Smoke and mirrors - Part 7 - Alfie x Tommy x Reader

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Alfie pulled up the car outside the Eden Club. He knew that he had nearly crashed more than once, on the way to the night spot that the Shelby's now owned; the gangster distracted by the beautiful woman that was sat by his side. A small smile pulling at the corner of his lips, whenever he caught her looking at him too. But now that they were there, Alfie climbing out of the driver's seat before making his way around to the other side of the car, and offering (Y/n) his hand, as he opened her door; he knew that he could look at her for the rest of the night. The Londoner throwing his keys to a young man that was moving the cars, before placing the agents arm in his, and then leading her to the entrance.

He couldn't help but puff out his chest, as he helped her off with her fur coat, and handed it and his own coat to the hatcheck girl; Alfie not blind to the looks that (Y/n) was already getting. And even though this wasn't a date, date; the beautiful woman was still with him. She would be on his arm all evening; and he intended to keep it that way. Alfie taking her hand and placing it back in the crook of his arm, before leading her towards the sound of music and revelry. The big man finding himself pulling her closer, as they made their way into the large room; passing across a dance floor until they arrived at a partly partitioned off area that had multiple tables set out, in front of a band that was playing on a low stage. People turning and looking at the pair, as Alfie walked her over to the bar.

"Drink? Tommy said its an open bar. Fuckin show off." Alfie said, as he gestured to the barman.

"Well, if Mister Shelby is paying; I'll have champagne........vintage." (Y/n) replied, leaning against the bar next to escort of the evening, as the big man ordered a full bottle of only the best champagne, and two glasses. Alfie agreeing that if Tommy was paying for it, he might as well enjoy the good stuff. The Londoner, filling the glasses, before handing her one. The eyes of the partygoers slowly turning back to their own conversations, as Alfie began to glare.

"So, what d'ya think...........?" The Jewish gangster enquired, as he looked over the top of his glass at (Y/n). Fighting the urge to sneeze, as the bubbles got up his nose.

"It's a little...........gaudy, for my taste. But I don't think people really come here for the decor." (Y/n) replied, as her eyes scanned the crowd. The agent looking for three faces, in particular.

She had seen the file on the three oldest Shelby brothers. Seen the pictures of them in their uniforms and read their service records; noting that Tommy had received medals for gallantry. (Y/n) not doubting that just like Alfie, they had done their part for king and country; that they had proved their bravery when it when true bravery was needed the most. Yet the war had made them very dangerous men; men that were capable of extreme violence. Seemingly having no remorse for anything they did. Their use of the razorblades that were concealed in the peak of their flat caps, well known. The agent wondering just how much the Shelby's had utilised those weapons, to acquire this particular club.

"Yeah, not really my thing either." Alfie agreed with a sniff, as he looked at all the gold painted furnishings of the jazz club. The Londoner thinking that all that shit suited a man like Darby, much more than it did Tommy and his brothers.

"Alfie........" A familiar voice suddenly called out. The man from Camden Town and (Y/n) tuning to see Tommy making his way towards them, with an actual smile on his face. Alfie putting down his glass and placing his arm around (Y/n)'s waist and pulling her to his side, as the Brummy got closer. The agent finding herself not wanting to complain; not wanting to push him away. (Y/n) instead, choosing to place her arm behind her back.


"I'm glad that you could come..........."

"Yeah well, since ya payin fa it........" Alfie replied. Not failing to notice that Tommy's eyes, weren't on him; but on (Y/n). Alfie not able to blame him; it not often that you see a goddess walking among men. But that didn't mean that he had to like it.

"And whom might this be..........?" Tommy asked. (Y/n) reaching out her hand for the man from Birmingham to take. Tommy taking it and bringing it up so that he could kiss her knuckles. His eyes looking up at her through his lashes.

Oh, he was good; very good. Even just this interaction telling (Y/n) that Thomas Michael Shelby, was going to be something different to deal with. The man exuding an aura, that not only seemed to surround him, but her too; as he raised his head, yet kept hold of her hand.

"Tommy, this is............"

"(Y/n)." (Y/n) interrupted.

"Just (Y/n)." She added. The agent smiling as she saw a little glint in his eyes. Eyes that reminded her of a sky over a stormy sea. Eyes that threatened at any minute to pull her in, and drown her, as a storm began to rage.

"And how do you know Alfie........(Y/n)?"

"She works for me. She's my assistant.........." Alfie said, interrupting (Y/n) this time, as he finally reached out, and pulled her hand from Tommy's grasp.

"Assistant........?" Tommy shot back, giving Alfie a quizzical look. The Londoner knowing perfectly well what the simple question was really insinuating. And although he did wish that (Y/n) was more than just working for him, while she got information for her real employers, he wasn't going to have Tommy thinking that she was his whore. She was a lady, which was something that the vast majority of the women in the club, weren't. And he wouldn't have her treated as anything but that. Especially not when she was with him.

"Yeah, assistant. And she did me the honour of agreein ta be my guest fa tha evenin. (Y/n) is a lady, and I treat her as such. I hope you will do tha same........" Alfie replied. Tommy able to hear a growl in his voice. It obvious that assistant or not, his friend had feelings for this woman. The man from Birmingham never having heard Alfie act or talk this way about a woman before. Not that he could blame his friend for those feelings; Tommy's eyes not having left her, since the pair had walked into the club. The older Shelby not sure where Alfie could have found something so beautiful; but really wanting to find out.

"Of course, Alfie. Well, both of ya enjoy the evening. I'll come back and find ya later." Tommy nodded, before leaving the pair; hoping that sometime during the evening, he might get this (Y/n) away from her escort, so that he could find out just how much of a lady she really was. 

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