Chapter One: Welcome To Woodsboro

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Jade stood in the middle of the room as she swept the floors of the bakery she worked at,  as her last coworker put their apron on the hook. "I'm heading out, you sure you're okay with me leaving early?"

Jade nodded, dumping the trash that was in the dustpan. "Yeah, just got to take the trash out and then I'll lock up."

"See you tomorrow?" He asked, staring down at his feet while struggling to change into normal shoes.

"No Heather gave me off for awhile, I've been struggling with some school work." Jade laughed, knowing damn well that it was her fault for slacking on assignments. If she wanted to graduate she had to make sure her assignments were done by the end of the week... all twenty-two of them.

"Okay well I'll see you when you get back. Goodnight." he smiled, walking out the front door with a wave.

"Bye." Jade muttered, tying the last garbage bag. She replaced the bag and began picking the heavy plastic bags up, but she was interrupted when her phone started ringing. Jade put the bags down and reached into her pocket, she noticed that the number wasn't in her contacts.  "Hello?" Jade asked, answering the phone.

"Hello Jade..." a voice snickered, going quiet after saying the girls name. It sounded like they were using the voice filter from the stab movies, well more commonly the one used in the Woodsboro killings.

"That's me." Jade spoke, putting her phone between her ear and her shoulder before picking the bags up and kicking the back door open. "Who is this?"

"A friend you could say..." they muttered, the smile on their face could be heard by the tone of their voice.

Jade threw the bags in the bin and sighed, "Listen whoever this is, I'm trying to work so could you please not call this number again? And this little prank isn't funny." Jade sternly spoke, hanging up the phone, turning it off and putting it in her pocket. The sounds of cans scattering across the sidewalk made her jump slightly. "Damn animals." she muttered, walking back into the door while slamming it closed.  She made sure the lock clicked before walking to the front door where she heard the shop phone ring. "Do people not read the hours?" she made her way to the phone and turned on the voicemail mode. The phone going straight to voicemail. Jade quickly turned around to see that the back door that she swore she locked was now wide open, the cold breeze hitting her.

Jade slowly grabbed a knife from the counter before walking to the backdoor, "Jake if this is you I swear I will stab you!  This isn't funny." she shouted, peaking out the door into the parking lot. She let out a long breath as she quickly closed the door and locked it once more. She completely closed the shop and grabbed her bag, before walking out the door and towards the running car that was parked in the parking lot.

Once she got to the car she smiled at Wes who sat in the drivers seat, "Hello, thanks again for this. My cars gonna be in the shop for another day."

"It's all good, I don't mind." Wes said, unlocking the doors. Jade hurried in the seat and Wes started driving

Once they got to her house Wes handed her a taser, "Here I have four more at home."

"Why are you giving me this?" she laughed, looking down at the weapon.

"You never know when you can use one." Wes straight up replied, pushing out his arm again as a sign to take it.

Jade smiled. "Thanks." she mumbled, grabbing the taser and walking up the sidewalk to her front door. She reached for her keys and froze when she realized she must have forgotten to bring her keys today. The only thing she had was her phone that was on ten percent.

Jade quickly reached under the mat but the key that was usually there got removed since her mother was gone on a trip. She ran around the house and to her side door, "Please be open." she stated, turning the handle and pushing the door open, "Yay." she smiled, walking into her house and locking the door.

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