Kenma x kuroo

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HaAh....f-fuck Kuroo... how much longer" Kenma whines, the pain getting too much for him.

"You picked a complicated design Kenma, shouldn't be too much longer though"

It was just pain, he was whining from the pain.

Kenma had come in for a tattoo appointment a few hours earlier, they'd taken a couple of breaks but it's safe to say he was at his wit's end, writhing under the pain. The tattoo design was tough though, having decided on it pretty fast and agreeing to go along with it knowing the consequences and how long it could take.

Yet here he is, whining and crying through the pain but still refusing to come back again, preferring to have it all done in one go which frankly isn't recommended for a tattoo as large as this.

"Almost done, just giving it the final touches" Kuroo adds, not wanting the boy to be in pain for too much longer.

"Hnnnn good... It's painful"

He may have just been in pain but his lewd whimpers were going straight to Kuroo's dick, not able to space out about his desires or he could end up messing up.

That wouldn't be good, especially since this tattoo has taken so long and is expensive.

"Right we're all done, you can lay there a while if you want, but it's finished"

"Finally, my leg has cramped up so bad, I feel like it's been weeks" Kenma sighs, lifting himself slowly into a more comfortable position.

Kuroo walks to put his supplies away before returning back to a still in pain Kenma.

"Well you must feel better that it's all done with"

"I guess, I probably should have done it in intervals now I think about it" Kenma groans, rolling onto his side.

"I told you but you didn't listen" Kuroo rolls his eyes.

"Shut up Kuroo"

Kenma goes to turn away but something catches his eye changing his mind.

"Kuroo are you hard?" Kenma teases, a deadly smirk on his face.

Kuroo's eyes widen, he didn't even notice it himself until it was pointed out.

Kuroo in all his shame had a boner.

"W-well uh... it's nothing just forget about it okay" Kuroo tries changing the subject but to no avail.

"Doesn't look like nothing"

Kenma's devilish smirk is telling him something, it's like he should turn around and walk away, instead continuing to just stand there in front of the boy.

"Hmm how about now" Kenma purrs, pressing his shoe against the bulge in Kuroo's slacks causing him to groan.

"Kenma... f-fuck.." Kuroo groans, biting his lips.

"Look at you, whining like a bitch, you like when do this hm?" Kuroo teases, pressing his hoot down harder. "Bet you were enjoying the noises I was making during the tattoo session, thinking dirty little thoughts in that perverted mind of yours"

He wasn't wrong, he'd been caught red handed.

"It's not like that– I was just–" Kuroo was cut off before he could even try to explain.

"Just what, thinking about how i'd make similar noises if you fucked me? I know what you were thinking"

Kuroo could just sit there, his face flushed from the embarrassment, wishing he could just crawl into a hole.

"I wanna see you get off using my foot" Kenma demanded, watching as Kuroo's eyes widen in shock.


"You heard me slut, be a good boy and get off for me"

He can't do that.

He had another appointment is less than half an hour, he can't be seen like this by a client, they would never let him forget it.

"Aww is the little slut nervous, does he not wanna cum in his pants for me?" Kenma was tormenting him, obsessed with the feeling of being in control.

Kuroo can't help but whine, starting to move his hips, rutting against the boy's boot. It felt euphoric, better than any feeling he had ever felt before, he craved more he needed more.

"Hnnn Kenma,,,, need more..."

"Address me properly and i'll think about it slut"

"Sir... please... I wanna be a good boy for you" Kuroo begs, wanting to get off so badly.

"As you wish bitch" Kenma pressed his boot down hard on Kuroo's cock causing him to cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure.

Kenma smirked to himself, the boy mere putty in his hands as he continued to shove his boot down on his cock. Kuroo continued to hum happily to himself whilst rutting against the blonde's boot, his orgasm aproaching the more the moved.

"Hnnn... m' wanna cum for you..."

"Did i say you could yet?? What if i want you to get me off before you can cum" Kenma scoffed.

"No please... I need to cum please sir ive been good" Kuroo whined, looking at Kenma with tear-filled eyes.

"Do as you're told and get on your knees"

Not wanting to upset him anymore he obeyed, getting on his knees and rubbing his face against the bulge in Kenma's pants.

"Enough with the teasing, get on with it already"

Kuroo unzipped the boy's pants, his cock already hard and dripping. He starts off slow, sliding his tongue around the head in slow circles, maintaining eye contact the whole time. He could see the frustration in Kenma's eyes, he didn't want him to be gentle, he wanted it rough.

"Enough with the teasing" Saying it a second time, grabbing Kuroo's hair.

Kenma drags his hips back gradually, gently thrusts forward, loses himself quickly to the tightness around him. He speeds up his pace in an instant, beginning to face-fuck Kuroo, tears running down his face.

"H-haAh... good boy... you take it so well" Kenma whines, lost in the pleasure.

Kuroo has no idea how long it has been since they started and how long it will be until his next client arrives, but all he cares about is getting Kenma to his orgasm. He looks up, obsessed with the faces of pleasure the boy makes.

"M' gonna cum and you're gonna swallow it all okay, be a good boy" Kuroo can only hum in agreement.

Kenma makes the cutest cry as he cums, his hands still tightly gripping the raven's hair. When he's finally over his orgasm he notices the dark patch on Kuroo's pants.

"Wait did you cum just from that...." Kenma laughs to himself, honestly he finds it cute.

"Shut up-" Kuroo turns away, hiding himself.

"Pathetic bitch"

Safe to say, his next appointment had to be postponed.

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