Chapter Eighteen: Finding The Past

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Jade felt like her legs were going to collapse as she was lead down to the ambulance. The sounds of sirens filled the area and the flashing lights made her look away from the vehicle that they were approaching. Chad stayed by her side, the boy not letting her out of his sight or letting go of her since he found her on the floor.

He helped her into the ambulance before checking up on his sister as well, since her girlfriend also died.

Jade stared at the ground, not talking or looking at anyone. Her body was filled with so much guilt, fear, and rage which caused her to go almost numb from the feelings.

People surrounded the yellow tape that the police put up, their phones were either pointed at the scene ahead or they were held up to their ears. She felt a hint of rage fill her as she stared at the people who were taking pictures or recording the place like it was some kind of game or entertainment purpose.

A blanket being wrapped around her body and a head laying on her shoulder pulled her away from the phones and towards Tara who held her knees to her chest as she used her friend for support. Neither of them spoke, but Jade putting her head on Tara's head was a confirmation that she was okay with Tara's actions.

Jade's eyes fell on Ethan, the boy appearing out of no where as he slowly approached the group, his eyes were on Chad. "Chad." he spoke.

Chad stormed up to Ethan and grabbed his shirt with both hands before slamming Ethan into the back of a car. "Where were you?"

"What? When?" Ethan asked, fear in his voice.

"Last night!" Chad asked, slamming him into the car once more.

"What? I had Econ, you know this!" Ethan replied, his voice shacking a bit.

"Bullshit man! You disappear and both my sister and girlfriend almost got killed!" Chad exclaimed, anger flowing through his eyes.

"Dude, i was in a study hall with a hundred other people... you can ask any of them." Ethan explained.

"Fuck man." Chad muttered, letting go of Ethan and walking backwards toward the ambulance.

Ethan turned to the alleyway that stood between Sam and Danny's apartment, Anika's body was laying in the middle of the alley. "Oh my god, who?"

"Anika, Quinn and.... Rachel." Chad hesitated, looking back to his girlfriend who was looking at Chad with a hint of tears. He slowly approached the the ambulance, Ethan slowly following. "Mindy.. Jade i'm so sorry."

"Take a step back." Mindy replied, grabbing onto Jade's hand as Ethan stopped in his tracks. "You're at the top of my list."

"Jade..." Ethan muttered but Jade didn't look at him, causing the boy to let out a breath. "I had econ!"

No one replied, they just all looked away from the boy until Detective Bailey came out from the apartment building. Everyone had sadness in their eyes as the watched the man grief for his daughter.

"I'm gonna be right back." Tara spoke, patting both Mindy and Jade on the legs before walking up to her sister who was also going towards the detective.

Mindy squeezed Jade's hand causing her to look up at her friend. "We'll get through this... we're going to make this son of a bitch pay." she stated, causing Jade to nod and bring the girl into an embrace.

That's when she noticed that Gale Weathers was now standing with Detective Bailey, Sam and Tara. The four of them having a conversation that Jade couldn't hear.

"Holy shit is that... Kirby Reed?" Mindy asked, her eyes wide.

Jade moved her eyes over to Kirby who was walking up to the other group. The group had a conversation until they turned to the group in the ambulance. Sam walked up to them, "We know where they're hiding."

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