Nya x jay (kinda jay x cole)

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Insomnia was something Nya had often dealt with. Being exhausted during the day came with that. Although that plus heat cycles, it was maddening to say the least. It wasn't exactly the best situation either since she had two boyfriends. While Cole could somewhat manage to keep his composure he sometimes found himself accidentally grinding against her when too close. He is attentive to her needs and understands she wants her space. Even though that meant his only outlet was a pillow. Jay as well, afterall they were sexually frustrated and dating, why not? Jay, despite being completely inexperienced in all of this, also managed to not do anything stupid. Although Cole knows that a minute alone, Jay's scratching at the door to Nya's room begging to be let inside. It's happened before but he's not letting it happen again. This heat episode would be a breeze...if it weren't for the fact that Jay got a little too curious.

Cole made the mistake of dozing off after drinking NyQuil. The spring always started up his allergies and he would get sudden fevers. Jay tucked Cole into the couch and tip-toed away. He opened the door to the guest room where they were quarantining Nya. There she was, sleeping with a pillow between her legs. She was red and sweaty and frowning a bit.

She really tried humping a pillow! Jay thought to himself as he snickered. He closed the door and got on the bed next to her. The sudden shift in weight woke Nya up, startling her as she jolted up.

"Woah hey, it's just me," Jay laughed softly. Nya blinked for a minute, rubbing her eyes.

"What is it? I don't want to eat anything," Jay rubbed himself against her body, sending shivers down each other's spine. "Cole's asleep huh?" Nya yawned, stretching her back. Jay had to restrain himself from not mounting her right then and there, but knew that fast advances led to nothing but fighting.

"Y-yeah uh...just thought i'd...help you," She placed her head under his, trying to get under him. Woah this is easier than I thought ? Jay, still cautious, let Nya slip under his arms and place her hips under his waist.

"Okay do your thing," she said, resting her head onto the bed, raising her lower back closet to him.

"What thing?"

"Fucking?" Jay went red.

"Uhhh, how?" Nya frowned, looking up at him.

"What do you mean, how? Have you never done this before?"

"No!" Jay blurted out, moving away from Nya. She sat up.

"Are you kidding me? I've heard you and Cole screaming through the walls!"

"Well yeah but...I'm not the one doing anything,"

"It can't be that hard! It's just going in and out,"

"No, Cole said it more than that,"

"Oh right my bad, I left out the up down left right left right that accompanies it,"

"Not funny," Jay frowns, his ear twitching.

"Okay you remember that, what else?"

"He told me warming up to it is the important thing,"

"You did that?"

"I dunno it just feels..." he looks at the bed, "Kinda awkward?" He smiled embarrassed. Nya kept her annoyed and stern look. Jay frowned back, "Oh c'mon! Don't act like this is awkward to you either!" Nya shook her head.

"It isn't?"

"Okay well everyone's first time is different!"

"This isn't my first time," Nya said, confused. "You've slept with my brother trying to get me jealous! Are you really just letting Cole and Kai toss your ass like a salad and not learn the ropes?"

"I mean yeah...I also slept with Zane too," there was a split second of silence but Nya then snorted in laughter. Jay couldn't help but laugh as well. "You slept with everyone ,"

"Yeah huh? And I still don't know how it's done. I was the one getting done," With that being said, Nya got an idea. And with the smirk clear on her face, Jay couldn't help but get a bit nervous. "W-what's so funny?"

"Lay down,"


"On your back, c'mon. Hurry," Jay scrambled to grab a pillow and place it facing to door. Apparently he wasn't fast enough so Nya pushed him, straddling him.

"Woah jeez," he said a bit annoyed. Nya leaned down the nip at at neck, forcing his legs over her waist. " Woah jeez ," he said breathlessly followed by a soft moan as Nya dragged her hand to his crotch. She pulled his boxers down with his shorts to his ankles. Jay helped by using his foot to pull down her sweatpants and boxers. She wrapped her hand around his cock and started sliding her hand up and down. Jay arched his back and he let out a shaky moan.

"Faster?" Jay nodded furiously. She put her thumb out dragging it along the bottom as Jay pulled at his own hair.

" H-holy f-fu-uh..uh," Jay couldn't even get the words out of his mouth as his hips twitched. She suddenly stopped as a knot finally forming at the bottom of Jay's dick. "Why'd you stop?"

"Oh nothing," she smirked, lining herself to his dick, "Just thought we'd change the pace a bit,"

— — —

Cole groaned as woke up in a daze. His head was spinning, his vision blurry, he was all sweaty and worst of all, he had one nostril clogged. He sniffed as he reached for his tissue box to blow his nose and pushed off his blanket... since when did I have a blanket? Cole sat up and stretched as he looked around the living room. Aw, Jay tucked me in. How sweet . He got up, stretched his legs and looked out the window. It was dark out. He looked at the oven clock from across the living room into the kitchen.


Oh shit , he thought, I slept 2 hours, maybe Jay went to go buy that—FSM I LEFT JAY ALONE FOR 2 HOURS !

"JaAAAY," Cole almost skidded across the wooden floor as he rushed to Nya's quarantine room. As he struggled to open the door he heard a loud and shaky moan that sounded like it belong to Jay.

"F-fa-faster! Faster, please—Gahh!" Jay, definitely Jay. Cole slammed the door open to see Jay's sweat red face buried into a pillow facing the door. His entire torso stretched towards Nya. She had his arms tightly wrapped around his shoulders while she hit down the back of his neck holding him in place. Cole's presence only seemed to mildly annoy Nya who didn't stop thrusting. In fact she seem to have followed Jay's breathless pleads and began thrusting faster. Jay seem to finally notice Cole.


"C-Cole—?! It not—Hngh!" Jay eyes rolled into the back of his skull. His face forced into the pillow.

"It's exactly what it fucking looks like! Nya, stop it!" Cole went over to separate them but Nya hissed at him. "That's enough!" Cole just barely managed to place his hand on her shoulder as she snapped around to bite him, drawing blood. "Shit!" Cole hissed, immediately licking the wound. Cole backed away from her, not wanting to risk a fight or hurting Jay. He sighed in both frustration and anger. Jay back arched, his legs writhing and Nya seemed to bite down harder, panting.

"F-fuck—!" His voice cracked, whiny and dry from what was a possible 2-hour fucking session. Nya seemed to also moan as well but not letting go of his neck forcing Jay deeper inside her; securing Jay's knot in her. Jay felt flat on his stomach, his ass slightly raised to Nya's crotch.

"You idiots!"

"Fuck you," Nya panted, her eyes tired yet angry, "I couldn't take another day like that,"

"FSM," Cole dug his fingers into his hair. Nya only rolled her eyes as she nuzzled the neck of a twitching Jay. "I can't believe it. I can not believe this—You both are in serious trouble!" Nya huffed in annoyance although Jay didn't seem to react to anything.

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