Zuko x sokka

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He honestly shouldn't have been that turned on by Zuko's stares from across the meeting room table, but how could he not be when Zuko was so goddamn attractive.

Aang couldn't be taking longer to explain their next plan of action to finish their current mission. Sokka couldn't ignore the tightness of his pants any longer, it didn't help that Zuko kept smirking at him. He knew exactly how to fluster Sokka, not that he was complaining, but this wasn't the right time.

Sokka stood up from his chair making sure to cover his crotch with his shirt, ignoring the amused look Zuko gave him.

Katara pulled at his sleeve. "Sokka sit down. The meeting's not over yet. "

"I just gotta go pee okay, "he sputtered.

"Are you okay man? "Aang questioned him, "Your face is really red. "

"Yeah, "Zuko chimed in, smirking. "What's wrong Sokka? "

He would punch Zuko if he wasn't so in love with him. Sokka was way too pent-up to carry on this conversation, especially if Zuko kept saying his name like that. He desperately wanted to have Zuko touch him, he needed it.

"Yeah, "he muttered, walking to the room's exit, "I just need a moment. "

Sokka went to the nearest office in the building, it was the fire nation's main palace so he knew his way around. After all, he basically lived here since he spent most of his time by Zuko's side. He couldn't get enough of him.

He sank into a chair and quickly pulled down his fly. He just had to take care of this before the meeting ended and they came looking for him. Then Zuko could pick up where he left off later. Thank god Toph had skipped out on today's meeting, that would have been hard to explain.

As soon as his pants hit the floor the office door flew open and Zuko entered the room, closing the door behind him.

"Zuko! Geez, can you knock? "He stammered, face growing redder.

Zuko chuckled, and it went straight to his dick. This was going to be the death of him. He stood up and began to pull his pants back up when a hand at his waist stopped him. He looked up to meet Zuko's golden eyes, they were filled with lust.

"You sure you want to put those back on? From what I can see, "he looked down at Sokka's bulging underwear, "you have a little something that needs to be taken care of."

Why did he have to be so smooth? Sokka couldn't take it anymore, the closeness was only making him more desperate for Zuko's love. He yearned to be held by him.

He closed the distance between them, dropping his pants in the process. They kissed passionately and deeply, savoring every moment they had with each other. Every touch.

Sokka pulled away, "Should we really do this now? What if someone walks in? "

Zuko laughed against his lips, "Don't worry love, the meeting already ended. Plus, I remembered to lock the door. "

Sokka pouted. "In my defense, I was focused on something else. "

"Oh really, and what was that? "

"I think you know what I'm talking about. "

Zuko pulled them into another kiss, this time picking him up from his thighs and setting him on the shorter end of the room's desk. He slipped in between Sokka's already spread legs, palming him through his underwear.

Sokka moaned into his mouth while Zukko continued to touch him, his back arching into the other's chest. Pressing himself further into Zuko's palm. He nearly whined when Zuko pulled away, but his disappointment was quickly replaced with arousal when Zuko pulled off his clothes leaving only his shirt.

Zuko returned to Sokka and pulled his underwear off and through it to the floor. It was a little embarrassing being so vulnerable, but he trusted Zuko with his life, he knew he wouldn't hurt him. He was about to turn around when a hand grabbed at his wrist.

"And what do you think you're doing? "Zuko teased him.

Sokka felt his face burn, had he misread the situation? After all, it did seem like the classic "bend over" scenario.

"W-what? "He breathed.

Zuko pinned both of his hands behind his back and began to stroke up and down Sokka's shaft. He bit at his lip to stop himself from making a lewd noise.

The man above him smirked, "Don't turn around, I want to watch your pretty face when I make you feel good. "

Sokka began to openly moan as Zuko started stroking with his entire hand, only stopping to pull off Sokka's shirt, then continuing.

They went on like that for a while until Zuko opened one of the desk's drawers and pulled out a small bottle of lube.

"Saving that for emergencies? " Sokka teased him.

"More like saving it for you."

Zuko put the lubricant over Sokkas already wet hole, just to be safe. Then tossed the bottle aside, grabbed his thighs roughly, and lined up his dick before pushing the head in.

"Fu~ uk Zuko, "Sokka gasped.

Sokka's back arched off of the table as his boyfriend began to pick up the pace. They had done this many times before, but he never got used to how good Zuko was at it.

He pinned Sokka's hands above his head while keeping the same pace. "You okay?"

Sokka wrapped his legs around his back, "Y-eah just don't st-op!"

Zuko hummed in agreement and began to go faster and faster, praising Sokka the entire time. He wasn't going to last much longer. Zuko began to leave a trail of marks on his neck as they went on. Sokka could feel him self getting closer, if Zuko didn't slow down he wasn't going to make it.

"Shit, Zuko~ I'm." He moaned, "I'm gunna-"

"Me too."

They both finished in sinc, riding out the end of their high. Zuko pulled out but remained poised on top of Sokka.

"You're so amazing," Zuko whispered in his ear.

Sokka laughed, "I love you."

"Love you too."

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