A woman's weapon - Part 7 - Aberama x Reader

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I have just learnt that Benjamin Zephaniah, who played Jeremiah Jesus, has passed away at the age of 65. May he rest in peace.

Aberama watched, as (Y/n) sat next to the fire minding a metal pot that sat in the embers near the outside of the small pit. She had been busy since they had gotten back to his caravan in the woods, pulling things out of the bag that went everywhere she went, and disappearing into the surrounding trees for a short time, before returning to the site with a small smile; the older Gold knowing that there was little point in asking her what she was doing, as he was sure that she would give the same answer that her mother and grandmother would always give when asked what they were up to............a simple tap or two to the side of the nose, with her finger.

In truth, he knew that it had to be something to with the job for Tommy, that she had obviously accepted; a job that she had not spoken about since they had left the betting shop. Aberama not wanting to push her into talking about it, for if Tommy had wanted him to know, he would have allowed him to stay in the room.

Slowly, he made his way down the two small steps and over to where she sat on a short three-legged stool. Her lips moving as if she were speaking, but not a word was heard in the quiet surroundings. Aberama taking his chance to speak, as she turned her attention from the fire to the contents of her bag.

"Will you be much longer.............?" He enquired, as he rested his hand on her shoulder. The older man only having realised how long she had been working, as he had looked up to see the darkening sky.

"No, but I need to finish this. Your Mister Shelby's deadline of Saturday, doesn't give me much time to prepare this............." (Y/n) replied, as she dropped something into the bubbling pot and stirred the concoction again.

Doing his best not to disturb her, he reached for his old wooden chair that had seen better days and placed it on the other side of the fire, taking a seat and watching her carefully. There was something about her at this moment. A sparkle in her eyes, as she continued to mutter silently over the strange brew. A look that made him smile. The years that had passed since they had seen one another, had certainly not taken a toll on her looks. The windswept and mysterious charm that she had always had, not being lost either. He was glad that she had accepted Tommy's job. Glad that he had until, at the latest, Sunday, to come up with the best way to tell her that he wanted her to stay with him. That finally, after all these years, they could be together. The feared assassin knowing that he would be more than happy to wake up to her every day, as he had that morning. And given the words that had left her lips as they lay together in his bed, he believed that she would like it too.



"I said, is there a dress shop in town........a good one............" (Y/n) replied, as she looked up at him. The Romany healer chuckling to herself, as he gave her a confused look.

"What do you need a dress shop for.............?"

"Well, that rather handsome Mister Shelby, has asked me to a party on Saturday, as his guest. And a girl has to look the part. Can't be turning up like this, can I........." She laughed, as she looked down at the simple, rather dull clothes that she was wearing. Clothes that were made to last; clothes that were meant to be mended if they tore, not thrown away like some of the fineries that some women often wore. Aberama knowing that she was right; but asking him about a dress shop.............

"Never mind. I'll have a look myself, in the morning........" She continued, as she slowly got to her feet, and stretched out her back. Only realising how late it had gotten, as she looked up at the darkening sky.

"Have you eaten.............?" (Y/n) continued, as she turned her attention to the older man. Smiling as Aberama just shook his head.

"I don't know.......men. Well, why don't you go and get me a pan, and I'll cook us something..........." She added. Kissing him on the cheek, as he made his way back towards the caravan.


Aberama sat back, a satisfied smile on his lips, as (Y/n) came over and took the now empty plate from his hands. The kettle already resting on the fire; the water being boiled so that not only the plates could be cleaned, but for tea, too.

He hadn't realised that the little trip that she had made into the woods had also been to collect ingredients for dinner; but it was glad that it had. Though, he did have to admit that the appearance of a fresh rabbit, had been quite unexpected.

It was nice having a woman around again. It had been a long time since his wife had passed. A long time since he had been looked after, and he had to say that he was enjoying it. There nothing like the attentions of a good woman to remind a man of how fortunate he was. And having (Y/n) there, most definitely reminded him of how fortunate he was.

"Stay." He suddenly said. (Y/n) turning to look at him.

He hadn't meant it to come out that way. He told himself not to bring this up until Sunday, until after the job. And when he did bring it up, he had wanted to make it a little more of a special moment. But the request had just jumped out of his mouth, and now he couldn't take it back.


"Stay........with me. When the job for Tommy is over; go and get your caravan and come back here. I want you to be with me, (Y/n). My wife has been gone for years, and we've been apart long enough. We could be something, you and me.........something good........" Aberama explained, as she continued to look at him. The healer taking a deep breath, as she moved back over to him. Her hand coming to rest gently on his cheek.

She had never believed that a man, never mind Aberama, would ask such a thing of her. And she had to say that she liked the idea. Yet it meant that she would be leaving those that she had travelled with for years. Those that depended on her. The proposition something that she was going to have to think about. Seriously think about...........but for now...........

"I'll tell you what........why don't you make the tea, while I do the dishes; and then, maybe, you can think of doing something that will prove to me, why I should stay............" (Y/n) told him. Kissing Aberama on the nose and winking, before she made her way into the caravan.  

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