture.

"Well, we must have been fighting very fuckin different wars Thomas. Cos I never had any woman in the trenches where I was..........."

"Either that, or you just couldn't tell, Mister Solomons. I served with, lived with, ate with, slept in the same shit with, and killed with men for most of the war, and not one of them knew what and who I really was, except for the sergeant major here. Maybe you just aren't as observant........or as smart, as you think you are............" (Y/n) countered, as she glared at the bearded man across from her. The Jewish gangster brushing his hand over his beard, before taking the glasses from his face and allowing them the hang around his neck from the chain that held them.

"Oh, I like her, Thomas. Much smarter and more eloquent than either of those brothers of yours. That, and far better looking anole. Ya shouldn't let this one go........." Alfie finally replied, before bringing a bottle and a couple of glasses out of his desk draw.

"Now, lets talk business.................."

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