Enno x tanaka

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Ryu! You are still in bed?! I thought you have morning training?!"
Saeko opend the curtains to let some light in her brothers room. Tanaka didn't even moved a centimeter. His room was as chaotic as always. As she walked out of the room she needed to watch every step she took cause Clothes and books layed all over the floor.

"I-I dont feel so good. I think I'm sick." Answered Tanaka muffled.

Saeko stopped infront of the door and looked Worried to her younger brother who hid under his blanket.

"Okay.... did you and Ennoshita had a fight after I left yesterday?!"
She recognised how he winced after she mentioned the other male.

"W-What ?! N-No! Why do you think that?!"

"Cause usually he stays over night when you two have a study session."

"We didn't fight!" Atleast not how you think, "I just think I got a fever. Thats also why he left. I told him to cause I didnt wanted him to get sick too. So no need to worry."

"You know... it would be more believable if you wouldn't hide under your blanket." She crossed here arms infront of her breast and leaned against the door frame.

"I-Its just really bright. And its comfortable here."

"Sure, sure."
She raised an eyebrow and looked quiet to her brother. He never acted like that. Usually she needed to tie him at his bed when he was sick cause he still wanted to go.
"You know you can talk to me about everything."

"Everything is fine. Im just sick and tired. Can you please just close the door and call the school?!"

"Okay..." quiet she left her brothers room and did what he asked her to.

When she went to her brothers room again he still layed in his bed, still completely covered by the blanket.

"Ryuu, I need to go now."
"Call me if you need anything."
She took some steps towards him but the loud amd sharp "Bye" from her brother made her stop and turn around. Worried she left the room. This was so unlike Ryuu.
Maybe he just needs some time for himself and will talk to her later... atleast thats what she hoped.

When He heard the front door close he sighned and threw the blanket to the side.
Slowly he stood up, went to the window and closed the curtains. He didnt want to been seen like this.
He stepped into his little bathroom, closed the door and leaned against it.
He closed his eyes and took some deep breaths. Memories of last night flashed before his eyes and he felt how the heat raised in his cheeks.
He stepped to the little white sink and splashed some cold water in his face. His grip around the white ceramics hardend. He raised his shaved head and looked into the mirror.
Hickeys and Bitemarks covered his whole upper bodie. The heat raised again, out of embarrassment.
Slowly he took off his boxershorts and stepped into the shower. While cleaning his body he found even more marks of last night.

Heavily he walked back into his room, slipped into some shorts and a hoodie and let himself fall into his bed. He probably should change the sheets, he thought but every movement he did hurted.
So thats what Chika goes through everytime, huh?!
Even just mentioning the other male made him fluster and embarrassed again.
It wasnt like they havent seen eachother naked before, they actually have very often.
But last night...was different.
He layed there completely exposed, screaming the other males name and whining for more. Usually it was the other way around.
But last night was different.
The atmosphere last night was complete different.
Ennoshitas mood was completly different...


It started as a normal Wednesday.
They had morning practice and normal classes. Like usual Ennoshita would go to Tanakas place after school and they would study together.
And thats what they did. Ennoshita explained math formulas and grammar and spelling mistakes in Tanakas English essay.
"Hey boys, I hope I dont interrupt you but I got some Onigiri and Sushi for you. Also I will leave now."
"Yeah, okay thanks for the food, Onee-chan."
"Arigato" Ennoshita bowed slightly before going back to his homework again.
"However, see ya guys in the morning. And use protections." Saeko yelled before shutting the door behind her and leaving them alone.
"Ah, Im sorry" Tanaka muffled while the heat raised in his cheeks.
"Dont worry about it." Ennoshita answered languidly.
Without any more words they continued their study session.
He didnt know why but Ennoshita seemed much colder and quiet today. Maybe Tanaka was wrong, was just assuming things, Chikara was probably just tired.

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